Authorize API

Forge Authorize API helps app developers verify user permissions before making requests using the asApp method.

The asApp method allows you to set the context for authenticated requests to an Atlassian product REST API (like the Jira REST API or Confluence REST API). If your app has all the required permissions, the request will work regardless of who uses the app.

Import the Authorize API package in your app, as follows:

1 import { authorize } from "@forge/api";

The authorize function returns a number of helper functions that check the current user's permissions to issues, projects, or content. These are convenience methods that call the Jira bulk permissions API and the Confluence content permissions API.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 const canEdit = await authorize().onJiraIssue(issueId).canEdit(); if (canEdit) { await api.asApp().requestJira(route`/rest/api/3/issue/${issueId}`, { method: "PUT", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ update: { summary: [{ set: "updated summary" }] } }), }); }

Method signature

type Id = number | string;

type authorize = () => {
  onJiraIssue: (issueIds: Id | Id[]) => {
    canAssign: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canCreate: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canEdit: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canMove: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canDelete: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canAddComments: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canEditAllComments: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canDeleteAllComments: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canCreateAttachments: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canDeleteAllAttachments: () => Promise<boolean>;
  onJiraProject: (projectIds: Id | Id[]) => {
    canAssignIssues: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canCreateIssues: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canEditIssues: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canMoveIssues: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canDeleteIssues: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canAddComments: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canEditAllComments: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canDeleteAllComments: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canCreateAttachments: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canDeleteAllAttachments: () => Promise<boolean>;
  onConfluenceContent: (contentIds: Id | Id[]) => {
    canRead: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canUpdate: () => Promise<boolean>;
    canDelete: () => Promise<boolean>;
  // useful for checking permissions of issues and projects in one call
  onJira: (
    perms: Array<{
      permissions: string[];
      issues?: Id[];
      projects?: Id[];
  ) => Promise<{
    permission: string;
    issues?: number[];
    projects?: number[];


issueIdsnumber | string | (number | string)[]The issue IDs to check permissions for.
projectIdsnumber | string | (number | string)[]The project IDs to check permissions for.
contentIdsnumber | string | (number | string)[]The content IDs to check permissions for.
perms({ permissions: string[]; issues?: (number | string)[]; projects?: (number | string)[]; })[]Array of permissions to check for issues and projects. Passed as projectPermissions to the Jira bulk permissions API.

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