Upgrade to latest UI Kit

This page is about the previous version of UI Kit.

We highly recommend upgrading to and utilizing the latest version. Get started with UI Kit's latest library of components to quickly build your user interface.

When upgrading existing UI Kit apps to the latest version of UI Kit, make sure you're checking the correct guide.

UI Kit 1 apps to UI Kit latest version

The latest version of UI Kit is now generally available. This version comes with a new major version of @forge/react containing 37 updated components.

Check out Upgrade from UI Kit 1 to UI Kit latest version to know what you need to do to move from your apps from UI Kit 1 to the latest version.

UI Kit apps from @forge/react version 9 to major version 10

Upgrading to @forge/react major version 10 may contain breaking changes for existing UI Kit apps, as all existing component APIs have been updated.

You must be on @forge/react major version 10 or higher to use the latest version of UI Kit components.

To upgrade your app to the latest version, run npm install --save @forge/react@latest in your terminal.

Check out Upgrade to @forge/react major version 10 for guidance on the changes you'll need to make to your app components.

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