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Repository pull request overview panel

The bitbucket:repoPullRequestOverviewPanel module adds an expandable panel on the overview tab of the pull request page.

Example of a repository pull request overview panel





A key for the module, which other modules can refer to. Must be unique within the manifest.

Regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

resourcestringIf using Custom UI or modern versions of UI KitThe key of a static resources entry that your module will display. See resources for more details.
render'native'If using modern versions of UI KitIndicates the module uses UI Kit.
functionstringDeprecated Required if using UI Kit 1The key of a function module that returns a UI Kit 1 component.
resolver{ function: string } or
{ endpoint: string }

Set the function property if you are using a hosted function module for your resolver.

Set the endpoint property if you are using Forge remote to integrate with a remote back end.




The title of the panel, which is displayed as a header.

Extension context

UI Kit and Custom UI

Use the useProductContext hook to access the extension context in UI Kit or getContext bridge method in custom UI.

typestringThe type of the module.
repositoryobjectThe repository where this panel is displayed in.
repository.uuidstringThe repository UUID which will be wrapped in {}.
pullRequestobjectThe pull request where this panel is displayed on.
pullRequest.idintegerThe pull request id.

UI Kit 1

Use the useProductContext hook to access the context in UI Kit 1.

Please note that UI Kit 1 is being deprecated.

typestringThe type of the module.
repositoryobjectThe repository where this panel is displayed in.
repository.uuidstringThe repository UUID which will be wrapped in {}.
pullRequestobjectThe pull request where this panel is displayed on.
pullRequest.idintegerThe pull request id.

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