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Purpose of this module type

A report plugin module defines a report within Jira. A Jira report can display statistical information based on all elements within Jira, for example, issues, projects, users, issue types, and so on.

Reports have HTML results and (optionally) Excel results as well. These results are rendered by Velocity templates included with the app. A report can also accept parameters selected by the user before running.


The root element for the report plugin module is report. It allows the following attributes and child elements for configuration.





The Java class that implements this plugin module. See the app framework guide to creating plugin module instances.

The class must implement com.atlassian.jira.plugin.report.Report, but we recommend that you extend the convenience class com.atlassian.jira.plugin.report.impl.AbstractReport in your app.

Required: yes

Default: none


The unique identifier of the plugin module. You refer to this key to use the resource from other contexts in your plugin, such as from the plugin Java code or JavaScript resources.

<component-import key="appProps" interface="com.atlassian.sal.api.ApplicationProperties"/>

In the example, appProps is the key for this particular module declaration, for component-import, in this case. That is, the identifier of the component.

Required: yes

Default: N/A


The localization key for the human-readable name of the plugin module.

Required: no

Default: none


The human-readable name of the plugin module. That is, the human-readable name of the component.

Required: -

Default: The plugin key.





A human-readable description of this report module. May be specified as the value of this element for plain text or with the key attribute to use the value of a key from the i18n system.

Required: no


The user-visible name of this report. May be specified as the value of this element for plain text or with the key attribute to use the value of a key from the i18n system.

Required: yes

resource type="velocity"

Used to render the report results. The results format is whatever the template can output.

Required: yes

resource type="i18n"

A Java properties file within the app that specifies internationalization values.

Required: no


Used to generate the report's configuration parameters (for details on these properties, see the Configuring apps with object configurable parameters page).

Note: In Jira 5.2.3 and later, when navigating to this report via Browser Project, there are additional URL parameters of projectOrFilterId (that is, project ID prefixed with 'project-') and projectOrFilterName (which in this case is the project name). If you have a custom project picker inside your properties or configure page, you should respect these URL parameters to preselect the project.

Required: no


To make a custom report available within Jira, you need to create a report plugin module. As with all plugin modules, the report plugin will consist of the following components all contained within a single JAR file.

  • Java classes encapsulating report logic.
  • Resource templates for display of the report.
  • App descriptor to enable the report module in Jira.

Report logic

The Java classes include the necessary logic to retrieve the data used in configuring and displaying the report. The module class can implement the Report interface or it can extend AbstractReport.

The main methods of interest are:

  • generateReportHtml - generates HTML view of report.
  • generateReportExcel - generates Excel view of report.
  • getParams - retrieves the required data to be passed to the view template.
  • validate - validates any parameters used in configuring the report.

Resource templates

The second component consists of Velocity templates used to render the report.

The templates include:

  • Report view - the actual report view.
  • Excel view - an Excel view for the report (optional).

The app system parses the atlassian-plugin.xml file for any configuration parameters that are required to display the report. The app system constructs a suitable configuration screen requesting the user to specify values for these parameters.

If an Excel view template is provided, users can view and further manipulate the data through Excel. If the Excel template is provided, ensure that your report also implements the following method:

public boolean isExcelViewSupported()
    return true;


It is also possible to include i18n property files to allow other users to easily translate the strings used in the report for different languages.


This example is taken from Jira's internal time tracking report.

<report key="time-tracking" i18n-name-key="report.timetracking.label" name="Time Tracking Report" class="com.atlassian.jira.plugin.report.impl.TimeTrackingReport">
    <description key="report.timetracking.description">This report shows the time tracking details for a specific project.</description>
    <label key="report.timetracking.label" />
    <category key="forecast.management" />
    <thumbnail cssClass="report-thumbnail-timetracking" />

    <resource type="velocity" name="view" location="templates/plugins/jira/reports/time-tracking-report.vm" />
    <resource type="velocity" name="excel" location="templates/plugins/jira/reports/time-tracking-report-excel.vm" />

            <values class="com.atlassian.jira.portal.VersionOptionalValuesGenerator"/>
            <values class="com.atlassian.jira.portal.SortingValuesGenerator"/>
            <values class="com.atlassian.jira.portal.FilterValuesGenerator"/>
            <values class="com.atlassian.jira.plugin.report.impl.SubTaskIncludeValuesGenerator"/>
            <enabled-condition class="com.atlassian.jira.plugin.report.impl.SubTasksEnabledCondition"/>

In this example, the report logic is encapsulated in the TimeTrackingReport Java class, the view template location is specified in the templates/plugins/jira/reports/time-tracking-report.vm directory. Following that, the parameters required to configure the report are specified - in this case, the version, the sort order, and a filter.


For more details, see the tutorial on creating a Jira report.

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