Last updated Feb 24, 2025

JIRA 7.0 - API changes

This page covers the API changes for JIRA 7.0

The changes are part of a larger set of developer changes to JIRA for 7.0. You should also read Preparing for JIRA 7.0 for an overview of the release, as well as JIRA 7.0 - Platform changes and JIRA 7.0 - General changes.


The risk level indicates the level of certainty we have that things will break if you are in the "Affected" column and you don't make the necessary changes.


SOAP and XML-RPC APIs removed

Add-ons/scripts that use the SOAP and XML-RPC APIs

Risk level: high.

User replaced with ApplicationUser

All add-ons.

Risk level: high.

New method for user counts

Add-ons that were using UserUtil.getActiveUserCount or UserUtil.getTotalUserCount.

Risk level: medium.

Methods to read all users have been deprecated

Add-ons that read all users through getAllUsers() methods.

Risk level: medium.

JiraLicenseStore removed

Add-ons that look up JIRA's license.

Risk level: medium.

LicenseDetails changes – getLicenseStatusMessage signature of deprecated methods has changed 

Add-ons that call the deprecated methods.

Risk level: medium.

LicenseDetails changes – getMaximumNumberOfUsers() and isUnlimitedNumberOfUsers() removed 

Add-ons that look up JIRA's license.

Risk level: medium.

Removal of accessor methods for ManagerFactory and ComponentManager classes

Add-ons that call the deprecated methods.

Risk level: medium.

Version picker classes removed  

Add-ons that were using any of VersionCustomFieldRenderer, VersionCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer or VersionSearcher classes.

Risk level: medium.

UserUtil::hasExceededUserLimit deleted

Add-ons which care about the number of users in the system or look up JIRA's license.

Risk level: medium.

User creation methods in UserUtil deprecated in favor of UserService::createUser

Add-ons that create users.

Risk level: medium.

Version object changed from mutable to immutable

Add-ons that use the Version class.

Risk level: medium.

Project types required for projects

Add-ons that create or update projects.

Risk level: medium.

Changes to the project validation/creation APIs

Add-ons that create projects.

Risk level: medium.

LicenseDetails changes – hasLicenseTooOldForBuildConfirmationBeenDone(), isLicenseSet() and getSupportRequestMessage() have been removed without alternative

Add-ons that call these methods.

Risk level: low.

Strings removed from APKeys interface

Nobody should be affected – this has not been used, except in setup, since JIRA 3.13.x.

Risk level: low.

NewLicenseEvent renamed to LicenseChangedEvent

Add-ons that listens to NewLicenseEvent.

Risk level: low.

LicenseDetails changes – new method added: hasApplication(ApplicationKey application)

Risk level: low.

atlassian-plugins-webresourcemodule deprecated and may be removed in 7.x

Add-ons that use web-resource APIs in Java.

Risk level: low.

*all the changes above start from the 7.0 version.


SOAP and XML-RPC APIs removed

As previously advised, the SOAP and XML-RPC APIs that were deprecated in JIRA 6.0 will be removed in JIRA 7.0. We are committed to providing feature parity for these APIs in the REST APIs by 7.0 and recommend that you use the About the JIRA REST APIs. See our JIRA SOAP to REST Migration Guide for help.

For further details, see the original announcement.

 User replaced with ApplicationUser

Any JIRA API that uses the com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User class will either be removed or replaced with a new version that uses com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser instead.

Many existing methods will have their return types changed to ApplicationUser. User is deprecated in jira-api and will likely be removed in a future version.

 New method for user counts

We've deprecated the method UserUtil.getActiveUserCount and introduced a replacement interface and method: LicenseCountService.totalBillableUsers. In the future, we plan to add more support for Connect-style add-ons, the implementation of which requires the consumption of a user. The totalBillableUsers excludes these users and in our Cloud offering will also exclude Atlassian's support user. This method is intended to get a count of the "real" users, for example for checking that your add-on's license user count matches the number of users in JIRA. Note that the existing UserUtil.getActiveUserCount method now delegates to this method; its behaviour will be slightly different in 7.0 due to this.

The UserUtil.getTotalUserCount method has also been deprecated. Consumers should use UserManager.getTotalUserCount.

Methods to read all users have been deprecated

  • com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserManager.getAllApplicationUsers()
  • com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserManager.getUsers()
  • com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserManager.getAllUsers()
    • Only retrieve users you really need.  Use to search users.
    • Only retrieve users and groups you really need. Use to search groups.
  • com.atlassian.jira.user.UserUtils.getAllUsers()
    • Only retrieve users you really need.  Use to search users.

