
Internationalization (i18n) for Forge apps is now available through Forge's Early Access Program (EAP). For details on how to sign up for the EAP, see the changelog announcement.

EAPs are offered to selected users for testing and feedback purposes. APIs and features under EAP are unsupported and subject to change without notice. APIs and features under EAP are not recommended for use in production environments.

For more details, see Forge EAP, Preview, and GA.

This page explains the useTranslation hook which can be used to internationalize UI Kit apps. To internationalize a Custom UI app, see i18n.

Note that internationalization does not support the legacy version of UI Kit, UI Kit 1. If you have a UI Kit 1 app that you would like to internationalize, you will first have to upgrade to the latest version of UI Kit.

The useTranslation hook and I18nProvider are React-specific APIs that allow you to access the translation resources configured in Translations. These tools enable your UI Kit app to adapt based on a user’s language and locale.


The useTranslation hook provides the current i18n context value. This includes the translation function, known as the t function, which is bound to a specified locale code through the I18nProvider.


To add the useTranslation hook to your app:

import { useTranslation, I18nProvider } from "@forge/react";

Ensure that the useTranslation hook is used within components that have the I18nProvider correctly configured at the top of the component hierarchy.

Here is an example of an app that displays translated content with useTranslation:

import React from 'react';
import ForgeReconciler, { Text, useTranslation, I18nProvider } from '@forge/react';

const App = () => {
  const { ready, t } = useTranslation();
  if (!ready) {
    return null;

  // usage of the `t` function to resolve translation for 'app.message'
  return <Text>{t('app.message')}</Text>;

      <App />

Function signature

function useTranslation(): I18nContextValue;

type I18nContextValue =
  | {
      ready: false;
      t: TranslationFunction;
  | {
      ready: true;
      t: TranslationFunction;
      locale: ForgeSupportedLocaleCode;

type TranslationFunction = (i18nKey: string, defaultValue?: string) => string;




  • ready: A boolean value that indicates whether the i18n context is fully initialized.
  • t: The translation function, known as the t function, which performs translations by replacing the translation key with the translation value. It uses the assigned locale code and fallback configuration, if required, to determine the appropriate translation.
    • Arguments:
      • i18nKey: The key to be translated. The key should correspond to a string value in the translation files.
      • defaultValue: The default value to return if the translation key cannot be resolved.
    • Returns:
      • The translated string. This is the translation value that corresponds to the provided translation key. If the key is not found, the function returns the defaultValue if provided. If the key is not found and no defaultValue is provided, it returns the translation key itself to help identify which translations are missing.
  • locale: The locale code for the desired translation determined by the I18nProvider. This is either explicitly provided through the locale parameter or defaults to the user’s preferred locale, which is retrieved from view.getContext after the i18n context has been initialized (that is, when ready is set to true).


The I18nProvider is a React Context Provider designed to support internationalization for UI Kit apps. It initializes and provides an i18n context, which includes the user’s locale and the t function, making them accessible to any components that consume this context.

Component signature

type I18nProvider = React.FC<{
 locale?: ForgeSupportedLocaleCode;
 children?: React.ReactNode


  • locale: The target locale code for the i18n context being initialized. If left unspecified or set to undefined, the locale will default to the user's preferred locale retrieved from view.getContext.

  • children: The components nested within the I18nProvider will inherit its i18n context. This allows the components to effectively utilize translation functions and locale configurations via useTranslation.

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