Scheduled trigger events are HTTPS GET requests made by the Forge platform to an app function on a periodic basis that you specify.
Like web trigger functions, scheduled trigger functions are invoked by the Atlassian platform with two parameters, a request object and a context object. However, the request object for a scheduled trigger function contains fewer properties than for a web trigger function.
When you handle a scheduled trigger, your function must return a response in the format expected by the platform, as described below.
If the response from your app does not follow that structure, the platform records an error with a status code of 424 Failed dependency
Read the scheduled trigger module to learn how to configure them in the manifest.
Your handler should be defined as a function.
1 2 3 4
export const trigger = ({ context }) => { console.log(context); // Do something }
A scheduled trigger module should be declared in the app manifest.
1 2modules: scheduledTrigger: - key: example function: my-function interval: hour # Runs hourly function: - key: my-function handler: index.trigger
Property | Type | Required | Description |
context | object | Yes | Properties identifying this scheduled trigger to Atlassian. |
context.cloudId | string | Yes | The cloud ID. |
context.moduleKey | string | Yes | The key identifying the module in the manifest that defines the scheduled trigger function and its frequency. |
contextToken | string | Yes | An encoded token used by Atlassian to identify the scheduled trigger invocation. This value has no meaning to an app. |
Your function receives a request object with the following structure:
1 2{ context: { cloudId: '4f6d9508-93c9-4c2e-abd7-916c34920012', moduleKey: 'my -scheduled-trigger-example' }, contextToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImZvcmdlL2NvbnRleHQtdG9rZW4vMTcyYWE2NDItNDY1OS00OWRlLTk0YTYtYjVhYTZjODdlYTliIn0.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.Jaf5XHhzKseGx2qxNrAYRK1hKRdrXxMvdIbfmIGFqNh_P9MWVECyB59_1gPxbLhu_WbIwEM-sQxKtWlLLkMrgXNPbX2hraO6w7p6yOaLgitaPizSbAt6JCLYN5ulEpRMRjMAkG4xT-fKYuARBc_bd7WlP4Z8SZrqiZwkModWtHVsXD6OnsYpITJwP9nNoUIG_6WaBZelkyoCpomjj3zXRy5_b5MNI61rJrRGt_R3EZ9h2Xb5OwZ9OUve2SeelrcBBxJblg3tBQ9IFS_828Az6CELbCbf5h7Wz8aXvd3Q_Mrh3GpDHk4sP6bUsjkfhmtT9d292aEehl4BCZHFVQZieQ' }
Property | Type | Required | Description |
principal | Object | Yes | The identity of the user invoking the function. Since no user is involved, this value is undefined. |
installContext | string | Yes | The Atlassian Resource Identifier (ARI) identifying the cloud or product context of the app installation. |
Your function receives a request object with the following structure:
1 2{ principal: undefined, installContext: 'ari:cloud:jira::site/4f275028-9ac9-4a4e-ad97-91667d422097' }
Property | Type | Required | Description |
body | string | HTTP response body sent back to the caller. | |
headers | object | HTTP headers sent by the caller. Format Example | |
statusCode | integer | Yes | HTTP status code returned to the caller. The platform recognizes a status code of 204 as success, and status codes in the 500 series as errors. |
statusText | string | Text returned to communicate status. The text provides context to the status code. |
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