Last updated Feb 20, 2020

Understanding Nested Resources

The Trello API provides a number of ways to access data throughout Trello. Because of the nested nature of the Trello experience (cards are in lists that are in boards), a number of resources are accessible as nested entities. Additionally, the API allows you to get at nested resources as URL parameters as well as query parameters.

For instance, if you wanted to get all of the cards for a board you could use:{boardId}/cards or{boardId}/?cards=all

Because a lot of the fields and values are duplicative, we've included a section of documentation for each resource that outlines how it can be accessed as a nested resource either via the URL or a query parameter.

A number of the parameters accept a comma-seperated list of fields for the given object. You should refer to the API reference or Object Defintion page for the given object to see details about each field.

Actions Nested Resource

Actions are often included as nested resources within the Trello API. Their highly-nested nature is due to the fact that actions are created within the context of other resources. For instance, when a user adds another user to a board, Trello creates an addMemberToBoard action that references the board. Therefore, it makes sense to be able to access all of the actions within the context of an object from which they were created.

Nested Actions with Query Params

ParameterValid ValuesDefaultDescription
actions_entities booleantrue, falsefalseBoolean to return actions' entities or not.
actions_display booleantrue, falsefalseBoolean to return actions' display or not.
actions_format stringOne of: count, list, or minimallistThe format that actions should be returned in.
actions_since stringISO-formmatted Date or Mongo IDnoneThe maximum date for when the actions were created.
Ex: actions_since=2022-04-22
actions_before stringISO-formmatted Date or Mongo IDnoneThe minumum date for when the actions were created.
Ex: actions_before=2022-04-22
actions_limit integerNumber between 0 and 100050The number of action objects to be returned.
action_fields stringComma-separated list of Action Object Fields.allThe fields to be returned for the action object.
action_member booleantrue, falsetrueDetermines whether to return the member object for the action.
action_member_fields stringComma-separated list of Member Object FieldsavatarHash, fullName, initials, usernameThe fields to be returned if the member object is being returned.
action_memberCreator booleanBooltrueDetermines whether to return the memberCreator object for the action.
action_memberCreator_fields stringComma-separated list of Member Object FieldsavatarHash,fullName,initials,usernameThe fields to be returned if the memberCreator object is being returned.

Example Request


And the result of the above request:

  "id": "54a17d76d4a5072e3931736b",
  "actions": [
      "id": "54a1b7c3a6ea7c2b1eaa5cdf",
      "idMemberCreator": "53baf533e697a982248cd73f",
      "memberCreator": {
        "id": "53baf533e697a982248cd73f",
        "fullName": "Lauren Moon"
      "id": "54a1b73f030916211e718516",
      "idMemberCreator": "53baf533e697a982248cd73f",
      "memberCreator": {
        "id": "53baf533e697a982248cd73f",
        "fullName": "Lauren Moon"

Nested Actions via URL Params


ParameterValid ValuesDefaultDescription
entities booleantrue, falsefalseBoolean to return actions' entities or not.
display booleantrue, falsefalseBoolean to return actions' display or not.
filter stringComma-separated list of Action Types.commentCard, updateCard:idListDetermines the types of actions to be returned. You can specify all to return all action types.
fields stringComma-separated list of Action Object Fields.allA comma-separated list of Action Object Fields to be included in the returned action objects.
limit integerNumber between 0 and 100050The number of action objects to be returned.
format stringOne of: count, list, or minimallistThe format that actions should be returned in.
since stringISO-formmatted Date or Mongo IDnoneThe maximum date for when the actions were created.
Ex: since=2022-04-22
before stringISO-formmatted Date or Mongo IDnoneThe maximum date for when the actions were created.
Ex: before=2022-04-22
page integer0 or positive integer0The page of results to display. Each page as results equal to the set limit.
idModels stringComma-separated list of model IDsnoneThe id of action models to display.
member booleantrue, falsetrueDetermines whether to return the member object for the action.
member_fields stringComma-separated list of Member Object FieldsavatarHash, fullName, initials, usernameThe fields to be returned if the member object is being returned.
memberCreator booleantrue, falsetrueDetermines whether to return the memberCreator object for the action.
memberCreator_fields stringComma-separated list of Member Object FieldsavatarHash,fullName,initials,usernameThe fields to be returned if the memberCreator object is being returned.

