Creates an issue or a sub-task from a JSON representation.
The fields that can be set on create, in either the fields parameter or the update parameter can be determined using the /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta resource.
If a field is not configured to appear on the create screen, then it will not be in the createmeta, and a field
validation error will occur if it is submitted.
Creating a sub-task is similar to creating a regular issue, with two important differences:
the issueType field must correspond to a sub-task issue type (you can use /issue/createmeta to discover sub-task issue types), and
you must provide a parent field in the issue create request containing the id or key of the parent issue.
The updateHistory param adds the project that this issue is created in, to the current user's project history, if set to true (by default, the project history is not updated).
You can view the project history in the Jira application, via the Projects dropdown.