Field Name | Description |
id string | The ID of the action |
data object | Relevant information regarding the action |
date date | When the action occurred |
idMemberCreator string | The ID of the member who caused the action |
type string | The type of the action. See list of Action Types for options. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
{ "id": "592f11060f95a3d3d46a987a", "idMemberCreator": "5191197f9433cf5507006338", "data": { "list": { "name": "Professional", "id": "54a17e9db559f0356ce022e4" }, "board": { "shortLink": "BdarzfKF", "name": "Life Goals", "id": "54a17d76d4a5072e3931736b" }, "card": { "shortLink": "gplJv6dx", "idShort": 2, "name": "Increase revenue by 10%", "id": "54a1844d304d9736e54d2546", "due": "2017-12-12T17:00:00.000Z" }, "old": { "due": "2017-05-01T16:00:00.000Z" } }, "type": "updateCard", "date": "2017-05-31T18:52:54.933Z", "memberCreator": { "id": "5191197f9433cf5507006338", "avatarHash": "ae0fde383cc2a195c053f1ad42c02022", "fullName": "Brian Cervino", "initials": "BC", "username": "brian" }, "display": { "translationKey": "action_changed_a_due_date", "entities": { "card": { "type": "card", "due": "2017-12-12T17:00:00.000Z", "id": "54a1844d304d9736e54d2546", "shortLink": "gplJv6dx", "text": "Increase revenue by 10%" }, "date": { "type": "date", "date": "2017-12-12T17:00:00.000Z" }, "memberCreator": { "type": "member", "id": "5191197f9433cf5507006338", "username": "brian", "text": "Brian Cervino" } } } }
Field Name | Description |
id string | The ID of the attachment |
bytes integer | The size of the attachment in bytes |
date string | The date the attachment was added |
edgeColor string | For image attachments, the extracted edge color |
idMember string | The ID of the member who added the attachment |
isUpload boolean | Whether the attachment was uploaded |
mimeType string | The mimeType for the attachment |
name string | The name of the attachment |
pos float | The position of the attachment in the attachments list |
previews array | If the attachment is an image, an array of generated previews of the image in various sizes |
url string | The URL to the attachment |
1 2curl
1 2{ "id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922ec", "bytes": 61114, "date": "2021-02-15T14:28:17.202Z", "edgeColor": "#5c5c5c", "idMember": "5fa06c67bb60727b6ada0b43", "isUpload": true, "mimeType": "image/png", "name": "Screenshot 2021-02-09 at 16.35.29.png", "previews": [ { "id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922f7", "_id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922f7", "scaled": false, "url": "", "bytes": 2397, "height": 50, "width": 70 }, { "id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922f8", "_id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922f8", "scaled": false, "url": "", "bytes": 10977, "height": 150, "width": 250 }, { "id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922f9", "_id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922f9", "scaled": true, "url": "", "bytes": 10115, "height": 145, "width": 150 }, { "id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922fa", "_id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922fa", "scaled": true, "url": "", "bytes": 25965, "height": 291, "width": 300 }, { "id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922fb", "_id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922fb", "scaled": true, "url": "", "bytes": 40886, "height": 512, "width": 528 }, { "id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922fc", "_id": "602a8501ecff9a3942b922fc", "scaled": true, "url": "", "bytes": 61114, "height": 512, "width": 528 } ], "url": "", "pos": 16384, "fileName": "Screenshot_2021-02-09_at_16.35.29.png" }
Field | Description |
id string | The ID of the board |
name string | The name of the board |
desc string | The description of the board. Deprecated |
descData string or null | If the description includes custom emoji, this will contain the data necessary to display them. |
closed boolean | Boolean whether the board has been closed or not. |
idMemberCreator string | MongoID of the member that created the board. |
idOrganization string | MongoID of the organization to which the board belongs. |
pinned boolean | Boolean whether the board has been pinned or not. |
