Last updated Feb 24, 2025

Using fields in Remote Issue Links


Jira 5.0 and later.

This page provides a guide to the fields used by the Remote Issue Link REST and Java APIs.

See the REST API Guide for examples with full JSON sample data and screenshots.


Impact if blank

Field: GlobalID

Required: we strongly recommend you pass in this value.

JSON Key: globalId

Description: A globally unique identifier that uniquely identifies the remote application and the remote object within the remote system. The maximum length is 255 characters.

Impact if blank: You will not be able to update or delete the link unless you know the internal ID of the link.

Field: Relationship

JSON Key: relationship


Description: Relationship between the remote object and the Jira issue. This can be a verb or a noun. It is used to group together links in the UI.

Impact if blank: "links to" used in UI.

Field: Object


Field: URL

Required: required otherwise you can't create the link.

JSON Key: object.url

Description: A hyperlink to the object in the remote system.

Field: Title

Required: required otherwise you can't create the link.

JSON Key: object.title

Description: The title of the remote object.


Field: Summary

JSON Key: object.summary


Description: Textual summary of the remote object.

Impact of blank: No text in UI.

Field: Icon URL

Required: we strongly recommend you pass in this value.

JSON Key: object.icon.url16x16

Description: A 16x16 icon representing the type of the object in the remote system.

Impact of blank: Default link icon will be used in UI.

Field: Icon Title

Required: we strongly recommend you pass in this value.

JSON Key: object.icon.title

Description: Text for the tooltip of the main icon describing the type of the object in the remote system. The Icon Title and Application Name are combined to form the tooltip.

Impact of blank: Only Application Name is used in tooltip.

Field: Resolved

JSON Key: object.status.resolved

Description: Whether the remote object is "resolved" (value is "true") or "unresolved" (value is "false"). This value will only make sense where the remote object is something that is resolvable (for example, an issue, support ticket, and so on). It will not make sense for things like Wiki pages.
If Resolved is "true", the link to the issue will have a be in a strikethrough font.

Impact of blank: Title text will appear in normal font in UI.

Field: Status Icon URL

JSON Key: object.status.icon.url16x16

Description: A 16x16 icon representing the status of the remote object.

Impact of blank: No status icon in UI.

Field: Status Icon Text

JSON Key: object.status.icon.title

Description: Textual description of the status for the tooltip of the the status icon. Not used if Status Icon URL is blank.

Impact of blank: Status icon doesn't have a tooltip.

Field: Status Icon Link


Description: A hyperlink for the tooltip of the the status icon. Not used if Status Icon URL is blank.

Impact of blank: Status icon is not clickable.

Field: Application


Field: Application Name

Required: we strongly recommend you pass in this value.


Description: The human-readable name of the remote application instance that stores the remote object. Links are grouped on the Application Type and Application Name _in the UI. The _Icon Title and Application Name are combined to form the tooltip of the main icon. 

Impact of blank: Only Icon Title is used in icon tooltip.
If Icon Title is also blank, icon tooltop is "Web Link" 
Grouping and sorting of links may place these links last.

Field: Application Type

Required: we strongly recommend you pass in this value.

JSON Key: application.type

Description: The name-spaced type of the application. It is not displayed to the user. Rendering apps can register to render a certain type of application. Links are grouped based on the Application Type and _Application Name _in the UI.
See sorting below.

Impact of blank: You will not be able to provide a custom renderer for your links.

Uniqueness on Global ID for a particular issue key is enforced.

Remote Jira Examples


Remote Jira Example









Support nested groups

Icon URL

Icon Title

Bug - A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product



Status Icon URL

Status Icon Text

Resolved - A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter.  From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.

Application Name

My Company Jira

Application Type


Remote Confluence Examples

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