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The macro module inserts dynamic content into the user interface via an editor. Editor macros are only compatible with the Atlassian editor. All cloud sites use the Atlassian editor by default.

The macro module works in Confluence, where the macro is inserted by typing / and selecting from the quick insert menu of the editor. The macro module is implemented by a Forge function.

For UI Kit 1, see the Macro component documentation for more information.

Example of a macro





A key for the module, which other modules can refer to. Must be unique within the manifest.

Regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

functionstringRequired if using UI Kit 1.A reference to the function module that defines the module. Only used in UI Kit 1.
resourcestringRequired if using custom UI or the latest version of UI Kit.A reference to the static resources entry that your context menu app wants to display. See resources for more details.
render'native'Yes for UI Kit.Indicates the module uses UI Kit.
resolver{ function: string } or
{ endpoint: string }

Set the function property if you are using a hosted function module for your resolver.

Set the endpoint property if you are using Forge remote to integrate with a remote back end.

viewportSize'small', 'medium', 'large' or 'xlarge'The display size of resource. Can only be set if the module is using the resource property. Remove this property to enable automatic resizing of the module.
titlestringYesThe title of the macro. In Confluence, this is displayed in the editor.

The icon displayed next to the title.

For custom UI and UI Kit apps, the icon property accepts a relative path from a declared resource. Alternatively, you can also use an absolute URL to a self-hosted icon. See Icons for more information.

If no icon is provided, or if there's an issue preventing the icon from loading, a generic app icon will be displayed.

categoriesstring[]The categories of the macro. In Confluence, this is used for categorisation in the macro browser.
  • formatting
  • confluence-content
  • media
  • visuals
  • navigation
  • external-content
  • communication
  • reporting
  • admin
  • development
descriptionstringThe description of the macro. In Confluence, this is displayed in the editor.
config{ function: string }Contains a function property, which references the function module that defines the macro configuration.
export{ function: string }For UI Kit 1 and Custom UI use only. Contains a function property, which references the function module that defines the export view of the macro, specified in UI Kit 1 components. The specified function can consume the exportType from the extension context in order to specify different export views per export type.
adfExport{ function: string }For UI Kit and Custom UI use only. Contains a function property, which references the function module that defines the export view of the macro, specified in Atlassian document format. The specified function can consume the exportType directly from the function's payload in order to specify different views per export type. The exportType can be one of pdf, word, or other. See this tutorial for more information.
layout'inline', 'block'Sets whether the macro is treated as a block or inline element in the editor. 'block' type is used by default.
Note: 'inline' type works only for UI Kit macros

Extension context

UI Kit and Custom UI

typestringThe type of the module (macro).
content.idstringA string that represents the unique identifier of the `content` object
space.idstringA string that represents the unique identifier of the `space` object.
space.keystringA string that represents the unique key of the `space` object.
isEditingbooleanIndicates whether the macro is opened in the editor or not.
referencesReferenceEntity[]An array of reference entities (if any).

UI Kit 1

typestringThe type of the module (macro).
exportTypestringThe type of the current export. Available for the export function only. Valid values: One of pdf, email, word or other.
Note: other implies export other than pdf, email or word. For example, when the macro is shown in the Page history or exported via API.

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