Last updated Jul 13, 2021


This page provides information about terms used in the docs.

App cloud migration library
Used to implement the interfaces to enable communication between your server app and the app migration platform.

App migration platform
The suite of Atlassian tools, libraries, and APIs provided to Marketplace Partners to facilitate the migration of their app data from server to cloud. This platform is designed to be compatible with both Atlassian Connect and Forge frameworks.

CCMA stands for Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant. It is a tool developed by Atlassian to help users migrate their data from Confluence Server or Data Center to Confluence Cloud. This includes migrating spaces, users, groups, attachments, apps and other relevant data.

Cloud app
A Marketplace Partner app installed on the cloud site.

The framework that your cloud app uses to interact with the app migration platform and the cloud products. It also contains all the endpoints for migration.

A group of steps (transfers) in a migration to fully migrate a group of related entities. For instance, a project container in the context of Jira will contain all the transfers needed to migrate its issues, workflows, attachments, etc. Every migration must contain at least one container. In the context of app migration, each app migration is represented by a container which contains a single transfer. The execution of this transfer is delegated to Marketplace Partners through the app migration platform.

Core data
In the context of the migrations, the Jira or Confluence product data migrated from a server location to a cloud product, prior to app data migration.

A robust platform that facilitates interaction between your cloud app, the app migration platform, and cloud products. It provides a set of APIs, UI components, and a serverless environment for efficient app development, operation, and migration in an Atlassian-managed environment, ensuring seamless integration and data migration.

Forge events
Forge events are triggers in the Atlassian Forge platform that an app responds to, including user interactions or backend activities. Apps can subscribe to these events enabling dynamic responses to activities on Atlassian products and the Forge platform.

JCMA stands for Jira Cloud Migration Assistant. It's a tool developed by Atlassian to help users migrate their data from Jira Server or Jira Data Center to Jira Cloud. This includes migrating projects, users, apps and other relevant data.

A combination of a source and a destination ID for an entity that details how the app migration platform identifies an entity in server and in cloud.

In the context of the app migration platform, this involves moving app data from a server location to a cloud app.

Migration assistant
Can refer to the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA) or the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant (CCMA). Contains all the libraries and functions you'll require to migrate data, and provides a user interface that displays the data to be migrated on a server instance.

Server app
A Marketplace Partner app that's hosted with Jira or Confluence on a user's server instance.

A single step in a migration that processes a collection of uniform entities. Transfers are grouped in containers.

  • Active transfer: A transfer that allows you to make calls to APIs of the app migration platform with a specific transferId for 14 days after you receive the first notification that your server app has been triggered. After the 14-day period, active transfers will expire. The app migration platform will return a 4XX response code to any requests that contain the transferId of an expired transfer.
  • Expired transfer: A transfer for which the 14-day time-limit period has passed. Any request made using the transferId of an expired transfer will return a 4XX response code.
  • Settled transfer: A transfer for which the status is any of SUCCESS,FAILED or INCOMPLETE. Any request made using the transferId of a settled transfer will return a 4XX response code.

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