Jira Data Center Front-end API

Jira Data Center allows you to interact with its JavaScript API and resources to facilitate building apps. It also includes guarantees we make to ensure the stability of front-end components and their development.

Accessing the APIs

Jira exposes its front-end API via jira-frontend-api plugin. To use it in AMD (either with require or define), you must add the dependencies to your <web-resource> entries that rely on a given API module. As an example for jQuery, <dependency>jira-frontend-api:jquery</dependency>.

If you are using a supported bundler, such as webpack with webresource-webpack-plugin, you can add API modules to the providedDependencies. This will automatically add the necessary XML entries when you import a given module.


Jira Data Center front-end API consists of selected modules exposed via AMD and can be accessed with the global require function. It accepts an array of module names and gives a reference to the dependencies in a callback function.

require(['jira/api/jquery', 'jira/api/version', 'mycompany/app-init'], function($, jiraVersion, initApp) {
  // requested modules can be accessed now

To load a module, you must explicitly include it as a <dependency> in a <web-resource> entry. See the Web Resource Plugin Module documentation for details.


To create your own module, you can specify it with define function:

define('mycompany/things/helper', ['some', 'module', 'dependencies'], function(some, module, dependencies) {
  var helper = { ... };
  return helper;

We recommend to prefix your module definition with your company or app name to avoid clashing with other apps.

You must not use jira/, aui/, atlassian/, and any prefix used by an Atlassian product, because they are reserved prefixes.

Transitive dependencies

We don’t support accessing a resource or API without specifying it as a dependency in a web-resource for the app. You must call APIs explicitly in the require function or as a dependency in the define function.

Notice that Jira private implementation, function signatures, and dependencies might change between bugfix releases, so any transitive dependency may cease to exist.


define('mycompany/moduleA', ['jira/api/version'], function(jiraVersion) {
  const value = jQuery("#mycompany-feature input").val(); // illegal usage of jQuery, even if jQuery is used as a dependency for jira/api/version


define('mycompany/moduleA', ['jira/api/version', 'jira/api/jquery'], function(jiraVersion, jQuery) {
  const value = jQuery("#mycompany-feature input").val(); // correct - jQuery specified as dependency

You should also specify the dependencies in your <web-resource>, typically in atlassian-plugin.xml:

<web-resource key="..." name="...">
    <resource .../>

Web Resource contexts

Web Resource Manager contexts are a popular way to add front-end resources (CSS, JS) to a page. The usage of wide and already full contexts might slow down Jira significantly and affect pages that are not actively taking advantage of your app’s capabilities.

We discourage using cross-screen contexts usually with the atl. prefix (atl.general in particular). Instead, you should use specific, page-level contexts for your app. This mitigates the impact of your app on Jira's performance.

Contexts spanning multiple pages may be altered even between Jira bugfix releases, whereas those starting with jira. or atl.jira (specialized, page-level contexts) will be changed only in feature releases. We’ll announce such changes and new contexts with the affected EAP releases. The addition or the removal of contexts may be introduced in Jira feature releases.

Check WRM Resource loading phases how to utilize various Resource phases and load your JS in a non-blocking way.

Web Resource deprecation

Pay attention to the restricted and deprecated tags in web resources you load, especially those outside the official API. These keywords indicate the support status of the dependencies.

Note that in case of AUI dependencies, the deprecation status corresponds to the AUI version, not the Jira version.

However, most of the resources relate to a Jira version. For example:

<deprecated since="8.4.0" remove="9.0.0" alternative="jira.webresources:marionette-4.1">
    Use marionette 4.1 for more performant views and cleaner API

For more information, see web resource documentation.

You can expect that this resource is not stable or guaranteed to appear, even in a bugfix release after deprecated version. Such message will appear in development console:

[DEPRECATED] "com.atlassian.auiplugin:jquery-spin" has been deprecated since 8.0.0 and will be removed in 10.0.0. Use com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-spinner instead. Using <aui-spinner/> through jQuery is deprecated. Create a spinner element directly. (required by "com.mycompany.plugin:feature")

DOM tree

Many apps rely on our DOM structure to fetch data. Instead, public REST API or WRM data providers should be used whenever possible. Using the DOM tree to store or to get information is discouraged.

To support app vendors, Jira developers commit to announce major DOM tree structure or stylesheet changes with EAP releases.

AUI components

Atlassian supports the AUI user interface library. You might want to use it to provide a seamless UI experience with your app.

To use AUI components, an app must specify the AUI component web-resource key as a dependency for a given <web-resource> where the AUI component is used.

AUI components provide you with both a web resource key and an AMD module key. For example, to use a banner, you need to add it as a dependency:


Then, require its AMD module in your code:

define('mycompany/feature', ['aui/banner'], function (banner) {
    body: 'Your <strong>license has expired!</strong> There are two days left to <a href="#">renew your license</a>.'

