

deploy your app to an environment


1 Usage: forge deploy [options]


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --verbose enable verbose mode -f, --no-verify disable pre-deployment checks -v, --major-version [version] specify a major version to update (Preview) -e, --environment [environment] specify the environment (see your default environment by running forge settings list) --non-interactive run the command without input prompts -h, --help display help for command


1 forge deploy -e staging --no-verify

This command will deploy your app to the staging environment without running forge lint or any other pre-deployment check.


The forge deploy command bundles and deploys your app's code to the Forge platform. Apps must be deployed first before they can be installed on any site.

By default, this command:

  1. Runs pre-deployment checks (like forge lint) and reports any compilation errors.
  2. Deploys app changes to your default environment.


Minor version upgrades are applied by default to the latest major version in the environment you’re deploying to. You can, however, use the --major-version option to backport minor version upgrades to an older major version. See Backporting for more details.

Further information

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