Connect module equivalents

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    This page discusses Forge modules that have equivalent modules in the Connect framework. The tables below show the Forge modules that have already been released, as well as the ones that are upcoming on our engineering roadmap.

    Released modules

    The following tables show Connect modules with equivalent Forge modules that have already been released.

    Cross-product modules

    Connect moduleForge moduleForge module description
    webhook (Confluence) (Jira) (Bitbucket)triggerThe trigger module invokes a function when a product event is fired. For example, as the result of an issue being created in Jira.

    Jira modules

    Connect moduleForge moduleForge module description


    jira:adminPageThe jira:adminPage module adds an item in the Apps section of the left navigation of Jira admin settings. When the item is clicked, content is rendered on a new Jira page. It can be used to add a configure page or get started page. jira:backlogAction module adds a menu item to the more actions (•••) menu for the Jira backlog view. When the menu item is clicked, the associated Forge app for the module is rendered.
    jira:boardActionThe jira:boardAction module adds a menu item to the more actions (•••) menu for the Jira board view. When the menu item is clicked, the associated Forge app for the module is rendered.

    jira:sprintActionThe jira:sprintAction module adds a menu item to the actions (•••) menu on a sprint card in the backlog view. When the menu item is clicked, the associated Forge app for the module is rendered.
    generalPagesjira:globalPageThe jira:globalPage module adds an item in the Apps section of the main navigation. When the item is clicked, content is rendered on a new Jira page.
    jiraIssueFieldjira:customFieldThe jira:customField module creates a new custom field in Jira, which makes it easier for users to add information to issues, specific to their teams' needs.
    jira.issue.toolsjira:issueActionThe jira:issueAction module adds a menu item to the more actions ••• menu on the issue view. When the menu item is clicked, the module’s function renders a modal dialog.


    jira:issueGlanceThe jira:issueGlance module adds an issue glance to Jira, which is content that is shown/hidden in an issue by clicking a button. The button for the issue glance is placed alongside fields such as Assignee and Labels.
    jira.navigator.pluggable.itemsjira:issueNavigatorActionThe jira:issueNavigatorAction module adds a menu item to the apps menu on the issue navigator view. When the menu item is clicked, based on the action type the module’s function renders a modal or runs a background task.
    jiraIssueContextsjira:issueContextThe jira:issueContext module adds a collapsible panel under the other fields on the right side of the issue view. These panels give your users a quick way to get information related to the issue from your app.
    jiraIssueTabPanelsjira:issueActivityThe jira:issueActivity module adds an item to the Activity panel of Jira issues.


    jira:issuePanelThe jira:issuePanel module adds an issue panel to a Jira issue when a configured button is clicked. The content of the module is shown above the Activity panel on a Jira issue.
    jiraWorkflowValidatorsjira:workflowValidatorThe jira:workflowValidator module creates a workflow validator that can be configured on workflow transitions in company-managed projects.
    jiraWorkflowConditionsjira:workflowConditionThe jira:workflowCondition module creates a workflow condition that can be configured on workflow transitions in company-managed projects.
    jiraWorkflowPostFunctionsjira:workflowPostFunctionThe jira:workflowPostFunction module carries out any additional processing required after a Jira workflow transition is executed in a company-managed project.
    jiraProjectPagesjira:projectPageThe ProjectPage component renders content on a Jira page, which can be accessed from an option in the Apps section of the left navigation of Jira company-managed project settings.
    jiraProjectAdminTabPanelsjira:projectSettingsPageThe jira:projectSettingsPage module adds an item to the project settings sidebar.

    jira:dashboardGadgetThe jira:dashboardGadget module creates a dashboard gadget that is displayed on the Dashboards page.
    entityPropertyjira:entityPropertyThe jira:entityProperty module requests that fields of an entity property are indexed by Jira to make the fields available to query in JQL.
    globalPermissionjira:globalPermissionThe jira:globalPermission module allows you to define custom global permissions for Jira.
    projectPermissionjira:projectPermissionThe jira:projectPermission module allows you to define custom project permissions for Jira.
    jqlFunctionjira:jqlFunctionThe jira:jqlFunction module allows you to define custom JQL functions.
    userProfileMenujira:personalSettingsPageThe jira:personalSettingsPage module allows you to create a page where users can change their personal settings related to your app.
    jiraTimeTrackingProviderjira:timeTrackingProviderThe jira:timeTrackingProvider module allows you to define custom time tracking providers.