You might notice AMD modules with names related to AUI or wrappers over these components, but we don’t recommend to use these in your apps (internal modules such as jira/ajs/...). Internal Jira APIs might be unstable between bugfix releases.

Jira API modules

The following table lists available modules:

DependencyAMD moduleDescription
jira-frontend-api:almondn/aProvides AMD support by exposing define and require global functions. You don’t typically need to depend on Almond as it’s provided by default. However, it may be required if you build the custom page.
jira-frontend-api:versionjira/api/versionThe module allows to #get the current Jira version, as well as #compare and #isGreaterThanOrEqualTo the current Jira version with a provided one.
jira-frontend-api:jira-eventsjira/api/eventsProvides Jira-namespaced event bus.
jira/api/events/reasonsProvides a dictionary of reasons for events being triggered in Jira, such as panelRefreshed.
jira/api/events/typesProvides a dictionary of event types, such as NEW_CONTENT_ADDED.

Code sharing

To decrease page load times, avoid using your own versions of popular libraries like jQuery. Apart from performance reasons, some libraries keep the internal state (e.g. jQuery) or are coupled with its particular instance (e.g. the usage of instanceof in backbone). As a result, for compatibility, interoperability, and better performance, we recommend re-using libraries provided by the API.

Regular modules for the common libraries are versioned up to the minor version (x.y), for example under the jira-frontend-api:react-18.3 web-resource Jira provides React 18.3.1, at the time of writing. The patch version (aka bugfix) can be changed at any time, for example the same web-resource can provide React 18.3.2 in the future.

The alias modules are versioned up to the major version (x), for example under the jira-frontend-api:react-18 web-resource Jira provides React 18.3.1, at the time of writing. The minor version can be changed at any time, for example the same web-resource can provide React 18.4.0 in the future.

The following table lists available modules:

DependencyAMD moduleDescription
jira-frontend-api:jqueryjira/api/jqueryProvides jQuery used across Jira. Current version: 2.2.4 with patches.
jira-frontend-api:underscore-1.13jira/api/underscore-1.13Provides Underscore 1.13.x. Current version: 1.13.6.
jira-frontend-api:backbone-1.6jira/api/backbone-1.6Provides Backbone.js 1.6.x. Current version: 1.6.0.
jira-frontend-api:react-18.3jira/api/react-18.3Provides React 18.3.x. Current version: 18.3.1.
jira-frontend-api:react-18jira/api/react-18Alias module. Provides React 18.x. Current version: 18.3.1.
jira-frontend-api:react-dom-18.3jira/api/react-dom-18.3Provides React-DOM 18.3.x. Current version: 18.3.1.
jira-frontend-api:react-dom-18jira/api/react-dom-18Alias module. Provides React-DOM 18.x. Current version: 18.3.1.

The following table lists deprecated modules:

DependencyAMD moduleDescription
jira-frontend-api:jquery-2.2.4jira/api/jquery-2.2.4Deprecated. Use jira-frontend-api:jquery (jira/api/jquery AMD) instead.
jira-frontend-api:underscore-1.8jira/api/underscore-1.8Deprecated. Use jira-frontend-api:underscore-1.13 (jira/api/underscore-1.13 AMD) instead.
jira-frontend-api:react-16jira/api/react-16.8Deprecated. Use jira-frontend-api:react-18.3 (jira/api/react-18.3 AMD). Provides React 16.8.x. Current version: 16.8.6.
jira/api/react-16Deprecated. Use jira-frontend-api:react-18 (jira/api/react-18 AMD). Alias module. Provides React 16.x. Current version: 16.8.6.
jira-frontend-api:react-dom-16jira/api/react-dom-16.8Deprecated. Use jira-frontend-api:react-dom-18.3 (jira/api/react-dom-18.3 AMD). Provides React-DOM 16.8.x. Current version: 16.8.6.
jira/api/react-dom-16Deprecated. Use jira-frontend-api:react-dom-18 (jira/api/react-dom-18 AMD). Alias module. Provides React-DOM 16.x. Current version: 16.8.6.

Recommendations and good practices

While it’s possible to access all DOM content, stylesheet rules, global JavaScript methods, and all WRM resources available through the plugin system, such behavior is discouraged.

Internal modules

We don’t recommend to use modules starting with jira other than the ones on the API list (jira/api).

Method names preceded by an underscore (_) should be considered private and unstable.

Performant and non-intrusive apps

Check WRM Resource loading phases how to utilize various Resource phases and load your JS in a non-blocking way.

Entering into force

This contract will enter into force with first public release of Jira 9.0.0.

We would like to hear your feedback. Ask your questions using the jira-data-center and jiradc-frontend-api tags on the Developers Forums.


Changes to this contract and API modules are also shared as changelog entries:

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