This guide is for translating Confluence into non-English languages using a Spreadsheet, and covers:
If you do not have a Language Plugin to deploy the updated ConfluenceActionSupport_<KEY>.properties
file (where <KEY> is the international language identifier), you should instead go to the Creating A New Confluence Translation.
To make small updates, it is quicker to translate the file directly. If your changes are more substantial, you may prefer to translate using Excel.
This approach uses any file editor. If your translation uses English characters, you can skip to the next section.
If you do not have the Sun Java JDK installed, please download it now. Version 5.0 can be downloaded here.
Create a script or batch file that uses the native2ascii.exe program bundled in <JAVA-JDK-DIRECTORY>/bin to convert from the natively encoded file back to the Unicode file. For example, update the Russian properties file with a script or batch file that calls
1 2native2ascii -encoding cp1251 JiraWebActionSupport_ru_RU-native.txt
Copy ConfluenceActionSupport<KEY>.properties
to a new file ConfluenceActionSupport<KEY>-native.txt
. Save the new file local non-Unicode character encoding.
These steps apply to both Unicode and non-Unicode translations:
, otherwise modify ConfluenceActionSupport<KEY>.properties
script to update ConfluenceActionSupport<KEY>.properties
The guide below uses the open-source ExcelBundle, released under the Apache License 2.0. To translate from Excel or OpenOffice:
Unzip to your local drive.
Browse to your Confluence install and go to the \confluence\WEB-INF\classes\com\atlassian\confluence\core
directory. Copy the
file there into the translation_tool
directory and rename it to
If you want to start a fresh translation, skip this step. To work from an existing translation, copy it into the translation_tool
directory and remove any country variant from the filename, eg
Call the translation tool to create the spreadsheet file. For example, to create a Russian translation, open a terminal window in the translation_tool
directory and call
1 2java -jar excelbundle.jar -export translation_ru.xls -l en,ru -r "%cd%"
Edit the file content, referring to Translating ConfluenceActionSupport Content for more information on how to modify the string values.
Call the translation tool to export the updates back into the localised properties file. For the example Russian translation, open a terminal window, go to the translation_tool
directory and call
1 2java -jar excelbundle.jar -import translation_ru.xls -l ru -r "%cd%"
Once you have completed editing, you must copy and rename the localised translation back to the language plugin directory. For frequent updates, you may wish to create a script to do this.
To view the updates after copying across the new properties file, select the language plugin for your translation, then restart Confluence and refresh your browser.
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