Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Entity properties


Jira 6.2 and later.

This page provides an overview of Jira entity properties.

For the Atlassian Cloud documentation on Jira Entity Properties, go to: Storing data without a database.

What are entity properties?

Entity properties allow plugins to add key/value stores to Jira entities, such as issues or projects. These values can be indexed by Jira and queried via REST API or JQL.

How do I store data against an entity using REST?

The curl examples below show you how you can store data against an issue and retrieve the data from an issue using REST.

To modify, add, or remove the properties, the user who executes the request must have permission to edit the entity. For example, to add new property to issue ENPR-4, you need permission to edit the issue. To retrieve a property, the user must have read permissions for the entity.

Example 1: Storing data

The following example will store the JSON object {"content":"Test if works on Jira Cloud", "completed" : 1}  against issue ENPR-4 with the key tasks.

curl -X PUT \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -d '{"content":"Test if works on Jira Cloud", "completed" : 1}' \

Note the following:

  • The key has a maximum length of 255 characters. 
  • The value must be a valid JSON Object and have a maximum size of 32 KB.

Example 2: Retrieving data

The following example shows how to get all of the properties stored against an issue:

curl -X GET

The response from server will contain keys and URLs of all properties of the issue ENPR-4. 

   "keys" : [
         "key" : "tasks",
         "self" : ""

Example 3: Removing a property

The following example shows how to remove a property from an issue:

curl -X DELETE

How do I make the properties of an entity searchable?

Jira Data Center apps can provide a module descriptor that will make the issue properties searchable using JQL. For example, to index the data from the first example, Jira Data Center apps can provide the following module descriptor:

  <key property-key="tasks">
    <extract path="content" type="text" />

The descriptors shown above will make Jira index the object content of the issue property tasks as a text.

The available index data types are:

  • number — indexed as a number and allows for range ordering and searching on this field.
  • text — tokenized before indexing and allows for searching for particular words.
  • string — indexed as-is and allows for searching for the exact phrase only.
  • date — indexed as a date and allows for date range searching and ordering. The expected date format is [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]. The expected date time format is [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss] with optional offset from UTC: +/-[hh]:[mm] or Z for no offset. For reference, see ISO_8601 standard.

The indexed data is available for a JQL search. The result of the JQL query —\[tasks\].completed = 1 AND\[tasks\].content ~ "works" — is shown in the screenshot below. 

For detailed explanations on how to use the module descriptors, see the Index document configuration.

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