url string | Persistent URL for the board. |
shortUrl string | URL for the board using only its shortMongoID |
prefs object | Short for "preferences", these are the settings for the board |
labelNames object | Object containing color keys and the label names given for one label of each color on the board. To get a full list of labels on the board see /boards/{id}/labels/. |
starred boolean | Whether the board has been starred by the current request's user. |
limits object | An object containing information on the limits that exist for the board. Read more about at Limits. |
memberships array | Array of objects that represent the relationship of users to this board as memberships. |
enterpriseOwned boolean | Whether the board is owned by an Enterprise or not. |
An example request and response for a board object and all of its fields would look like:
1 2curl
You may also use the board's shortLink
in place of the id, like so:
1 2curl
1 2{ "id": "5612e4f91b25c15e873722b8", "name": "Employee Manual", "desc": "", "descData": null, "closed": false, "idOrganization": "54b58957112602c9a0be7aa3", "idMemberCreator": "53baf533e697a982248cd73f", "invited": false, "limits": { "attachments": { "perBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 34200, "warnAt": 32400 } }, "boards": { "totalMembersPerBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 1520, "warnAt": 1440 } }, "cards": { "openPerBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 5000, "warnAt": 4500 }, "totalPerBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 2000000, "warnAt": 1800000 } }, "checklists": { "perBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 2000000, "warnAt": 1800000 } }, "customFields": { "perBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 48, "warnAt": 45 } }, "labels": { "perBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 950, "warnAt": 900 } }, "lists": { "openPerBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 475, "warnAt": 450 }, "totalPerBoard": { "status": "ok", "disableAt": 2850, "warnAt": 2700 } } }, "memberships": [ { "id": "5612e4fb1b25c15e8737234b", "idMember": "53baf533e697a982248cd73f", "memberType": "admin", "unconfirmed": false }, { "id": "5925e4fc63096260c349cbd4", "idMember": "53cd82cd7ed746db278c4f32", "memberType": "normal", "unconfirmed": false } ], "pinned": false, "starred": false, "url": "", "prefs": { "permissionLevel": "public", "voting": "disabled", "comments": "members", "invitations": "members", "selfJoin": true, "cardCovers": true, "cardAging": "regular", "calendarFeedEnabled": false, "background": "5925b78fa1bd45e1bfb835da", "backgroundImage": "", "backgroundImageScaled": [ { "width": 140, "height": 100, "url": "" }, { "width": 256, "height": 192, "url": "" }, { "width": 480, "height": 480, "url": "" }, { "width": 960, "height": 960, "url": "" }, { "width": 1024, "height": 1024, "url": "" }, { "width": 2048, "height": 2048, "url": "" }, { "width": 1280, "height": 1280, "url": "" }, { "width": 1920, "height": 1920, "url": "" }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1600, "url": "" }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1707, "url": "" } ], "backgroundTile": false, "backgroundBrightness": "light", "backgroundBottomColor": "#332b09", "backgroundTopColor": "#d3c4a9", "canBePublic": false, "canBeOrg": false, "canBePrivate": false, "canInvite": true }, "invitations": [], "shortLink": "HbTEX5hb", "subscribed": false, "labelNames": { "green": "", "yellow": "good to go", "orange": "", "red": "", "purple": "", "blue": "", "sky": "", "lime": "", "pink": "", "black": "" }, "powerUps": [], "dateLastActivity": "2016-01-07T21:24:47.855Z", "dateLastView": "2018-03-12T14:15:20.234Z", "shortUrl": "", "idTags": [], "datePluginDisable": null }
Field | Description |
id string | The ID of the card |
badges Object | Pieces of information about the card that are displayed on the front of the card. |
checkItemStates array | |
closed boolean | Whether the card is closed (archived). Note: Archived lists and boards do not cascade archives to cards. A card can have closed: false but be on an archived board. |
dateLastActivity date | The datetime of the last activity on the card. Note: There are activities that update dateLastActivity that do not create a corresponding action. For instance, updating the name field of a checklist item on a card does not create an action but does update the card and board's dateLastActivity value. |