    Confluence modules

    Connect moduleForge moduleForge module description

    macroThe macro module inserts dynamic content into the user interface via an editor. Editor macros are only compatible with the Atlassian editor. All cloud sites use the Atlassian editor by default.
    contentBylineItemsconfluence:contentBylineItemThe confluence:contentBylineItem module adds an entry to the content byline section, which is the part of the content under the title that includes metadata about contributors and more.


    confluence:globalSettingsThe confluence:globalSettings module adds a link to the left navigation menu in Confluence global settings. It can be used to add a configure page or get started page.
    generalPagesconfluence:globalPageThe confluence:globalPage module displays content in place of a Confluence page. Each module appears as a link in the main navigation menu in the Apps section, and the title of each module is used as the title of the link.
    spaceToolsTabsconfluence:spaceSettings The confluence:spaceSettings module adds a tab inside the integration settings of a Confluence space. Clicking the tab shows the module's content.



    confluence:contentActionThe confluence:contentAction module adds a menu item to the more actions (•••) menu for pages and blogs. When the menu item is clicked, the module’s function renders a modal dialog.
    page.view.selection/action-panelconfluence:contextMenuThe confluence:contextMenu module displays an entry in the context menu when a user selects some text on a page or blog.
    atl.dashboard.secondaryconfluence:homepageFeedThe confluence:homepageFeed module displays content in the right panel of the Confluence Home page. Each module represents a separate section in the panel, and the title of each module is used as a section title.
    customContentconfluence:customContentThe confluence:customContent module registers a new custom content type in Confluence that behaves like built-in content types, such as page, blog post or comment.
    keyboardShortcutskeyboardShortcutKeyboard shortcuts, also known as accelerators, are memorable key combinations that allow users to trigger a Forge module quickly and easily.

    Jira Service Management modules

    Connect moduleForge moduleForge module description
    serviceDeskOrganizationPanelsjiraServiceManagement:organizationPanelThe jiraServiceManagement:organizationPanel module adds a panel at the bottom of customer portal pages.
    serviceDeskPortalFooterjiraServiceManagement:portalFooterThe jiraServiceManagement:portalFooter module adds a panel at the bottom of customer portal pages.
    serviceDeskPortalHeaderjiraServiceManagement:portalHeaderThe jiraServiceManagement:portalHeader module adds a panel at the top of customer portal pages.
    serviceDeskPortalSubHeaderjiraServiceManagement:portalSubheader The jiraServiceManagement:portalSubheader module adds a panel rendered underneath the title of customer portal pages.
    serviceDeskPortalProfilePaneljiraServiceManagement:portalProfilePanelThe jiraServiceManagement:portalProfilePanel module adds a panel to the Profile page in customer portal.
    serviceDeskPortalRequestCreatePropertyPaneljiraServiceManagement:portalRequestCreatePropertyPanelThe jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestCreatePropertyPanel module enables apps to save arbitrary data during request creation as Jira issue properties. The content of the module is shown on a portal request creation form.
    serviceDeskPortalRequestViewActionjiraServiceManagement:portalRequestViewActionThe jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestViewAction module adds an item to the action panel in request details page of customer portal.
    serviceDeskPortalRequestViewDetailsPaneljiraServiceManagement:portalRequestDetailThe jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestDetail module adds a panel to a portal request. The content of the module is shown below the Activity panel on a portal request.
    serviceDeskPortalRequestViewPaneljiraServiceManagement:portalRequestDetailPanelThe jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestDetailPanel module adds a panel to a portal request in side panel. The content of the module is shown at the bottom of request side panel.
    serviceDeskPortalUserMenuActionjiraServiceManagement:portalUserMenuActionThe jiraServiceManagement:portalUserMenuAction module adds an item the user menu of customer portal.

    jiraServiceManagement:queuePageThe jiraServiceManagement:queuePage module adds an item in the Apps section. You can find the Apps section in the left navigation of Queues in a service project.

    Bitbucket modules

    Connect moduleForge moduleForge module description
    The bitbucket:repoSettingsMenuPage module adds an item in the FORGE APPS section of the left navigation of Bitbucket repository settings menu. When the item is clicked, content is rendered on a new Bitbucket page.
    The bitbucket:workspaceSettingsMenuPage module adds an item in the FORGE APPS section of the left navigation of Bitbucket workspace settings menu. When the item is clicked, content is rendered on a new Bitbucket page.
    repoPagesbitbucket:repoMainMenuPage The bitbucket:repoMainMenuPage module adds a menu item at the bottom of the left navigation of Bitbucket repository pages. When the item is clicked, content is rendered on a new Bitbucket page.
    webCards bitbucket:repoCodeOverviewCard
    The bitbucket:repoCodeOverviewCard module adds a card on the right hand sidebar of the repository source page.
    The bitbucket:repoPullRequestCard module adds a card on the right hand sidebar of the pull request page.
    webPanels bitbucket:repoCodeOverviewPanel
    The bitbucket:repoCodeOverviewPanel module adds an expandable panel on the overview tab of the repo source page.
    The bitbucket:repoPullRequestOverviewPanel module adds an expandable panel on the overview tab of the pull request page.
    webItems at org.bitbucket.source.file.actions bitbucket:repoCodeOverviewAction
    The bitbucket:repoCodeOverviewAction module adds a menu item in the more actions (•••) menu on the repository source page. When the menu item is clicked, the module’s function renders a modal dialog.
    webItems at org.bitbucket.pullrequest.summary.actions bitbucket:repoPullRequestAction The bitbucket:repoPullRequestAction module adds a menu item in the more actions (•••) menu on the pull request page. When the menu item is clicked, the module’s function renders a modal dialog.

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