Renderer Component plugin modules are available in Confluence 2.8 and later.
Renderer Component plugins allow you to add additional processors when converting wiki markup to HTML
This document concerns plugging renderer components into Confluence. The implementation of renderer components themselves is not documented.
Renderer component plugins were added to Confluence to make certain development tasks easier inside Atlassian. They are documented here for Atlassian developers, and for the sake of completeness, but we do not recommend customers add their own plugins to this area. The wiki markup rendering process is quite fragile, and simple changes can have wide-reaching effects.
In other words, you're on your own here.
Here's a sample atlassian-plugin.xml fragment:
1 2<renderer-component key="foo" name="Foo Renderer" class="com.example.frobozz.FooRendererComponent" weight="1000"> <description>Convert foo markup to HTML</description> </renderer-component>
The class referred to by the module descriptor must implement one of the following interfaces:
This allows you to provide either a component directly, or a factory that can be used to instantiate more complex components. If you are using a factory, you can provide arbitrary parameters that will be passed to the factory when the component is instantiated:
1 2<renderer-component key="foo" name="Foo Renderer" class="com.example.frobozz.FooRendererComponentFactory" weight="1000"> <param name="animal">monkey</param> <param name="vegetable">lettuce</param> <param name="mineral">quartz</param> </renderer-component>
These parameters will be passed into the factory's instantiate method as a Map<String, String>.
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