In previous versions of JIRA, these methods retrieved users from an in-memory cache of all users, which was a relatively fast operation.  From JIRA 7.0, these methods will now retrieve lists of users from the database every call and will have degraded performance.

Additionally, the class has been deprecated, its functionality now exists within with enhancements.


As an alternative to retrieving all users, additional methods were added to to allow more flexible searching of users:

  • findUserKeysByFullName()
  • findUsersByFullName()
  • findUserKeysByEmail()
  • findUsersByEmail()

The findUsers(String nameQuery, String emailQuery, UserSearchParams userSearchParams) can be used for more flexible searching.  UserSearchParams has the following additional properties:


Limits the number of results returned. 

If only a small number of results are required, such as when displaying a user picker, using a small value here can dramatically increase performance as only a small amount of data will be retrieved from the database.


Filter results using arbitrary Java logic.  Set to this to a predicate that will filter out or keep particular users.

This filter is applied after results are retrieved from the database.  Using a filter is better than retrieving a large List<User> and filtering yourself since

  • Not all users retrieved from the database need to be present in memory at the same time
  • It can be used in combination with maxResults to retrieve a particular number of users after filtering.

It is only recommended to use the post processing filter when user filtering logic cannot be expressed using a UserFilter (which can filter by group) or by the nameQuery and emailQuery parameters of findUsers() as it is less efficient.

The user search service also retrieves users from the database and does not use an in-memory user cache.  For the best performance, ensure you retrieve only the users you need, and use parameters to filter results as necessary.

JiraLicenseStore removed

The JiraLicenseStore class will be removed. No replacement class will be provided. If you need to look up specific license information, your add-on can do so via the JiraLicenseManager or JiraLicenseService classes.

LicenseDetails changes

Methods removed without alternative

  • JIRA will not start if the license is not set. As a result, we have removed the isLicenseSet() method from the API.

  • hasLicenseTooOldForBuildConfirmationBeenDone() was not really intended for public usage and it does not match the multi-license world, so it has been removed.

  • getSupportRequestMessage does not have a direct substitute but new messages getters have been added.

Signature changes

Old SignatureNew Signature
String getLicenseStatusMessage(@Nullable User user, String delimiter)String getLicenseStatusMessage(@Nullable ApplicationUser user, String delimiter, UserManager userManager);
String getLicenseStatusMessage(I18nHelper i18n, @Nullable OutlookDate ignored, String delimiter)LicenseStatusMessage getLicenseStatusMessage(I18nHelper i18n, UserManager userManager)

Also, LicenseDetails will not use the deprecated User class anymore. This has been replaced by the ApplicationUser class, as described in User replaced with ApplicationUser above.

Methods removed with an alternative

The isUnlimitedNumberOfUsers() and getMaximumNumberOfUsers() methods will be removed from the LicenseDetails class. You will need to check the number of users per application in the license instead:

applications = licenseDetails.getLicensedApplications();
for (ApplicationKey applicationKey : applications.getKeys())
    userLimit = applications.getUserLimit(applicationKey);

New methods

Refer to the API documentation for more information about these new methods:

  • getLicensedApplications()
  • LicenseStatusMessage getMaintenanceMessage(@Nonnull I18nHelper i18n, String applicationName);
  • String getLicenseExpiryStatusMessage(@Nullable ApplicationUser user);
  • Date getMaintenanceExpiryDate();
  • LicenseType getLicenseType();
  • String getApplicationDescription();
  • LicenseStatusMessage::hasAnyMessages();

 Removal of accessor methods for ManagerFactory and ComponentManager classes

The ManagerFactory and ComponentManager classes have been deprecated for some time. These classes were not intended to be part of the API, and in JIRA 7.0, the accessor methods for these classes will be removed.

Historically, add-ons have used these classes to get to JIRA components statically. If your add-on uses these classes, you should inject your components via the constructor injection instead. If this is not possible or practical, the ComponentAccessor class provides the supported way to access components statically.

Version picker classes removed

Some of the classes that implement the internal behaviour of the Version Picker custom fields were exposed on the public API. These will be removed in JIRA 7.0. The classes that will be removed are:

  • com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.searchers.renderer.VersionCustomFieldRenderer
  • com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.searchers.transformer.VersionCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer
  • com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.searchers.VersionSearcher

If your add-on is using these classes and needs to maintain that behaviour, you need to get your add-on to provide the definition of these classes. This means that your add-on needs to define these classes with the exact same behaviour that they have on JIRA 6.3.

