

get a web trigger URL


1 Usage: forge webtrigger [options]


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --verbose enable verbose mode -f, --functionKey [function] web trigger key from the manifest.yml file -s, --site [site] site URL (example.atlassian.net) -p, --product [product] product (Jira, Confluence, Compass, Bitbucket) -e, --environment [environment] specify the environment (see your default environment by running forge settings list) -h, --help display help for command


The forge webtrigger command provides you with a web trigger URL for a Forge function. To do this, you must first configure the function to be invoked by a web trigger in your app's manifest.yml file. See Web trigger API for instructions on how to do that.

After successfully deploying and configuring the Forge function, you can now run forge webtrigger. This command requires:

  • The key of the Forge function (from the manifest), that will be invoked with a web trigger.
  • The installation context of the installation in which the Forge function will run. This includes the site, product and Forge environment contexts in which your app is installed, visible by running forge install list in your app's top-level directory.

The command uses this information to generate and display a URL that can be used to invoke that function in that particular installation. Running forge webtrigger multiple times for the same installation context and function will display the same URL.


By default, Forge does not authenticate web trigger URLs. You’ll need to implement your own authentication inside the trigger itself. For example, you can add a check for an Authorization header in the request and validate any provided token.


forge webtrigger

This will prompt you for the installation context (where your function will run) and the webtrigger function to invoke. The command will then generate and display a URL you can use to invoke that function.

forge webtrigger --functionKey <function-key-from-manifest>

This lets you directly enter the key of the Forge function to invoke, then prompts you for the installation context. The command will then generate and display a URL you can use to invoke that function.


When using a significant number of granular scopes, the authorization flow for OAuth 2.0 apps and the webTrigger.getUrl Forge requests may fail with a 414 Request-URI Too Large response, a 500 status code, a java exception for request header is too large or the error Failed to get web trigger URL: Request Entity Too Large.

To address this, use a smaller number of granular scopes or use non-granular scopes.

Further information

  • forge install list - Reference for the forge install list command, which you use to view the installation contexts your app is installed in.

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