Last updated Aug 27, 2024

Report progress for Forge

When you implement Forge listener interface in your server app according to the guidelines, app migration platform will manage the following:

  • Report progress on your app migration so that admin users can monitor it in the Cloud Migration Assistant.
  • Enable the display of vendor-sent status messages from the Forge app in the Cloud Migration Assistant.
  • Settle the transfer at the end of your migration so that admin users know it's finished.

The Cloud Migration Assistant will start displaying your migration status updates from your cloud app in real time, provided the completeExport method is invoked in the server app implementation. The app migration platform calculates progress based on the amount of app-data uploaded and the messageProcessed method being call for each app-data-uploaded event.

After you receive each app-data-uploaded event, you have a 15-minute window to send a messageProcessed method acknowledgement for that corresponding event. If an acknowledgement is not received within this window, the app migration platform will time out the migration. Subsequent requests to fetch data for that transfer ID will return an error.

Once the data export is completed, the platform requires an explicit call to completeExport method of the gateway to enable admin users to monitor progress. If the method is not invoked, the platform will assume all the data has been exported after 15 minutes of inactivity (e.g. no additional app-data uploads).

Components of Forge migration progress

The app migration platform provides the following components while updating progress:

  • Status: IN_PROGRESS The platform reports progress in real time.
  • Percent: An integer from 1 to 99 representing the progress of the migration.
  • Message: A string providing additional information about the migration progress.

Vendor-sent status messages

The app migration platform gives you the ability to send status messages throughout the migration process. You can utilize the addLog() method in their Forge app to send these messages, with the message itself being passed as a parameter (for more details, please refer to Forge APIs). It is important to note that each status message must not exceed 65536 characters.

Forge transfer settlement

The app migration platform settles transfers for Forge migrations with the following components:

  • Status: When settling the transfer, the platform uses one of these values:
    • SUCCESS: Indicates that the migration has run to completion and all entities have been successfully migrated.
    • FAILED: Indicates that the migration did not run to completion due to a problem ( unexpected error during the Forge transfer).
    • TIMED_OUT: Indicates that the migration did not run to completion due to missing acknowledgement for an app-data-uploaded event.
  • Percent: When the migration result is SUCCESS, percent is set to 100. Otherwise, it is set to an integer between 1 and 99 representing the proportion of entities migrated.
  • Message: In most cases, a supporting message is provided according to the status.

Learn more about Forge migrations settling transfers.

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