UserUtil::hasExceededUserLimit deleted

UserUtil::hasExceededUserLimit deleted in favor of ApplicationAuthorizationService::isAnyRoleLimitExceeded

User creation methods in UserUtil deprecated

All user creation methods has been deprecated in UserUtil in favor of UserService::createUser.

final CreateUserRequest createUserRequest = CreateUserRequest.withUserDetails(currentApplicationUser, username, password, email, displayName)
result = userService.validateCreateUser(createUserRequest);

Version object changed from mutable to immutable

If objects allow unnecessary modifications, it is harder to cache them or pass them between different components. To simplify the Version object, it will be changed from a mutable object to an immutable object in JIRA 7.0, and the respective builders provided.

Project types required for projects

Every project in JIRA now has a project type. This means that you must provide a project type key when creating a project. 

Valid values for the project type key are "business",  "software", and  "service_desk".

We've also added a new method to both the Java API and REST API that let you update the project type for a project. This is the only way to update the project type for an existing project, i.e. the update project methods won't modify the project type.

Changes to the project validation/creation APIs

In JIRA 7.0, the APIs used to validate the creation of a project and to actually create a project have changed. The biggest change is that all of the methods related with this functionality now take a single parameter object of type com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.ProjectCreationData.

The exact list of methods that have been changed are:

  • com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.ProjectService#validateCreateProject(ApplicationUser user, ProjectCreationData projectCreationData)
  • com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.ProjectService#isValidAllProjectData(JiraServiceContext serviceContext, ProjectCreationData projectCreationData)
  • com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.ProjectService#isValidRequiredProjectData(JiraServiceContext serviceContext, ProjectCreationData projectCreationData)
  • com.atlassian.jira.project.ProjectManager#createProject(ProjectCreationData projectCreationData)

Another very important change around project creation is that a project type key must now be specified. There are two ways to specify the project type when creating a project:

  • You can specify the type directly on ProjectCreationData
  • You can specify a project template to be used for the project in ProjectCreationData. In this case, the project type will be the one defined for the project template.

Validation will be performed against the project type. The identifier of the type must correspond with one of the project types available on the JIRA instance where the project is being created. 
Note, validation isn't turned on by default in JIRA 7.0 EAP 01 (m01), so it will be possible to create a project without a valid project type if you are using this EAP milestone.

Before 7.0, project creation had normally two "phases": Creating the project and applying a template over the new project. On 7.0, we are merging this two things in a such way that the project will be created and the template applied with a single call to com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.ProjectService#createProject.

Strings removed from APKeys interface

The Strings JIRA_LICENSE_V1_MESSAGE ( License Message Text ), JIRA_LICENSE_V1_HASH ( License Hash 1 Text ), JIRA_OLD_LICENSE_V1_MESSAGE ( License Message ), and JIRA_OLD_LICENSE_V1_HASH ( License Hash 1 ) will be removed from APKeys interface. These strings represent the old location of licenses in JIRA in versions prior to 4.0 and as they are no longer used they will be removed.

NewLicenseEvent renamed to LicenseChangedEvent 

com.atlassian.jira.license.NewLicenseEvent will be renamed to com.atlassian.jira.license.LicenseChangedEvent

This change is to support new licenses as well as updated and removed licenses.

atlassian-plugins-webresourcemodule deprecated and may be removed in 7.x

The deprecated atlassian-plugins-webresource module is no longer supported and will be removed during 7.x. This includes the WebResourceManager interface. Add-ons should use the official API in atlassian-plugins-webresource-api. Since WebResources 3.0.0, the new web resource API has revolved around PageBuilderService in the atlassian-plugins-webresource-api module. This API module deprecates and replaces the WebResourceManager in atlassian-plugins-webresource. This new WebResource API has been supported since JIRA 6.1.

Note that this only impacts the Java API for WebResources. The <web-resource> module descriptor has not changed in 7.0 and is backwards compatible. 

In JIRA 7.0, we no longer guarentee that the old Java API will work. While WebResourceManager is still available in JIRA 7.0, it may be removed in a later 7.x release. Add-ons should use the new PageBuilderService service and depend on atlassian-plugins-webresource-api instead.

The following 8 classes are currently in the old atlassian-plugins-webresource module, but are considered stable and will be moved as-is to atlassian-plugins-webresource-api.

  • com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.QueryParams
  • com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.condition.UrlReadingCondition
  • com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.transformer.TransformableResource
  • com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.transformer.TransformerParameters
  • com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.transformer.TransformerUrlBuilder
  • com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.transformer.UrlReadingWebResourceTransformer
  • com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.transformer.WebResourceTransformerFactory
  • com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.url.UrlBuilder

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