Example Request


Boards Nested Resource

Boards are accessible as nested resources via a number of other resources.

Nested Boards via Query Params

For objects that can contain multiple boards, like organizations and members


boardsDefault: none
all or a comma-separated list of:
- open - Returns all boards that are open.
- closed - Returns all boards that have been closed.
- members - Returns all boards that have visibility set to Private.
- organization - Returns all boards that have visibility set to Workspace.
- public - Returns all boards that have visibility set to Public.
- starred - Returns all boards that have been starred.
board_fieldsDefault: all
all or a comma-separated list of board fields
board_actionsall or a comma-separated list of:
- addAttachmentToCard
- addChecklistToCard
- addMemberToBoard
- addMemberToCard
- addMemberToOrganization
- addToOrganizationBoard
- commentCard
- convertToCardFromCheckItem
- copyBoard
- copyCard
- copyCommentCard
- createBoard
- createCard
- createList
- createOrganization
- deleteAttachmentFromCard
- deleteBoardInvitation
- deleteCard
- deleteOrganizationInvitation
- disablePowerUp
- emailCard
- enablePowerUp
- makeAdminOfBoard
- makeNormalMemberOfBoard
- makeNormalMemberOfOrganization
- makeObserverOfBoard
- memberJoinedTrello
- moveCardFromBoard
- moveCardToBoard
- moveListFromBoard
- moveListToBoard
- removeChecklistFromCard
- removeFromOrganizationBoard
- removeMemberFromCard
- unconfirmedBoardInvitation
- unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation
- updateBoard
- updateCard
- updateCard:closed
- updateCard:desc
- updateCard:idList
- updateCard:name
- updateCheckItemStateOnCard
- updateChecklist
- updateList
- updateList:closed
- updateList:name
- updateMember
- updateOrganization
See also: Action Types
board_actions_entitiesDefault: false
true or false
board_actions_displayDefault: false
true or false
board_actions_formatDefault: list
One of: count, list, minimal
board_actions_sinceA date, null, or lastView
board_actions_limitDefault: 50
Max: 1000
board_action_fieldsall or a comma-separated list of action fields
board_listsDefault: none
One of: all, closed, none, open

Cards Nested Resource

Cards are available as nested resources within many of the other Trello resources. Below are the parameters that are available to cards as nested resources.

Nested Cards as Query Params

Don't get confused!

Cards can be nested as query params and as URL params.

If your route looks like 1/boards/{boardId}/cards you're going to want to head down to Nested Cards as URL Params.

If your route looks like 1/boards/{boardId}?cards you're in the right spot! The parameters directly below are available to you.

cardsDefault: None
Options: one of:
- all
- closed
- open - Includes cards that are open in lists that have been archived.
- visible - Only returns cards in lists that are not closed.
card_fieldsDefault: all
Options: all or a comma-separated list of card fields
card_membersDefault: false
Options: true or false
card_member_fieldsDefault: id,avatarHash,avatarUrl,initials,fullName,username,confirmed,memberType
Options: all or a comma-separated list of member fields
card_attachmentsOptions: true, false, or cover
card_attachment_fieldsDefault: url,previews
Options: all or a comma-separated list of attachment fields
card_stickersDefault: false
Options: true or false
card_modifiedSinceDefault: none
Options: ISO Timestamp (eg: 2018-08-07T17:02:24.030Z or MongoID
card_customFieldItemsDefault: false
Options: false or true to include customFieldItems in the response

Nested Cards as URL Params

Cards are also available as nested resources via URL parameters. For instance, you may want just the cards belonging to a specific resource like a list or a board; in that case you'd use the route /1/boards/{id}/cards with any of the options below as query parameters.

