Display conditions

Using display conditions, you can control the visibility of your app modules in the UI.

You should not rely on display conditions as a mechanism to protect sensitive data. This is because display conditions are executed on the client-side, and it is impossible to guarantee that the execution results won't be overridden using the developer tools of a browser.

We strongly recommend that you apply appropriate permission checks in your code on top of display conditions for any sensitive data you are going to operate with.


Display conditions supports the following logical operators:

  • and
  • or
  • not

By default, the and operator comes with multiple display conditions.


In the example below, the Jira issue panel module will only be rendered on issues of a Bug type.

- key: hello-world-panel
  function: issue-panel-function
  title: Hello world!
  icon: https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/images/issue-panel-icon.svg
    issueType: Bug

In the example below, the display conditions for the Jira issue panel module are slightly more complex.

- key: hello-world-panel
  function: issue-panel-function
  title: Hello world!
  icon: https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/images/issue-panel-icon.svg
      canDeleteAllComments: true
        projectKey: TEST
          issueType: Epic

In this example, the Jira issue panel module will only be rendered if the following conditions are met:

  • the user can delete all the comments in the given issue or
  • the project key is TEST and the issue is not of the epic type

You should not rely on display conditions as a mechanism to protect sensitive data. Instead, you should perform a permission check in your code to confirm if the user does have the required permission to delete comments.

Common properties

Common properties are supported in the following modules:

isAdminbooleanChecks if the current user is a product admin
isLoggedInbooleanChecks if the current user is authenticated
isSiteAdminbooleanChecks if the current user is a site admin

More information

Explore the usage of display conditions:

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