Last updated Oct 5, 2022

Developing for Atlassian Government Cloud?

This content is written with standard cloud development in mind. To learn about developing for Atlassian Government Cloud, go to our Atlassian Government Cloud developer portal.

Check incident updates

Incidents are disruptive for you, your team, and your users. Staying updated is critical.

While we strive to reduce incident rate and severity, we also want to share how and where you can get updates.

Here you can find:

  • How to check if your issue is an incident
  • How incident severity level affects communications
  • Where to get major and minor incident updates

Stay updated on how we’re improving Ecosystem & Marketplace Platform Stability & Reliability.

If you meet the eligibility requirements (one paid-via-Atlassian app and a private domain), apply for Partner Portal access. In the Partner resources section, select Access the Partner Portal.

How to check if your issue is an incident

If your issue requires an emergency response from Atlassian, it may be classified as an incident.

This could be due to:

  • A critical failure for your app
  • A critical issue affecting your Atlassian Marketplace business
  • An actual or suspected security issue affecting your app

If your issue does not require an emergency response but is urgent or important in nature do not use Severity "P1 - Critical".

Instead, select the relevant Severity at Developer and Marketplace support. In the ticket submission form, select the issue's severity, from P2 to P4.

Incident severity level and communications

We categorize the severity level of an issue when we identify one, or you report one at Developer and Marketplace support.

The severity level influences how and when we share incident communications.

There are three severity (Sev) categories:

  • Sev 1 – Critical
  • Sev 2 – Major
  • Sev 3 – Minor

To learn about severity levels, check out Incident severity definitions.

Major incident updates

You can check major Ecosystem incidents (Sev 1 and 2) updates on Atlassian developer status page.

Major incidents have a dedicated major incident manager (MIM).

MIMs address the issue and share communications. Detail and frequency will depend on the level of impact.

For major incidents, MIMs:

  • Are on-call 24/7, on a global rotation
  • Decide if/when the status page(s) gets updated, depending on the incident impact
  • Update the status page(s) whilst also working to fix the incident itself

Check the status page for major incident updates

Check the developer status page for incident updates affecting developers.

This status page is updated whenever a major incident is:

  • Identified
  • Updated
  • Resolved

You can also check the Atlassian status page for major product incidents. Depending on the impact, these incidents can affect both partners and other Atlassian customers.

Subscribe to a status page to stay updated via:

  • Email
  • Text message
  • Slack message
  • Webhook notification
  • Atom or RSS feed

Select whether you’d like updates on specific components, products, or the entire page.

Minor incident updates

Atlassian ecosystem incidents classified as minor (Sev 3) vary greatly in impact.

Unlike major incidents, minor ones don't have a major incident manager (MIM).

These incidents are a high priority during the normal, local working hours for the Atlassian team addressing the issue.

While the developer status page is the best place to first check for minor incident updates, it depends on the overall impact. Public updates may not be shared so Atlassian teams can focus on resolving the issue as soon as possible.

If your incident is not on the status page

Submit a ticket at Developer and Marketplace support:

  • Beneath Report an issue, select "Ecosystem Support Request".

You'll receive incident updates on your ticket

After you submit a support request

  1. Your request gets sent to triage.
  2. If your issue is confirmed to be an incident, it gets reported to the relevant engineering team.
  3. Depending on the impact, a severity level is assigned.

For updates, check the:

If an incident is escalated elsewhere, you'll be redirected to these sources so it can be officially reported and monitored by our team.

Channels such as Slack and the Developer Community are great resources to discuss incidents. Providing feedback in these forums helps us learn and improve so we can reduce the impact of incidents for you and your customers.

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