Upgrading from the sandbox runtime

The legacy Javascript sandbox runtime is now deprecated. This means that Forge can only create new apps on the latest runtime version. In addition:

  • From October 29, 2024: Forge apps that haven't been updated since January 1, 2023 will no longer function.
  • From February 28, 2025: All Forge apps still running on the legacy runtime version will no longer function.

If your app is running on the Javascript sandbox runtime, we strongly advise that you upgrade to the latest runtime.

This page provides information on how to upgrade your app to the latest version of the Forge runtime. The latest runtime version offers the following advantages over the legacy runtime version:

  • Better long-term compatibility with the Node ecosystem
  • 512MB available memory per invocation (compared to 128MB in the legacy runtime)
  • Improved security and performance

For information about legacy runtime concepts like the sandbox environment and snapshot context, see Javascript sandbox (deprecated).

Required packages

We strongly recommend that you use the latest version of each @forge/ package. Package versions released before April 29, 2024, may be incompatible with the native Node.js runtime.

The native Node.js runtime's GA coincides with the release of @forge/cli@9.0.0.

Breaking changes

To minimize the effort of adopting the latest runtime version, we worked on ensuring backward compatibility with the legacy runtime. However, you may need to refactor your app to address some breaking changes between runtime versions.

Node.js LTS version

The legacy runtime runs on an environment that mimics Node.js 14. The latest runtime uses Node.js 18, and we intend to support newer versions that achieve "long-term support" (LTS) status. If your app is affected by any breaking changes between both versions, you’ll need to address these.

API redirects

App requests that return redirects to external domains are considered egress. As such, those domains must be declared in the application manifest.

Atlassian product API redirects are considered internal traffic and don’t require egress declarations in the app manifest. See Runtime egress permissions for detailed instructions.

New invocation semantics

The legacy runtime used a v8 JavaScript isolate sandbox. This sandbox is bootstrapped for every invocation, providing a clean context for each invocation of your app.

The latest Forge runtime handles isolation (and, by extension, security) at the VM layer, making the sandbox unnecessary. As such, we removed this sandbox; this, incidentally, moderately improves Forge’s invocation performance.

Expanded developer responsibilities

Without the v8 JavaScript isolate sandbox, the current runtime no longer guarantees that the local state in your Forge functions is cleared for each invocation. This introduces new responsibilities for you as a developer to ensure that customer data does not persist across app invocations. These responsibilities are laid out in our shared responsibility model.

To comply with these new developer responsibilities, review your app code to ensure that:

  • Your app must not persist customer data or sensitive content in a global state, in memory or on disk, between subsequent invocations.
  • Your app must not copy customer data or sensitive content from one installation to another, unless it has been explicitly permitted by the customer.

Snapshot removal

The snapshotting feature is no longer supported in the new native Node.js runtime, as it is no longer required. This feature was enabled by default in the legacy runtime. If your app uses the snapshots flag in your manifest.yml file, you'll need to remove it.

When snapshotting is enabled, the current runtime invokes any globally scoped JavaScript code at deployment rather than invocation time.

With the new native Node.js runtime, your app may be re-initialized if it hasn't been used for a long time or if it needs to execute multiple times simultaneously. If your app requires globally scoped code to be executed exactly once per deployment, this change in invocation semantics may require changes to your app.

Delayed code execution

The latest Forge runtime might keep executing the code after the function returns. For example:

resolver.define("example", () => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 5000);

In this example, timers and other asynchronous code may continue executing even after the Forge function returns a response.

Default Content-Type header

When making API calls through requestJira, requestConfluence, and requestBitbucket, outbound HTTP requests will assume a Content-type: application/json if a content type isn’t specified. However, this default will not be applied to requests to external domains using the fetch function or other HTTP clients.

HTTPS only

All external connections must be done through HTTPS; plain HTTP or TCP connections are not allowed. In addition, these connections will be implemented over a custom proxy which will only allow the following https.request options (or equivalents from third-party packages):

  • auth
  • headers
  • host
  • method
  • port
    • Only 80, 8080, 443, 8443, 8444, 7990, 8090, 8085 and 8060.
  • path

Sending a request with a body still works, as long as you specify the correct Content-Type: header (for example, Content-Type: application/json for a JSON body).

Set runtime version

You can use the app.runtime.name setting of the manifest file to set which version of the Forge runtime your app should be deployed.

To keep your app on the Forge runtime legacy version while addressing any breaking changes, set app.runtime.name to sandbox then re-deploy your app:

  id: "ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/406d303d-0393-4ec4-ad7c-1435be94583a"
    name: sandbox

Once you’re ready to migrate your app to the latest runtime version, set name to nodejs22.x then re-deploy your app:

  id: "ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/406d303d-0393-4ec4-ad7c-1435be94583a"
    name: nodejs22.x

Upgrading older major versions

In some cases, a site admin can’t or won’t upgrade from an older major version of your app. You can still update the runtime version used by their app through the --major-version option of the forge deploy command. See Backporting for more information.

Older versions of your app that require new domain declarations in the manifest to work cannot be upgraded to the latest runtime. Updating domain declarations in your app manifest creates a major version change, and such changes can't be backported.

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