Display conditions


When using Connect or external authentication, or when invoking a remote backend from a Forge app using the Forge remote, the external domains that the app communicates with are listed in the remotes section of the manifest.yml file, and are referenced by key.



A key for the remote, which other modules can refer to. Must be unique within the list of remotes and have a maximum of 23 characters.

Regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

or object (if using region specific URLs)
YesBase URL of the remote resource when not using region-specific URLs.
(if using region-specific URLs)
Default base URL of the remote resource, required when using region-specific URLs.
baseUrl.<region> stringYes
(if using region-specific URLs)
Region-specific base URL (e.g., US, EU), required for each supported region.

Indicates the purpose of the data being egressed. For now, this property only accepts four values:

  • storage: app egresses data to be stored on a remote location.
  • compute: app egresses data to be processed (but not stored) on a remote compute service; setting this value is required for invokeRemote to work.
  • fetch: app uses a remote endpoint for client fetch permissions
  • other: data is being egressed for logging, diagnostics, or any purpose other than storage, compute, or fetch.

If a remotes entry contains no operations property, Forge will assume that the app is egressing end-user data to be stored on a remote back end. See Data residency for more information.

authobjectNoAn object that defines the authentication tokens to be provided to the remote endpoint

If true and the remote endpoint is invoked within a user's login session, Forge includes an appUserToken in the Forge Invocation Token it sends to the remote app.

This token can be used by the remote app when invoking an Atlassian product API, to invoke the API with the permissions of the user in whose login session the app is running.

Specifically, the API will have only as much access to the site's data as that user does. For example, if the user does not have permission to see pages in a particular space or issues in a particular project, the API won't provide them access to that space or page, either.

Forge modules that run outside of a user's login session, such as an app lifecycle event or product event are not associated with a user and cannot send an appUserToken to the remote app.

If an endpoint opts to enable remote user token access, the read:app-user-token scope must also be specified in the Permissions section of the manifest.


If true, Forge includes an appSystemToken in the Forge Invocation Token it sends to the remote app.

This token can be used by the remote app when invoking an Atlassian product API, to invoke the API with the permissions of the generic "bot user" for the app.

If an endpoint opts to enable remote system token access, the read:app-system-token scope must also be specified in the Permissions section of the manifest.

storagestringYes (if operations property contains the storage value)

Indicates whether you are egressing end-user data to store it on a remote location, through the inScopeEUD boolean.

See Data residency for more information.

Data residency

When an app contains a remotes declaration, Forge will (by default) assume the app is storing in-scope End-User Data on a remote backend. Storing in-scope End-User Data on a remote backend will make your app ineligible for PINNED status unless region-based URLs are used.

Minimum requirements for PINNED status

  1. Remotes using region-based URLs to store in-scope End-User Data:

    • Apps that store in-scope End-User Data on a remote backend can still achieve PINNED status if region-based URLs are configured. You must declare these URLs in the manifest and set inScopeEUD: true:
        - key: remote-backend
            default: "https://backend.example.com"
            US: "https://us-backend.example.com"
            EU: "https://eu-backend.example.com"
            - storage
            inScopeEUD: true
  2. Remotes using region-based URLs without storing in-scope End-User Data:

    • If your app contains a remote declaration but does not store in-scope End-User Data on a remote backend, you can declare this explicitly using the storage property with inScopeEUD: false:
        - key: remote-backend
            default: "https://backend.example.com"
            US: "https://us-backend.example.com"
            EU: "https://eu-backend.example.com"
            - storage
            inScopeEUD: false
  3. Apps that egress data but do not store it on a remote backend:

    • If your app egresses data that will not be stored in a remote backend, you can declare this in operations through the compute, fetch, or other properties:
          - key: remote-backend
            baseUrl: "https://backend.example.com"
              - compute
              - fetch
              - other
  4. With hosted storage, remotes not storing in-scope End-User Data:

    • If your app uses Forge-hosted storage and contains a remote declaration but does not store in-scope End-User Data on a remote backend, you can declare this explicitly using the storage property with inScopeEUD: false:
              - storage:app
            - key: remote-backend
              baseUrl: "https://backend.example.com"
                - storage
              inScopeEUD: false

By meeting these requirements, Forge will consider your app eligible for PINNED status in the admin's Data residency interface. This also means that when your app is installed on a product with the PINNED status, so will your app.

App pinned to same location as product

See Data residency for more information about the PINNED status (for both products and installed apps).

Major version upgrades

Manifest file updates that add new remotes entry or expand an existing remote’s scope will result in a major version upgrade of your app upon deployment. This ensures that whenever an app starts egressing data to a new back end, admins can review and re-consent first before updating. Such manifest file updates include:

Manifest file updateDescription
Adding a new remotes section

The app uses a new remote back end, and admins need to be explicitly notified whenever this happens.

Changing the baseUrl or baseUrl.<region> of an existing remotes entry The app now technically egresses data to a new remote back end.
Adding a new region URL to baseUrl for an existing remotes entry entry The app now technically egresses data to a new remote back end.
Converting baseURL from string to object type and adding new region URLs The app now technically egresses data to a new remote back end.
Removing region based URLs from baseURLIf the app data does not move to the default location after the location is removed, customers may incur data loss.
Changing the storage property of a remotes entry from inScopeEUD: false to inScopeEUD: trueThe app is now storing end-user-data on the remote.

Minor upgrades

Removing a remotes entry or any update that decrease an existing remote’s scope will only result in a minor upgrade. Such manifest file updates include:

Manifest file updateDescription
Changing the storage property of a remotes entry from inScopeEUD: true to inScopeEUD: falseThe app previously stored in-scope End-User Data on a remote back end, but now it doesn’t. This reduces the scope of the back end.
Converting baseUrl from string to object type without adding new URLsThe type of the property changes, but not where the app is egressing data to.
Removing one or more (but not all) purposes from an operations propertyThe remote back end’s scope is now reduced, as it is no longer being used for a specific purpose.
Moving a URL from a fetch.backend declaration to the remotes sectionThe remote back end hasn’t changed in scope, it is now simply declared in a different way.

Minor upgrades are automatic, and will not require any action by users or admins.


The following example shows two remotes (remote-backend and loggingserver) that do not egress in-scope End-User Data to be stored remotely:

    - "storage:app"
        - remote-backend
  - key: remote-backend
    baseUrl: "https://backend.example.com"
      - storage
      - fetch
      inScopeEUD: false
  - key: loggingserver
    baseURL: "https://logging.example.com"
      - other

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