Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts, also known as accelerators, are memorable key combinations that can be used to access commonly used functionality without having to find and interact with it on the user interface. Adding a keyboard shortcut to a Forge module can help bring greater accessibilty and adoption to a Forge app due to users being able to trigger a specific Forge module more quickly, easily, and memorably.

With a keyboard shortcut, a user can go to a page, such as a spacePage or a globalPage, or trigger a specific Forge module such as a contentAction or a contentBylineItem module when viewing a page. A Forge module can be accessed via keyboard shortcut, so long as it is within view. For example, a globalSettings module is not available on the Home page, so it couldn't be accessed with a keyboard shortcut since it is not within view. However, it would be available if a user were viewing the General Settings page.

This functionality is provided by adding a keyboardShortcut property in the manifest to the specific module that is getting an accelerator associated with it. The keyboardShortcut property is an object that contains the accelerator and an optional description property.

Currently, keyboard shortcuts are only available in the following Confluence modules:

  • confluence:contentAction
  • confluence:contentBylineItem
  • confluence:contextMenu
  • confluence:globalPage
  • confluence:globalSettings
  • confluence:homepageFeed
  • confluence:spacePage
  • confluence:spaceSettings

If there exists a conflict between a Forge keyboard shortcut and one that is currently being used by Confluence, Confluence will receive priority over that accelerator. For a comprehensive list of these shortcuts, see the Keyboard shortcuts dialog in the Help sidebar on Confluence.


acceleratorstringYesKeyboard key(s)/combination(s) used to trigger this module.
descriptionstring or i18n object

The description of the keyboard shortcut.

The i18n object allows for translation and is available to participants of the Internationalization for Forge EAP. See i18n object.

i18n object

Internationalization (i18n) for Forge apps is now available through Forge's Early Access Program (EAP). For details on how to sign up for the EAP, see the changelog announcement.

EAPs are offered to selected users for testing and feedback purposes. APIs and features under EAP are unsupported and subject to change without notice. APIs and features under EAP are not recommended for use in production environments.

For more details, see Forge EAP, Preview, and GA.

i18nstringYesA key referencing a translated string in the translation files. For more details, see Translations.

Accelerator validation

In order to have a valid keyboard shortcut accelerator, the accelerator must:

  1. Be non-empty string
  2. Not have empty spaces on left or right of + character
    • ctrl + g, ctrl+ g, or ctrl +g
  3. Have unique keys per key combination
    • ctrl+g as opposed to ctrl+ctrl
  4. Have valid keys
    • Any of the special / modifier keywords or any single keyboard key that is not a + or empty space character
  5. Have only one non-modifier key
    • ctrl+a and not ctrl+a+b
  6. Have the non-modifier key as the last in a combination with modifier keys
    • ctrl+a instead of a+ctrl
  7. Be unique across other modules in the same manifest

Single key

To map a keyboard shortcut to a single key, set the accelerator property to that character. For example, to use the key u as a shortcut, set the configuration as:

  confluence: ...
    - key: ...
        accelerator: u

If using a single number key as an accelerator, the accelerator should be wrapped with single or double quotes. For example, to use the key 5 as a keyboard shortcut, set the value of the accelerator as '5' instead of just 5.

Key combination

A key combination is where a key is pressed with one or more modifier keys at the same time. The accelerator property should be set to the desired keys, separated by a + character and no spaces. For example, to use the combination of ctrl and 1 at the same time, set the configuration as:

  confluence: ...
    - key: ...
        accelerator: ctrl+1

Note that the two keys must be unique, so ctrl+ctrl would be invalid, as well as shift+2+shift.

As far as spacing goes, there should not be any spaces between the keys. So ctrl +1, ctrl+ 1, and ctrl + 1 would also be invalid.

When modifying a key, there should only be one non-modifier key in a combination. For example, a+b would be an invalid combination because a and b are both non-modifier keys. Similarly, ctrl+c+d would be an invalid combination because c and d are both non-modifier keys. See the list of modifier keys.

Key sequence

A key sequence is where two or more keys or key combinations are pressed in sequence, or one after the other. The accelerator property should be set to the desired key(s)/combination(s), separated by a single empty space character. For example, to use the sequence of 1 and then 2, set the configuration as:

  confluence: ...
    - key: ...
        accelerator: 1 2


    - key: content-action
      function: func-content-action
      title: My Content Action
        accelerator: ctrl+1
    - key: content-byline-item
      function: func-content-byline-item
      title: My Content ByLine Item
        accelerator: command+shift+1 shift+2
    - key: func-content-action
      handler: index.contentAction
    - key: func-content-byline-item
      handler: index.contentBylineItem

Modifier keys

Keyboard keyAccelerator keywordNotes
Control keyctrlMaps to control key on Mac and ctrl key on Windows/Linux.
Option or Alt keyoption / altBoth accelerator keywords map to option key on Mac and alt key on Windows / Linux.
Command or Windows Start keycommand / metaBoth accelerator keywords map to cmd key on Mac and start key on Windows / Linux.
Cross-platform Command / Ctrl keymodWill map to cmd key on Mac and ctrl key on Windows/Linux.
Shift keyshift

Special keys

Keyboard keyAccelerator keywordNotes
Return or Enter keyreturn / enterEither keyword will work for both keys.
Escape keyescape / esc
Backspace keybackspace
Tab keytab
Insert keyinsKey is not available in Mac keyboards.
Delete keydel
Plus keyplusThe keyword plus is used because + is used to create key combinations with modifiers. i.e. ctrl+1
Caps Lock keycapslockNo space in between words.
Page Up keypageupNo space in between words.
Page Down keypagedownNo space in between words.
Home keyhome
End keyend
Arrow keysleft, up, right, down
Function keysf1, f2, ... , f12

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