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Jira issue glance

Jira issue glance module in Forge or Connect app being deprecated and replaced. This module is being deprecated and replaced by Jira issue context module on Oct 6, 2023. Check out How to future-proof your Issue Glance implementation on how to migrate.

The jira:issueGlance module adds an issue glance to Jira, which is content that is shown/hidden in an issue by clicking a button. The button for the issue glance is placed alongside fields such as Assignee and Labels. Clicking the button opens the content provided by the Forge app, so that it fills the right sidebar.

This module can be used in Jira Work Management, Jira Software, and Jira Service Management. It works in the new issue view but not the old issue view.

For UI Kit 1, see the IssueGlance component documentation for more information.

Manifest example

    - key: hello-world-issue-glance
      resource: main
        function: resolver
      render: native
      title: Hello World!
      description: A hello world issue glance.
      label: Hello World!





A key for the module, which other modules can refer to. Must be unique within the manifest.

Regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

resourcestringIf using Custom UI or modern versions of UI KitThe key of a static resources entry that your module will display. See resources for more details.
render'native'If using modern versions of UI KitIndicates the module uses UI Kit.
functionstringDeprecated Required if using UI Kit 1The key of a function module that returns a UI Kit 1 component.
resolver{ function: string } or
{ endpoint: string }

Set the function property if you are using a hosted function module for your resolver.

Set the endpoint property if you are using Forge remote to integrate with a remote back end.

titlestring or i18n objectYes

The title of the issue glance, which is displayed above its label.

The i18n object allows for translation and is available to participants of the Internationalization for Forge EAP. See i18n object.

labelstring or i18n objectYes

The text shown on the button for the issue glance.

The i18n object allows for translation and is available to participants of the Internationalization for Forge EAP. See i18n object.


The icon displayed to the left of the label on the issue glance's button.

For custom UI and UI Kit apps, the icon property accepts a relative path from a declared resource. Alternatively, you can also use an absolute URL to a self-hosted icon. See Icons for more information.

If no icon is provided, or if there's an issue preventing the icon from loading, a generic app icon will be displayed.

statusobjectThe badge, lozenge, or icon shown to the right of the label. If status is not specified, then nothing is shown. See status properties.
displayConditionsobjectThe object that defines whether or not a module is displayed in the UI of the app. See display conditions.
dynamicProperties{ function: string }Contains a function property, which references the function module that returns changeable properties. See Dynamic properties for more details.

i18n object

Internationalization (i18n) for Forge apps is now available through Forge's Early Access Program (EAP). For details on how to sign up for the EAP, see the changelog announcement.

EAPs are offered to selected users for testing and feedback purposes. APIs and features under EAP are unsupported and subject to change without notice. APIs and features under EAP are not recommended for use in production environments.

For more details, see Forge EAP, Preview, and GA.

i18nstringYesA key referencing a translated string in the translation files. For more details, see Translations.

Status properties

type'badge' | 'lozenge' | 'icon'YesThe UI element used to display the status.

This property is an object representing the status value. See status value properties.

Status value properties

labelstringYesThe text to display in the status.

If type is 'badge', this property is a number specified as a string (for example, '3').


If type is 'icon', this value controls the URL of the icon to display in the status.

type'default' | 'inprogress' | 'moved' | 'new' | 'removed' | 'success'

If type is 'lozenge', this value controls the appearance of the status.

Dynamic properties

Dynamic properties are used to dynamically update the status properties. If provided in the manifest.yml file, Jira attempts to retrieve the dynamic properties on the initial render of the app. To do this, the dynamicProperties handler function of the app is called. When the issue glance item is clicked, the app renders in the side panel, where it can perform business logic updates. After the side panel is closed, the handler function is called to retrieve updates, and then update the status.

The app's handler function is passed the payload argument. The payload object has the following structure:

interface Payload {
  // The cloudId for your site 
  cloudId: string;
  extension: {
    // The module type included in the manifest.yml file.
    type: "jira:issueGlance";
    issue: {
      id: string,
      type: string,
      key: string,
      typeId: string
    project: {
      id: string,
      type: string,
      key: string

The handler function should return (or resolve with) a plain JavaScript object with status as key.

This is an example of a handler function returning an object:

function handlerFunction(contextPayload) {
  return {
    "status": {
      "type": "lozenge",
      "value": {
        "label": "Dynamically set status",
        "type": "moved"

When you use an icon in your dynamic properties, its source URL is subject to a permission check.

For an example of adding source URL permissions for your icon property, see External Permissions.

Bundled resources in the following formats are allowed by default:

  • resource:<resource key>;<relative path to resource>
  • data:image URIs

See Icons for more information about bundling icons as a resource.

When the source URL does not have the appropriate permissions, the dynamic properties are not loaded. The default configuration is used instead.

Extension data

UI Kit and Custom UI

Use the useProductContext hook to access the extension context in UI Kit or getContext bridge method in custom UI.

typestringThe type of the module.
issue.idstringThe id of the issue on which the module is rendered.
issue.keystringThe key of the issue on which the module is rendered.
issue.typestringThe type of the issue on which the module is rendered.
issue.typeIdstringThe id of the type of the issue on which the module is rendered.
project.idstringThe id of the project where the module is rendered.
project.keystringThe key of the project where the module is rendered.
project.typestringThe type of the project where the module is rendered.

UI Kit 1

Use the useProductContext hook to access the context in UI Kit 1.

Extension context

typestringThe type of the module.

Platform context

issueIdstringThe ID of the issue on which the module is rendered.
issueKeystringThe key of the issue on which the module is rendered.
issueTypestringThe type of the issue on which the module is rendered.
issueTypeIdstringThe ID of the type of the issue on which the module is rendered.
projectIdstringThe ID of the project where the module is rendered.
projectKeystringThe key of the project where the module is rendered.
projectTypestringThe type of the project where which the module is rendered.


Apps can receive a frontend event that will notify your app that an issue has been changed. This event is triggered when an issue is updated or commented on. This event is only available for Jira issue view modules.

import {events} from '@forge/bridge';
    events.on('JIRA_ISSUE_CHANGED', (data) => {
    console.log('JIRA_ISSUE_CHANGED (Forge)', data);

However, if you have multiple issue view modules in your app, you should use the Jira issue view background script module or its Connect counterpart. This will give you a central place for fetching issue details, thus reducing the number of network requests and improving the user experience. Fetching issue details separately for every module would introduce unnecessary overhead and degrade performance.

Data shape

    "issueId": string,
    "projectId": string,
        "changeType": "updated" | "commented",
        "atlassianId": string
issueIdID of the issue the app is rendered on.
projectIdID of the project the issue belongs to.
changesList of issue changes
  • changeType - type of the change
    • commented - a comment has been added to the page
    • updated - the issue has been updated
  • atlassianId - ID of the user who made the change


  • UI Kit 1 apps don’t have an event system in place and so aren’t supported.
  • There is a delay between the moment the issue is modified and when the event is emitted. It might take up to a few seconds.
  • We can’t guarantee that all issue change events will be received by Jira. Therefore, the issue view may sometimes remain stale.
  • When the issue is modified by the user who is currently viewing it, it will not be refreshed. This is because we assume the change was made by that same user and there is no need for an update.

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