Compass data provider

The compass:dataProvider module enables apps to send events and metrics to Compass whenever specific links are added to a component.

For a complete guide to this module, see Create a data provider app for events and metrics.



A key for the module, which other modules can refer to. Must be unique within the manifest.

Regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

linkTypesArray<enum>YesA list of Compass link types that your data provider function handles. The possible values are chat-channel, dashboard, document, on-call, project, repository, and other-link.
domainsArray<string>YesA list of domains that your data provider function handles. You can specify both full domains (e.g. '') and subdomain wildcards (e.g. '*').
functionstringRequired if using UI Kit 1 or triggers.A reference to the function module that defines the module.
callback{ function: string }Optional reference to the function to be invoked after the above function finishes running. For example: function: callback-function-key

Required permissions

In order for your app to provide events data, add these scopes to your app manifest:

  • write:component:compass
  • write:event:compass

In order for your app to provide metrics data, add this scope to your manifest:

  • write:metric:compass

Example manifest

    key: data-provider
    function: data-provider-fn
      function: data-provider-callback-fn
      - project
      - repository
      - ''
      - '*'
    - key: data-provider-fn
      handler: index.dataProvider
    - key: data-provider-callback-fn
      handler: index.dataProviderCallback

    - write:component:compass
    - write:event:compass
    - write:metric:compass

Function payload

A JSON object is sent to the function that is invoked when a matching component link is added. The object contains one property:

urlstringURL of the component link that was added.

Function response format

For details on the expected response format, see Create a data provider app for events and metrics.

Callback function payload

A JSON object is sent to the callback function that is invoked (if specified) when the above function finishes running. The object contains these properties:

successbooleanWhether the request was successful.
urlstringURL the request was performed on.
errorMessagestring | undefinedWhat went wrong, if an error did occur.

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