Last updated Apr 11, 2024

Retrieve migration progress

Starting from JCMA 1.11.0 and CCMA 3.9.6, you can programmatically retrieve the progress of an app migration.

This is a very convenient feature to increase scriptability and integration with other migration tooling. It's also great for monitoring ongoing migrations.

How to retrieve the progress of a migration

Once the plan is created, you can retrieve its progress using the following URL: rest/migration/latest/app-migration/progress/<planId>.

Replace planId with your own unique planID. You can find your planId in the URL when you view the plan details.

See an example for Jira

The following is an example of a URL where the planId is 551e518e-9113-49ac-8df1-9ec2e81427a9.

1 curl -u admin:admin -X GET "http://localhost:1990/jira/rest/migration/latest/app-migration/progress/551e518e-9113-49ac-8df1-9ec2e81427a9"

And the response will look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 { "migrations": [ { "migrationId": "68eb047d-b03a-45aa-a5d7-1f4525b53f5e", "apps": [ { "serverAppKey": "com.myapp.server", "containerId": "6b0ace9c-a859-5286-9f63-6464190b2125", "cloudAppKey": "", "completionPercent": 0, "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "statusMessage": "unknown", "lastUpdatedAt": 1712710726935 } ] } ] }

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