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The macro module inserts dynamic content into the user interface via an editor. Editor macros are only compatible with the Atlassian editor. All cloud sites use the Atlassian editor by default.

The macro module works in Confluence, where the macro is inserted by typing / and selecting from the quick insert menu of the editor. The macro module is implemented by a Forge function.

For UI Kit 1, see the Macro component documentation for more information.

Example of a macro





A key for the module, which other modules can refer to. Must be unique within the manifest.

Regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

resourcestringIf using Custom UI or modern versions of UI KitThe key of a static resources entry that your module will display. See resources for more details.
render'native'If using modern versions of UI KitIndicates the module uses UI Kit.
functionstringDeprecated Required if using UI Kit 1The key of a function module that returns a UI Kit 1 component.
resolver{ function: string } or
{ endpoint: string }

Set the function property if you are using a hosted function module for your resolver.

Set the endpoint property if you are using Forge remote to integrate with a remote back end.

viewportSize'small', 'medium', 'large', 'xlarge' or 'max'The display size of resource. Can only be set if the module is using the resource property. Remove this property to enable automatic resizing of the module.
titlestring or i18n objectYes

The title of the macro. In Confluence, this is displayed in the editor.

The i18n object allows for translation and is available to participants of the Internationalization for Forge EAP. See i18n object.


The icon displayed next to the title.

For custom UI and UI Kit apps, the icon property accepts a relative path from a declared resource. Alternatively, you can also use an absolute URL to a self-hosted icon. See Icons for more information.

If no icon is provided, or if there's an issue preventing the icon from loading, a generic app icon will be displayed.

categoriesstring[]The categories of the macro. In Confluence, this is used for categorisation in the macro browser.
  • formatting
  • confluence-content
  • media
  • visuals
  • navigation
  • external-content
  • communication
  • reporting
  • admin
  • development
descriptionstring or i18n object

The description of the macro. In Confluence, this is displayed in the editor.

The i18n object allows for translation and is available to participants of the Internationalization for Forge EAP. See i18n object.

configboolean, { function: string } or config object

Set config to true if you are using classic macro configuration.

Set config with the function property if you are using a UI Kit 1 macro.

Set config to the config object if you are using a custom macro configuration.

export{ function: string }For UI Kit 1 and Custom UI use only. Contains a function property, which references the function module that defines the export view of the macro, specified in UI Kit 1 components. The specified function can consume the exportType from the extension context in order to specify different export views per export type.
adfExport{ function: string }For UI Kit and Custom UI use only. Contains a function property, which references the function module that defines the export view of the macro, specified in Atlassian document format. The specified function can consume the exportType directly from the function's payload in order to specify different views per export type. The exportType can be one of pdf, word, or other. See this tutorial for more information.
layout'block', 'inline' or 'bodied'

'block' type is used by default.

'inline' shows the element inline with existing text.

  • For UI Kit apps, inline macros dynamically resize to wrap the content.
  • A limitation exists for custom UI apps that prevents inline macros from dynamically resizing when the content of the macro is changed.

'bodied' sets the macro to have a rich text body.

  • This allows users to insert and edit rich content (such as images and tables) within the macro using the Confluence editor, and allows your app to insert a body using a custom editor.
  • The 'bodied' property is available as a Preview feature. Please see the link to the tutorial here.

i18n object

Internationalization (i18n) for Forge apps is now available through Forge's Early Access Program (EAP). For details on how to sign up for the EAP, see the changelog announcement.

EAPs are offered to selected users for testing and feedback purposes. APIs and features under EAP are unsupported and subject to change without notice. APIs and features under EAP are not recommended for use in production environments.

For more details, see Forge EAP, Preview, and GA.

i18nstringYesA key referencing a translated string in the translation files. For more details, see Translations.

Config object

This section describes a Forge preview feature. Preview features are deemed stable; however, they remain under active development and may be subject to shorter deprecation windows. Preview features are suitable for early adopters in production environments.

We release preview features so partners and developers can study, test, and integrate them prior to General Availability (GA). For more information, see Forge release phases: EAP, Preview, and GA.

titlestring or i18n objectNoA title for the config
resourcestringRequired if using custom UI or the latest version of UI Kit.A reference to the static resources entry that your context menu app wants to display. See resources for more details.
render'native'Yes for UI KitIndicates the module uses UI Kit.
viewportSize'small', 'medium', 'large', 'xlarge' or 'max'The display size of resource. Can only be set if the module is using the resource property. Remove this property to enable automatic resizing of the module.

Extension context

UI Kit and Custom UI

typestringThe type of the module (macro).
content.idstringA string that represents the unique identifier of the `content` object
space.idstringA string that represents the unique identifier of the `space` object.
space.keystringA string that represents the unique key of the `space` object.
isEditingbooleanIndicates whether the macro is opened in the editor or not.
referencesReferenceEntity[]An array of reference entities (if any).

UI Kit 1

typestringThe type of the module (macro).
exportTypestringThe type of the current export. Available for the export function only. Valid values: One of pdf, email, word or other.
Note: other implies export other than pdf, email or word. For example, when the macro is shown in the Page history or exported via API.

Macro custom configuration

Parameters available in the macro editor

There are two additional context parameters available for the macro editor. They can be accessed accessed via useProductContext() in UI Kit or view.getContext() in custom UI.

extension.macro.isConfiguringbooleantrue if the current context is a custom config editor
extension.macro.isInsertingbooleantrue if a new macro is being inserted, false if an existing macro is being edited

Options for submitting the configuration

This table details the options supported by view.submit() in the context of custom macro configuration.

configConfig payloadIt is always required, and takes an object.
  config: {
    param1: "test",
    param2: [1, 2, 3]
insertBodyADF documentSets the macro body on first insert only. The parameter extension.macro.isInserting can be used to check this.
  config: {},
  insertBody: {
    type: "doc",
    version: 1,
    content: [
      // ADF content
keepEditingbooleanSetting this to true keeps the config modal open, instead of automatically closing it.
  config: {},
  keepEditing: true

Supported config payload format

The configuration payload only supports values that can be serialised to JSON.

Because the config parameters are internally converted to Confluence Storage XML when the page is published, there are some additional restrictions on these parameters:

  • Numbers will be converted to their string representation
  • Nested arrays (arrays within arrays) will be converted to their string representation
  • null and undefined are not supported and will be removed
  • Any data types that are not serializable to JSON (e.g. Map, Set, etc.) will be removed

If you want greater control over the storage format of your configuration, such as being able to store numbers, nested arrays, null and undefined, we recommend serializing your configuration to JSON upfront, and storing it as a string.

Error code guide

This table details the possible error codes that may be thrown by view.submit():

Error codeDetails
INVALID_PAYLOADThe top-level parameter passed to view.submit() must be an object.
INVALID_CONFIGThe config prop provided must be an object.
INVALID_EXTENSION_TYPEWhen providing an insertBody, the macro must be a rich text macro (layout: "bodied").
INVALID_BODYThe provided insertBody is not a valid ADF document node.
MACRO_NOT_FOUNDThe macro that you are attempting to update no longer exists. It may have been deleted by another user editing the page.


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