actionsall or a comma-separated list of:
- addAttachmentToCard
- addChecklistToCard
- addMemberToBoard
- addMemberToCard
- addMemberToOrganization
- addToOrganizationBoard
- commentCard
- convertToCardFromCheckItem
- copyBoard
- copyCard
- copyCommentCard
- createBoard
- createCard
- createList
- createOrganization
- deleteAttachmentFromCard
- deleteBoardInvitation
- deleteCard
- deleteOrganizationInvitation
- disablePowerUp
- emailCard
- enablePowerUp
- makeAdminOfBoard
- makeNormalMemberOfBoard
- makeNormalMemberOfOrganization
- makeObserverOfBoard
- memberJoinedTrello
- moveCardFromBoard
- moveCardToBoard
- moveListFromBoard
- moveListToBoard
- removeChecklistFromCard
- removeFromOrganizationBoard
- removeMemberFromCard
- unconfirmedBoardInvitation
- unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation
- updateBoard
- updateCard
- updateCard:closed
- updateCard:desc
- updateCard:idList
- updateCard:name
- updateCheckItemStateOnCard
- updateChecklist
- updateList
- updateList:closed
- updateList:name
- updateMember
- updateOrganization

Note: If you ask for actions, Trello limits the number returned to 300.
attachmentsDefault: false
Either a boolean value or cover for only cover attachments
attachment_fieldsDefault: all
all or a comma-separated list of:
- bytes
- date
- edgeColor
- idMember
- isUpload
- mimeType
- name
- previews
- url
customFieldItemsDefault: false
One of: true, false

Check out Getting Started With Custom Fields for more on Custom Fields.
stickersDefault: false
One of: true, false
membersDefault: false
One of: true, false
member_fieldsDefault: avatarHash,fullName,initials,username
all or a comma-separated list of:
- avatarHash
- bio
- bioData
- confirmed
- fullName
- idPremOrgsAdmin
- initials
- memberType
- products
- status
- url
- username
checkItemStatesDefault: false
One of: true, false
checklistsDefault: none
One of: all, none
limitA number from 1 to 1000
sortDefault: none
One of: -id
sinceA date, or null
beforeA date, or null
filterDefault: visible
One of: all, closed, none, open, visible
fieldsDefault: all
all or a comma-separated list of:
- badges
- checkItemStates
- closed
- dateLastActivity
- desc
- descData
- due
- idAttachmentCover
- idBoard
- idChecklists
- idLabels
- idList
- idMembers
- idMembersVoted
- idShort
- labels
- limits
- manualCoverAttachment
- name
- pos
- shortLink
- shortUrl
- subscribed
- url
pluginDataDefault: false
One of: true, false

Example Request

Here's an example using the cards nested resource to get the visible cards in a list:

    "id": "560bf4dd7139286471dc009c",
    "name": "Grand Canyon National Park",
    "badges": {
      "votes": 0,
      "viewingMemberVoted": false,
      "subscribed": false,
      "fogbugz": "",
      "checkItems": 0,
      "checkItemsChecked": 0,
      "comments": 0,
      "attachments": 2,
      "description": false,
      "due": null,
      "dueComplete": false
    "labels": [
        "id": "560bf42919ad3a5dc29f33c5",
        "idBoard": "560bf4298b3dda300c18d09c",
        "name": "Visited",
        "color": "green"
    "id": "560bf4e25d93437b729482e0",
    "name": "Petrified Forest National Park",
    "badges": {
      "votes": 0,
      "viewingMemberVoted": false,
      "subscribed": false,
      "fogbugz": "",
      "checkItems": 0,
      "checkItemsChecked": 0,
      "comments": 0,
      "attachments": 1,
      "description": false,
      "due": null,
      "dueComplete": false
    "labels": [

    "id": "560bf4e5ea91d2880f5dd840",
    "name": "Saguaro National Park",
    "badges": {
      "votes": 0,
      "viewingMemberVoted": false,
      "subscribed": false,
      "fogbugz": "",
      "checkItems": 0,
      "checkItemsChecked": 0,
      "comments": 0,
      "attachments": 1,
      "description": false,
      "due": null,
      "dueComplete": false
    "labels": [
        "id": "560bf42919ad3a5dc29f33c5",
        "idBoard": "560bf4298b3dda300c18d09c",
        "name": "Visited",
        "color": "green"

Checklists Nested Resource

Checklists are available as nested resources within many of the other Trello resources. Below are the parameters that are available to Checklists as nested resources.

