Last updated Dec 8, 2017

Glances - Archived

Glances are a means of displaying important information about an integration to a HipChat room. They are useful to show aggregate information and to prevent spamming a room with a million separate messages. This is the one place where the team goes to figure out a status for what is connected to the room, e.g.

  • There are 5 open pull requests for projects the team in this room is working on
  • There are 3 open incidents
  • There are 2 blocker bugs impacting the current sprint
  • The project you're working on has been mentioned 50 times in Twitter in the past hour

Glances appear in the sidebar. Clicking on a Glance opens a HipChat Sidebar View.

HipChat Glances


A glance layout when displaying information that: 

  • Summarises the state of the integration in context of the room

We support the following glance types:

  • Icon + curated HTML

  • Icon + HTML + Icon

UI Controls

Group, Room, User Glance

The HipChat App right sidebar is optimised for room Glances. As much as possible, add-ons should display the same information to all users in the a room in a Glance.

However, to facilitate some use cases (e.g. personal task lists), the HipChat API allows add-ons to contribute Glances that only show to some users, or show a different value for each user. 

To do this, your add-on must use a combination of:

  • Glance metadata 
  • Glance conditions based on this metadata
  • Glance update API (HipChat supports updating Glances for a room, a user, or the entire HipChat group/all rooms)

Using Glances

Declaring a Glance

An add-on can contribute multiple Glances to the HipChat sidebar.

Your add-on declares a Glance in the add-on descriptor:

"capabilities": {
    "glance": [
            "name": {
                "value": "An addon glance"    --> Is shown if the glance value cannot be loaded from your add-on (error state) or if queryUrl is not specified
            "queryUrl": "{{localBaseUrl}}/glance", --> REST endpoint exposed by the add-on for Glance data
            "key": "myaddon-glance",
            "target": "myaddon-sidebar",      --> The key of a sidebar web panel, dialog or external page
            "icon": {
                "url": "{{localBaseUrl}}/img/logo.png",
                "url@2x": "{{localBaseUrl}}/img/logo.png"
            "conditions": [

Notice that we haven't defined the format of the glance anywhere in the descriptor. That's because glances are dynamic, the content/format is fetched dynamically from the integration server based on the queryUrl parameter.

Providing Glance data


| +-------+ +--------------------------+ +---------------------------+ |

| | Icon  | | Label (HTML)             | |  Status (Icon or Lozenge) | |

| +-------+ +--------------------------+ +---------------------------+ |


The icon comes from the descriptor entry, the label and status are provided by your add-on.

Initial value

Your add-on must expose a REST endpoint to provide initial Glance data (queryUrl declared in the descriptor). When the HipChat sidebar is first loaded in a room by a user, HipChat will query this endpoint, passing a JWT token in the "signed_request" query parameter. This JWT token contains the room_id, user_id, group_id. This is a cross-domain call, so your addon must set CORS headers.


GET /glance/repos?signed_request=ey... HTTP/1.1

Your add-on must return a JSON document, with optional metadata (which can be used by conditions to decide if the Glance shows or not):


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 07:15:10 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
  "label": {
    "type": "html",
    "value": "<b>4</b> Repositories"
  "status": {
    "type": "lozenge",
    "value": {
        "label": "LOCKED",
        "type": "current"
  "metadata": {
    "customData": {"customAttr": "customValue"}

Available types:

Example: Icon Status

"status": {
    "type": "icon"
    "value": {
       "url": "https://...",
       "url@2x": "https://..."
Updating the Glance data

HipChat will cache Glance data until the App restarts or re-connects. Add-ons can actively push new glance data to all connected clients in a group or room, or to an individual connected user by using these APIs:

APIWhen to use

Room UI Update API

To update a Glance value for a room

Group UI Update API

To update a Glance value for an entire group (all rooms)

User UI Update API

To update a Glance value for a user
User in Room UI Update APITo update a Glance value for a user in a particular room

Glance conditions

Glance support conditions, in which case the Glance will only be shown if the condition evaluates to true. A Glance condition can be based on Glance metadata.

"capabilities": {
    "glance": [
            "conditions": [
                    "condition": "glance_matches",
                    "params": {
                        "metadata": [
                            { "attr": "isConfigured", "eq": true}

This condition is evaluated on the metadata provided in the Glance data:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 07:15:10 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
  "label": {
    "type": "html",
    "value": "<b>4</b> Repositories"
  "status": {
    "type": "lozenge",
    "value": {
        "label": "LOCKED",
        "type": "current"
  "metadata": {
    "isConfigured": true

You can also compare numerical values or select nested attributes in the metadata structure:

"metadata": [
  { "attr": "count",
  "lt": 10}
"metadata": {
  "count": 5
Use "lt" for "less than"
 "metadata": [
  { "attr": "count",
  "gt": 10}
 "metadata": {
  "count": 15
Use "gt" for "greater than"
 "metadata": [
  { "attr": "errors.count",
  "gt": 10}
"metadata": {
  "errors": {
    "count": 15
Use "." to select nested attributes in "metadata"

You can negate a condition by using the "invert" attribute on a condition:

"conditions": [
        "condition": "glance_matches",
        "invert": true,
        "params": {
          "metadata": [
            { "attr": "count", "eq": 0}

For more information, see the API reference.  

Creating Glances at Runtime

In certain scenarios, you may not need a Glance right away after installation. The glance may only be useful if your integration has been configured. For these cases, HipChat provides the option to create or remove a Glance using the REST API.

API Reference

See the REST API reference for more details:

Creating a Glance

To create a glance for a particular room:

MethodURLJSON Payload
PUT/v2/room/ {room_id}/ extension/ glance/ {key}

Use the same Glance JSON format that you would use in the descriptor. The key must match the key you use in the URL.

  "key": "new-glance",
  "name": {
    "value": "A new Glance"
  "icon": {

To create a global glance which is visible in all rooms, you use the same payload, but PUT to /v2/extension/glance/{key}

Removing a Glance

To remove a glance in a particular room:


To remove a global glance, you DELETE to /v2/extension/glance/{key}


  • You can create a maximum of 10 glances per room, and a maximum of 10 global glances
  • You cannot remove glances that were declared in the add-on descriptor
  • You cannot create a global glance with the same key as a glance in a room

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