• Announcement banner
  • App data policies
  • App migration
  • App properties
  • Application roles
  • Audit records
  • Avatars
  • Classification levels
  • Dashboards
  • Dynamic modules
  • Filter sharing
  • Filters
  • Group and user picker
  • Groups
  • Issue attachments
  • Issue bulk operations
  • Issue comment properties
  • Issue comments
  • Issue custom field configuration (apps)
  • Issue custom field contexts
  • Issue custom field options
  • Issue custom field options (apps)
  • Issue custom field values (apps)
  • Issue field configurations
  • Issue fields
  • Issue navigator settings
  • Issue notification schemes
  • Issue priorities
  • Issue properties
  • Issue resolutions
  • Issue security level
  • Issue security schemes
  • Issue type properties
  • Issue type schemes
  • Issue type screen schemes
  • Issue types
  • Issue votes
  • Issue watchers
  • Issue worklog properties
  • Issue worklogs
  • Issues
  • JQL
  • JQL functions (apps)
  • Jira expressions
  • Jira settings
  • Labels
  • License metrics
  • Myself
  • Permission schemes
  • Permissions
  • Priority schemes
  • Project avatars
  • Project categories
  • Project classification levels
  • Project components
  • Project email
  • Project features
  • Project key and name validation
  • Project permission schemes
  • Project properties
  • Project role actors
  • Project roles
  • Project types
  • Project versions
  • Projects
  • Screen schemes
  • Screen tab fields
  • Screen tabs
  • Screens
  • Server info
  • Service Registry
  • Status
  • Tasks
  • Time tracking
  • UI modifications (apps)
  • User properties
  • Users
  • Webhooks
  • Workflow scheme drafts
  • Workflow scheme project associations
  • Workflow schemes
  • Workflow status categories
  • Workflow statuses
  • Workflow transition properties
  • Workflow transition rules
  • Workflows
Jira Cloud platform / Reference / REST API v3

Jira settings

Postman Collection

This resource represents various settings in Jira. Use it to get and update Jira settings and properties.


Get application property

Returns all application properties or an application property.

If you specify a value for the key parameter, then an application property is returned as an object (not in an array). Otherwise, an array of all editable application properties is returned. See Set application property for descriptions of editable properties.

Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.

Data Security Policy: Exempt from app access rules

Connect app scope requiredADMIN


Query parameters








Returned if the request is successful.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // This sample uses Atlassian Forge // https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ import api, { route } from "@forge/api"; const response = await api.asUser().requestJira(route`/rest/api/3/application-properties`, { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' } }); console.log(`Response: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`); console.log(await response.json());
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 [ { "defaultValue": "", "desc": "Jira home directory", "id": "jira.home", "key": "jira.home", "name": "jira.home", "type": "string", "value": "/var/jira/jira-home" }, { "defaultValue": "CLONE -", "id": "jira.clone.prefix", "key": "jira.clone.prefix", "name": "The prefix added to the Summary field of cloned issues", "type": "string", "value": "CLONE -" } ]

Get advanced settings

Returns the application properties that are accessible on the Advanced Settings page. To navigate to the Advanced Settings page in Jira, choose the Jira icon > Jira settings > System, General Configuration and then click Advanced Settings (in the upper right).

Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.

Data Security Policy: Exempt from app access rules

Connect app scope requiredADMIN


This request has no parameters.


Returned if the request is successful.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // This sample uses Atlassian Forge // https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ import api, { route } from "@forge/api"; const response = await api.asUser().requestJira(route`/rest/api/3/application-properties/advanced-settings`, { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' } }); console.log(`Response: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`); console.log(await response.json());
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 [ { "defaultValue": "", "desc": "Jira home directory", "id": "jira.home", "key": "jira.home", "name": "jira.home", "type": "string", "value": "/var/jira/jira-home" }, { "defaultValue": "CLONE -", "id": "jira.clone.prefix", "key": "jira.clone.prefix", "name": "The prefix added to the Summary field of cloned issues", "type": "string", "value": "CLONE -" } ]

Set application property

Changes the value of an application property. For example, you can change the value of the jira.clone.prefix from its default value of CLONE - to Clone - if you prefer sentence case capitalization. Editable properties are described below along with their default values.

Advanced settings

The advanced settings below are also accessible in Jira.