Nested Checklists as Query Params

The table below shows query params available when accessing cards as a nested resource via query params. For instance, the query params are available when you are accessing cards via: /object/{id}?checklists=all.

checklistsOne of: none or all
checklist_fieldsDefault: all
all or a comma separated list of checklist fields as documented on the Checklist Object.

Example Request

Here's an example using the checklists nested resource to get all of the checklists on a board:


And the response:

  "id": "544a947a60022d7de4d28187",
  "name": "Connor's 8th Birthday Bash",
  "checklists": [
      "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
      "name": "Chores",
      "idBoard": "544a947a60022d7de4d28187",
      "idCard": "544a947b60022d7de4d281aa",
      "pos": 16384,
      "checkItems": [
          "idChecklist": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
          "state": "incomplete",
          "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f2",
          "name": "Vacuum carpet",
          "nameData": null,
          "pos": 16683,
          "due": null,
          "dueReminder": null,
          "idMember": null
          "idChecklist": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
          "state": "incomplete",
          "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f3",
          "name": "Clean stove",
          "nameData": null,
          "pos": 33312,
          "due": null,
          "dueReminder": null,
          "idMember": null
          "idChecklist": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
          "state": "incomplete",
          "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f4",
          "name": "Arrange coat closet",
          "nameData": null,
          "pos": 50543,
          "due": null,
          "dueReminder": null,
          "idMember": null
          "idChecklist": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
          "state": "incomplete",
          "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f5",
          "name": "Clean out fridge",
          "nameData": null,
          "pos": 67424,
          "due": "2022-11-26T02:00:00.000Z",
          "dueReminder": -1,
          "idMember": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f6"

Nested Checklists as URL Params

Checklists are also available as nested resources via URL parameters. For instance, you may want just the Checklists belonging to a specific resource like a list or a card; in that case you'd use the route /1/cards/{id}/checklists with any of the options below as query parameters.

fieldsDefault: all
all or a comma separated list of checklist fields.
cardsValues outlined in Cards Nested Resource documentation above.
filterDefault: all
One of: none or all
checkItemsDefault: all
One of: none or all
checkItem_fieldsDefault: name, nameData, pos, due, dueReminder, idMember, state
all or a comma-separated list of:
- name
- nameData
- type
- pos
- state
- creationMethod
- due
- dueReminder
- idMember

Example Request

Here's an example using the checklists nested resource to get all of the checklists on a board:


And the response:

    "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
    "name": "Chores",
    "idBoard": "544a947a60022d7de4d28187",
    "idCard": "544a947b60022d7de4d281aa",
    "pos": 16384,
    "limits": {
      "checkItems": {
        "perChecklist": {
          "status": "ok",
          "disableAt": 200,
          "warnAt": 180
    "creationMethod": null,
    "checkItems": [
        "idChecklist": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
        "state": "incomplete",
        "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f2",
        "name": "Vacuum carpet",
        "nameData": null,
        "pos": 16683,
        "due": null,
        "dueReminder": null,
        "idMember": null
        "idChecklist": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
        "state": "incomplete",
        "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f3",
        "name": "Clean stove",
        "nameData": null,
        "pos": 33312,
        "due": null,
        "dueReminder": null,
        "idMember": null
        "idChecklist": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
        "state": "incomplete",
        "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f4",
        "name": "Arrange coat closet",
        "nameData": null,
        "pos": 50543,
        "due": "2022-11-26T02:00:00.000Z",
        "dueReminder": -1,
        "idMember": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f6"
        "idChecklist": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f1",
        "state": "incomplete",
        "id": "544a947b60022d7de4d281f5",
        "name": "Clean out fridge",
        "nameData": null,
        "pos": 67424,
        "due": null,
        "dueReminder": null,
        "idMember": null

Custom Fields Nested Resource

Custom fields can be included as a nested resource. The only parameter is whether to include the custom fields.

customFieldsDefault: false
true: include the custom fields.

