Theme Configuration

The themes can be configured via the Configuration link on the Choose Theme page on both the space and global level.

For example, the Left Navigation Theme allows for the specification of the title of the page which page should be used for navigation. The Struts module allows for developing complex configurations for themes, which can be saved in a config file.

Setting up the atlassian-plugin.xml

Configuration path parameter.

Specify the path to the configuration action in the atlassian-plugin.xml:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <theme key="dinosaurs" name="Dinosaur Theme" class="com.atlassian.confluence.themes.BasicTheme"> <description>A nice theme for the kids</description> <colour-scheme key="com.example.themes.dinosaur:earth-colours"/> <layout key="com.example.themes.dinosaur:main"/> <layout key="com.example.themes.corporate:mail-template"/> <param name="space-config-path" value="/themes/dinosaurs/configuretheme.action"/> <param name="global-config-path" value="/admin/themes/dinosaurs/configuretheme.action"/> </theme>

Note that two new parameters have been specified in the above xml.

  • space-config-path points to the action connected with the space theme configuration.
  • global-config-path points to the action connected with the global theme configuration.

As themes can be specified either on a global or space level, different configuration actions can be implemented for each level. If there is no need for configuration on a level, simply don't specify the config path.

Struts Actions

Specify the configuration actions using a Struts module.
Define two packages, one for the space-level and one for the global configuration.

<struts name="themeaction" key="themeaction">

    <package name="dinosaurs" extends="default" namespace="/themes/dinosaurs">
        <default-interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
        <action name="configuretheme" class="com.atlassian.confluence.extra.dinosaurs.ConfigureThemeAction" method="doDefault">
            <result name="input" type="velocity">/templates/dinosaurs/configuretheme.vm</result>
        <action name="doconfiguretheme" class="com.atlassian.confluence.extra.dinosaurs.ConfigureThemeAction">
            <result name="success" type="redirect">/spaces/choosetheme.action?key=${key}</result>

    <package name="dinosaurs-admin" extends="default" namespace="/admin/themes/dinosaurs">
    <default-interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
        <action name="configuretheme" class="com.atlassian.confluence.extra.dinosaurs.ConfigureThemeAction" method="doDefault">
            <result name="input" type="velocity">/templates/dinosaurs/configurethemeadmin.vm</result>
        <action name="doconfiguretheme" class="com.atlassian.confluence.extra.dinosaurs.ConfigureThemeAction">
            <result name="success" type="redirect">/admin/choosetheme.action</result>

  • configuretheme defines the velocity file used to display the input view.
  • doconfiguretheme defines the action to redirect to after the configuration was successful.

Note that the config-path parameters specified above matches the namespace plus the name of the action.

For example, given the above atlassian-plugin.xml, the configuretheme action would be accessed at


The namespace of the global action has to start with /admin. Otherwise the action will not be decorated by the admin decorator, and the navigation of the admin area will not be visible.

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