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Custom Merge Check

The bitbucket:mergeCheck module defines a custom merge check that runs in the context of a pull request. The module allows a Forge app to define checks that can prevent pull requests from merging in Bitbucket until the specified conditions have been met.

The bitbucket:mergeCheck module is conceptually similar to the Forge trigger module in that the Forge infrastructure will invoke the module only when the subscribed event occurs. A key difference is that bitbucket:mergeCheck is triggered by granular, merge check specific, pull request focused events, as opposed to more general Product events.

Another key difference is that the bitbucket:mergeCheck module must return a response payload that indicates whether the check has passed or failed.

Example of a bitbucket:mergeCheck in a pull request

Each module will be treated as its own check and have independent results. A check must pass for a pull request to be merged if it is configured to be Required in Repository Settings. If the check is configured to be Recommended, then it is informational only and will not block pull request merge. The check results are rendered on the pull request page, which will help to guide the user towards the changes needed for the check to pass.

Once a Forge app with a bitbucket:mergeCheck module has been installed into a Bitbucket workspace, the workspace admin must enable the Custom merge checks feature in the workspace settings before they can be used.

After this, a repository admin should enable the checks they'd like to run in the repository settings for each repository they wish to utilize the check, and for each enabled checks, whether it should be Required or Recommended.



A key for the module, which other modules can refer to. Must be unique within the manifest.

Regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$


Required if no endpoint is specified.

A reference to the key of the function that defines the check behavior.

This function must return a check result.


Required if no function is specified.

A reference to the endpoint that specifies the remote back end to invoke a check if you are using Forge remote to integrate with a remote back end.

This endpoint must return a check result.


The name of the check which is displayed throughout the UI.


The description of the check which is displayed in repository settings.


The list of triggers the check is subscribed to / will be triggered by.

Requires at least 1 element.


The snippet below defines a merge check that will be triggered when any commits have been pushed to the source branch of the pull request.

    - key: my-bitbucket-custom-merge-check
      function: check-function-impl
      name: My first custom merge check
      description: This is my first check
        - on-code-pushed
    - key: check-function-impl
      handler: index.myCheckFunction


In order to subscribe to bitbucket:mergeCheck triggers, you need to add read:pullrequest:bitbucket scope to your app manifest.


The triggers provide a mechanism for the bitbucket:mergeCheck module to control when the check should be invoked for a given pull request. These can be seen as business events within the lifecycle of a pull request.

A bitbucket:mergeCheck module can subscribe to one or more existing triggers. This decision should be based on what the check is checking. For instance, a check trying to enforce a code quality standard may only require the on-code-pushed trigger, while a check preventing pull requests from being merged during a weekend may only require the on-merge trigger.

It's important to remember that, unlike traditional Forge Functions, bitbucket:mergeCheck triggers will only invoke the subscribed merge check functions if the repository that the event occurs within has the respective check enabled for that repository. This prevents unnecessary invocations of the Forge functions containing the custom merge check logic.

on-code-pushed pre-merge

Will invoke the check every time new or updated commits are pushed to the source branch of the pull request.

on-reviewer-status-changed pre-merge

Will invoke the check every time a reviewer status (Approved or Changes Requested) changes. This includes when a status is reset by a branch restriction due to the source branch of the pull request being modified (only available to Premium users).

Note that the check is not invoked when reviewers are added to or removed from the PR, only when the status of their review changes.

on-merge on-merge

Will invoke the check as part of the process of merging the pull request. When the user attempts to merge the pull request, all on-merge custom merge checks will immediately be run, prior to the merge completing.

If this type of check fails, the merge will be aborted. To retry the failed on-merge checks, another attempt merge can be attempted by the user.

Invocation payload

Whenever a bitbucket:mergeCheck module is invoked, an event payload will be provided as an argument to the Forge function. This payload provides the identifiers of the pull request that the check is being invoked against.




The workspace containing the pull request the check is running against.



The repository containing the pull request the check is running against.



The pull request the check is running against.



The trigger that caused the invocation of the check.

Type reference

interface Workspace {
  uuid: string;

interface Repository {
  uuid: string;

interface PullRequest {
  id: number;

interface Trigger {
  type: string;

interface PRCheckEvent {
  workspace: Workspace;
  repository: Repository;
  pullrequest: PullRequest;
  trigger: Trigger;


  "workspace": {
    "uuid": "{cc8e193d-7603-4dfd-8771-fcc8960aa0fb}"
  "repository": {
    "uuid": "{15a31549-1cff-45dc-9d0d-310114c5038b}"
  "pullrequest": {
    "id": 123
  "trigger": {
    "type": "on-code-pushed"

Response payload

The only responsibility of the function registered against the bitbucket:mergeCheck module is that it returns a well-defined response payload every time the Bitbucket Forge infrastructure invokes it.

This result produced by each invocation of the bitbucket:mergeCheck module is handled and stored by the Bitbucket Forge infrastructure, there is no requirement for the Forge app to store it, or send the response back to a specific Bitbucket API. The merge check is only expected to calculate and return result in the correct response format.

If any exceptions are thrown when executing the check logic, the check result will be treated as a failure. Note that the user can individually rerun failed checks.

Example of a bitbucket:mergeCheck in a pull request, annotated with identifiers

  1. Merge check result: derived from response payload success field.
  2. Merge check name: derived from the module name field.
  3. Merge check message: derived from the response payload message field.


success boolean Yes

Whether or not the check has passed.

If false Bitbucket will prevent the pull request from being merged.

message string No

A message related to the result of the check.

Useful for providing detail to the users about why the check failed, giving hints to what needs to be fixed in the pull request.

Type reference

interface MergeCheckResponse{
  success: boolean;
  message?: string;


  "success": false,
  "message": "No merges after 5pm"

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