Labels Nested Resource

Labels are often included as a nested resource in Trello. Below you will find parameters available when working with labels as nested resources.

Nested Labels as Query Params

Query ParameterDefaultValid Values
labelsnoneOne of: all or none
label_fieldsallall or a comma-seperated list of: color, idBoard, name, uses.
labels_limit50A number from 0 to 1000.

Example Request


And the response:

  "id": "543efd0c05d2a3ebc06a6534",
  "labels": [
      "id": "546689ef74d650d567ffdd87",
      "color": "green"
      "id": "546689ef74d650d567ffdd8a",
      "color": "purple"

Nested Labels as URL Params

URL ParameterDefaultValid Values
label_fieldsallall or a comma-seperated list of: color, idBoard, name, uses.
labels_limit50A number from 0 to 1000.

Example Request


And the response:

    "id": "546689ef74d650d567ffdd87",
    "color": "green"
    "id": "546689ef74d650d567ffdd8a",
    "color": "purple"

Lists Nested Resource

Lists are available as nested resources within many of the other Trello resources. Below are the parameters that are available to lists as nested resources.

Nested Lists as Query Params

The table below shows query params available when accessing lists as a nested resource via query params. For instance, the query params are available when you are accessing lists via: /object/{id}?lists=open.

Query ParameterValid ValuesDescription
Default: none
One of: all, closed, none, openWhich types lists should be returned.
Default: all
all or a comma separated list of list object fieldsWhich fields from the list object should be returned

Example Request

Here is an example of using the lists nested resource on the boards endpoint:


And the response:

  "id": "5ac61a2e05fae550b0d45c93",
  "name": "VR Education Academic Paper Tracker",
  "lists": [
      "id": "5ac61a2e05fae550b0d45c94",
      "name": "Prompts",
      "closed": false,
      "idBoard": "5ac61a2e05fae550b0d45c93",
      "pos": 98303,
      "subscribed": false,
      "limits": {
        "cards": {
          "openPerList": {
            "status": "ok",
            "disableAt": 5000,
            "warnAt": 4500
          "totalPerList": {
            "status": "ok",
            "disableAt": 1000000,
            "warnAt": 900000
      "creationMethod": null

Nested Lists as URL Params

Lists are also available as nested resources via URL parameters. For instance, you may want just the lists belonging to a specific resource like a board; in that case you'd use the route /1/boards/{id}/lists with any of the options below as query parameters.

URL ParameterValid ValuesDescription
Default: none
One of: all, closed, none, openWhich types lists should be returned.
Default: all
all or a comma separated list of list object fieldsWhich fields from the list object should be returned

Example Request

Here is an example of using the lists nested resource on the boards endpoint:


And the response:

    "id": "5ac61a2e05fae550b0d45c94",
    "name": "Prompts",
    "closed": false,
    "idBoard": "5ac61a2e05fae550b0d45c93",
    "pos": 98303,
    "subscribed": null,
    "limits": {
      "cards": {
        "openPerList": {
          "status": "ok",
          "disableAt": 5000,
          "warnAt": 4500
        "totalPerList": {
          "status": "ok",
          "disableAt": 1000000,
          "warnAt": 900000
    "creationMethod": null

Members Nested Resource

Members are available as nested resources within many of the other Trello resources. Below are the parameters that are available to members as nested resources.

Nested Members as Query Params

The table below shows query params available when accessing members as a nested resource via query params. For instance, the query params are available when you are accessing boards via: /1/boards/{id}?members=all.

Query ParameterValid ValuesDescription
Default: none
One of: none, normal, admins, owners, allWhich types of members should be returned.
Default: id,avatarHash,avatarUrl,initials,fullName,username,confirmed,memberType
`all or a comma separated list of list Member fieldsWhich fields from the member object should be returned

Members on cards

When accessing members on cards, there is no differentiation and you will instead want to use ?members=true to include them in the response.

Nested Members as URL Params

Members are also available as nested resources via URL parameters. For instance, you may want just the members belonging to a specific board; in that case you'd use the route /1/boards/{id}/members with any of the options below as query parameters.