KeyDescriptionDefault value
jira.clone.prefixThe string of text prefixed to the title of a cloned issue.CLONE -
jira.date.picker.java.formatThe date format for the Java (server-side) generated dates. This must be the same as the jira.date.picker.javascript.format format setting.d/MMM/yy
jira.date.picker.javascript.formatThe date format for the JavaScript (client-side) generated dates. This must be the same as the jira.date.picker.java.format format setting.%e/%b/%y
jira.date.time.picker.java.formatThe date format for the Java (server-side) generated date times. This must be the same as the jira.date.time.picker.javascript.format format setting.dd/MMM/yy h:mm a
jira.date.time.picker.javascript.formatThe date format for the JavaScript (client-side) generated date times. This must be the same as the jira.date.time.picker.java.format format setting.%e/%b/%y %I:%M %p
jira.issue.actions.orderThe default order of actions (such as Comments or Change history) displayed on the issue view.asc
jira.view.issue.links.sort.orderThe sort order of the list of issue links on the issue view.type, status, priority
jira.comment.collapsing.minimum.hiddenThe minimum number of comments required for comment collapsing to occur. A value of 0 disables comment collapsing.4
jira.newsletter.tip.delay.daysThe number of days before a prompt to sign up to the Jira Insiders newsletter is shown. A value of -1 disables this feature.7

Look and feel

The settings listed below adjust the look and feel.

KeyDescriptionDefault value
jira.lf.date.timeThe time format.h:mm a
jira.lf.date.dayThe day format.EEEE h:mm a
jira.lf.date.completeThe date and time format.dd/MMM/yy h:mm a
jira.lf.date.dmyThe date format.dd/MMM/yy
jira.date.time.picker.use.iso8061When enabled, sets Monday as the first day of the week in the date picker, as specified by the ISO8601 standard.false
jira.lf.logo.urlThe URL of the logo image file./images/icon-jira-logo.png
jira.lf.logo.show.application.titleControls the visibility of the application title on the sidebar.false
jira.lf.favicon.urlThe URL of the favicon./favicon.ico
jira.lf.favicon.hires.urlThe URL of the high-resolution favicon./images/64jira.png
jira.lf.navigation.bgcolourThe background color of the sidebar.#0747A6
jira.lf.navigation.highlightcolourThe color of the text and logo of the sidebar.#DEEBFF
jira.lf.hero.button.base.bg.colourThe background color of the hero button.#3b7fc4
jira.titleThe text for the application title. The application title can also be set in General settings.Jira
jira.option.globalsharingWhether filters and dashboards can be shared with anyone signed into Jira.true
xflow.product.suggestions.enabledWhether to expose product suggestions for other Atlassian products within Jira.true

Other settings

KeyDescriptionDefault value
jira.issuenav.criteria.autoupdateWhether instant updates to search criteria is active.true

Note: Be careful when changing application properties and advanced settings.

Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.

Data Security Policy: Exempt from app access rules
Granular:write:instance-configuration:jira, read:instance-configuration:jira

Connect app scope requiredADMIN


Path parameters




Request bodyapplication/json






Returned if the request is successful.



Details of an application property.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 // This sample uses Atlassian Forge // https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ import api, { route } from "@forge/api"; var bodyData = `{ "id": "jira.home", "value": "/var/jira/jira-home" }`; const response = await api.asUser().requestJira(route`/rest/api/3/application-properties/{id}`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: bodyData }); console.log(`Response: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`); console.log(await response.json());
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 { "allowedValues": [ "<string>" ], "defaultValue": "<string>", "desc": "<string>", "example": "<string>", "id": "<string>", "key": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "type": "<string>", "value": "<string>" }

Get global settings

Returns the global settings in Jira. These settings determine whether optional features (for example, subtasks, time tracking, and others) are enabled. If time tracking is enabled, this operation also returns the time tracking configuration.

Permissions required: Permission to access Jira.

Data Security Policy: Exempt from app access rules
Granular:read:instance-configuration:jira, read:issue.time-tracking:jira

Connect app scope requiredREAD


This request has no parameters.


Returned if the request is successful.



Details about the configuration of Jira.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // This sample uses Atlassian Forge // https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ import api, { route } from "@forge/api"; const response = await api.asUser().requestJira(route`/rest/api/3/configuration`, { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' } }); console.log(`Response: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`); console.log(await response.json());
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 { "attachmentsEnabled": true, "issueLinkingEnabled": true, "subTasksEnabled": false, "timeTrackingConfiguration": { "defaultUnit": "day", "timeFormat": "pretty", "workingDaysPerWeek": 5, "workingHoursPerDay": 8 }, "timeTrackingEnabled": true, "unassignedIssuesAllowed": false, "votingEnabled": true, "watchingEnabled": true }

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