Last updated Jul 22, 2024

AO 1.0.0 upgrade guide

Major Release

The Active Objects plugin and library 1.0.0 release immediately followed the 0.29.4 release.

This change in versioning was made at a point in time in which it would ship with new major versions of Atlassian products. This does not indicate that 1.0.0 is any more stable or "release ready" than the previous release, however it does allow AO to follow proper Semantic Versioning when making releases, using MAJOR, MINOR and PATCH increments to indicate the impact of the changes.


There is no impact on users of either the ActiveObjects library or the Atlassian plugin - it is compatible with the previous release.

New Features

No new features have been added.

Notable Bugfixes

Plugin no longer includes java source files for the library.


KeySummaryTCreatedUpdatedAssigneeReporterPStatusResolutionFix Version/S
AO-693Postgres 9.4 TestingTaskOct 28, 2015Nov 30, 2015Elena VasilyevaAlex CourtisMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.0.0
AO-654Remove "Missing Reverse OneToMany" WarningTaskJun 15, 2015Jul 03, 2015UnassignedAlex CourtisMajorRESOLVEDFixed0.30.x, 1.0.0
AO-648Add A Guard For Multiple Registrations Of Same <ao> ConfigurationBugMay 21, 2015Oct 28, 2015Alex CourtisAlex CourtisMajorRESOLVEDFixed 
AO-643AO table for jira-development-integration-plugin is not createdBugMay 13, 2015Jan 11, 2016Alex CourtisEric SukmajayaMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.0.0
AO-640Migrate From Deprecated AutowireCapable Plugin To ContainerManagedPluginTaskMay 03, 2015Jul 03, 2015Alex CourtisAlex CourtisMajorRESOLVEDFixed0.30.x, 1.0.0
AO-592back down from H2 1.4 (beta) to 1.3 (stable)TaskJan 29, 2015Jul 03, 2015Alex CourtisAlex CourtisMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.0.0
AO-569Update to Spring 4.1.4+TaskOct 30, 2014Jul 03, 2015UnassignedMarcos ScrivenMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.0.0
AO-48850 ActiveObject Entity limit per add-on? YGTBKM! Now it's 200BugNov 22, 2013Jul 01, 2016Alex CourtisAndy BrookMajorRESOLVEDFixed0.30.x, 1.0.0
AO-639Release new version of AO that has a more recent amps versionTaskApr 30, 2015Jul 03, 2015Martin HendersonMartin HendersonMinorRESOLVEDFixed1.0.0
AO-637<ao> Modules Are Keyed By <plugin-key> OnlyBugApr 15, 2015Aug 27, 2015UnassignedAlex CourtisMinorRESOLVEDFixed 

10 issues

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