URL ParameterValid ValuesDescription
Default: id,fullName,username
all or a comma-separated list of:
- avatarHash
- avatarUrl
- bio
- bioData
- confirmed
- fullName
- idEnterprisesDeactivated
- idPremOrgsAdmin
- initials
- memberType
- products
- status
- url
- username
Which fields from the member object should be returned.

Notifications Nested Resource

Notifications as Query Params


Query ParameterDefaultOptions
notificationsall or a comma-separated list of:
- addAdminToBoard
- addAdminToOrganization
- addedAttachmentToCard
- addedMemberToCard
- addedToBoard
- addedToCard
- addedToCheckItem
- addedToOrganization
- cardDueSoon
- changeCard
- changeCheckItemDue
- checkItemDueSoon
- closeBoard
- commentCard
- createdCard
- declinedInvitationToBoard
- declinedInvitationToOrganization
- invitedToBoard
- invitedToOrganization
- makeAdminOfBoard
- makeAdminOfOrganization
- memberJoinedTrello
- mentionedOnCard
- removedFromBoard
- removedFromCard
- removedFromOrganization
- removedMemberFromCard
- unconfirmedInvitedToBoard
- unconfirmedInvitedToOrganization
- updateCheckItemStateOnCard
falsetrue or false
falsetrue or false
notifications_limit50Max: 1000
notification_fieldsallall or a comma-separated list of:
- data
- date
- idMemberCreator
- type
- unread
notification_memberCreatortruetrue or false
notification_memberCreator_fieldsavatarHash,fullName,initials,usernameall or a comma-separated list of member fields
notification_beforeAn ID or null
notification_sinceAn ID or null

Reactions Nested Resource

Reactions are often included as nested resources within the Trello API. Their highly-nested nature is due to the fact that reactions are created within the context of actions.

For instance, when a user reacts to a comment on a card, Trello creates a reaction that references the action. Therefore, it makes sense to be able to access all of the reactions within the context of the action on which they were created.

Nested Reactions with Query Params

ParameterValid ValuesDefaultDescription
true, falsefalseBoolean to return reactions entities or not.
true, falsefalseBoolean to return reactions summary entities or not.
true, falsetrueBoolean to return nested member entities for reactions or not.
StringavatarHash,avatarUrl,fullName,initials,usernameThe fields to be returned if the member object is being returned.
true, falsetrueBoolean to return nested emoji entities for reactions or not.

Example Request

curl --request GET \

And the response:

  "id": "5afc2c98bb0aa3d078e30be4",
  "reactions": [
      "id": "5afeec8fb0850e36938e465b",
      "idMember": "54f8181e733cf3c45ec056be",
      "idModel": "5afc2c98bb0aa3d078e30be4",
      "idEmoji": "1F64C",
      "member": {
        "id": "54f8181e733cf3c45ec056be",
        "avatarHash": "0fdb1227362c631f7dddaebedbe13f07",
        "avatarUrl": "",
        "fullName": "Felix Haehnel",
        "initials": "FH",
        "username": "fhaehnel"
      "emoji": {
        "unified": "1F64C",
        "native": "🙌",
        "skinVariation": null,
        "shortName": "raised_hands"
curl --request GET \
  "id": "5a2ee8e4c0fddff47c596129",
  "actions": [
      "id": "5afc2c98bb0aa3d078e30be4",
      "reactions": [
          "id": "5afeec8fb0850e36938e465b",
          "idMember": "54f8181e733cf3c45ec056be",
          "idModel": "5afc2c98bb0aa3d078e30be4",
          "idEmoji": "1F64C",
          "member": {
            "id": "54f8181e733cf3c45ec056be",
            "avatarHash": "0fdb1227362c631f7dddaebedbe13f07",
            "avatarUrl": "",
            "fullName": "Felix Haehnel",
            "initials": "FH",
            "username": "fhaehnel"
          "emoji": {
            "unified": "1F64C",
            "native": "🙌",
            "skinVariation": null,
            "shortName": "raised_hands"

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