desc string | The description for the card. Up to 16384 chars. |
descData | If the description has custom emoji, this field will provide the data necessary to display them. |
due date | The due date on the card, if one exists |
dueComplete boolean | Whether the due date has been marked complete |
idAttachmentCover string | The id of the attachment selected as the cover image, if one exists |
idBoard string | The ID of the board the card is on |
idChecklists array of strings | An array of checklist IDs that are on this card |
idLabels array of strings | An array of label IDs that are on this card |
idList string | The ID of the list the card is in |
idMembers array of strings | An array of member IDs that are on this card |
idMembersVoted array of strings | An array of member IDs who have voted on this card |
idShort integer | Numeric ID for the card on this board. Only unique to the board, and subject to change as the card moves |
labels array of labels | Array of label objects on this card |
manualCoverAttachment boolean | Whether the card cover image was selected automatically by Trello, or manually by the user |
name string | Name of the card |
pos float | Position of the card in the list |
shortLink string | The 8 character shortened ID for the card |
shortUrl string | URL to the card without the name slug |
start date | The start date on the card, if one exists |
subscribed boolean | Whether this member is subscribed to the card |
url string | Full URL to the card, with the name slug |
address string | Address of card location |
locationName string | Name of card location |
coordinates object | Either a comma-separated string in the format latitude,longitude or an object containing keys for latitude and longitude whose values are numbers between -180 and 180. |
An example request and response for a card object and all of its fields would look like:
1 2curl
You may also use the card's shortLink
in place of the id, like so:
1 2curl
1 2{ "id": "560bf4dd7139286471dc009c", "badges": { "votes": 0, "viewingMemberVoted": false, "subscribed": true, "fogbugz": "", "checkItems": 0, "checkItemsChecked": 0, "comments": 0, "attachments": 2, "description": false, "due": null, "dueComplete": false }, "checkItemStates": [ ], "closed": false, "dueComplete": false, "dateLastActivity": "2017-06-26T17:39:49.583Z", "desc": "", "descData": null, "due": null, "email": null, "idBoard": "560bf4298b3dda300c18d09c", "idChecklists": [ ], "idList": "560bf44ea68b16bd0fc2a9a9", "idMembers": [ "556c8537a1928ba745504dd8" ], "idMembersVoted": [ ], "idShort": 9, "idAttachmentCover": "5944a06460ed0bee471ad8e0", "manualCoverAttachment": false, "labels": [ { "id": "560bf42919ad3a5dc29f33c5", "idBoard": "560bf4298b3dda300c18d09c", "name": "Visited", "color": "green" } ], "idLabels": [ "560bf42919ad3a5dc29f33c5" ], "name": "Grand Canyon National Park", "pos": 16384, "shortLink": "nqPiDKmw", "shortUrl": "", "subscribed": true, "url": "", "address": "55 Broadway\nSan Francisco CA 94111\nUnited States", "locationName": "55 Broadway, NY 10280", "coordinates": { "latitude": 37.7986712, "longitude": -122.3991514 } }
Tip: While logged into Trello, visit
to see the full member API response for your own user.
Field Name | Description |
id string | The ID of the member |
avatarUrl string | The url of this member's avatar |
initials string | The initials related to the account, if it is public. |
fullName string | The full name related to the account, if it is public. |
username string | The username of this account. |
confirmed boolean | Whether the user has confirmed their email address for their account. |
idOrganizations Array | List of workspaces this member belongs to. |
idBoards Array | List of boards this member belongs to. |
1 2curl
Field Name | Description |
id string | ID of the card sticker |
top integer | Top position of the sticker on the card |
left integer | Left position of the sticker on the card |
zIndex integer | z-index of the sticker on the card |
rotate integer | Rotations of the sticker on the card |
image string | ID of the image used for the sticker |
imageUrl string | URL of the image used for the sticker |
imageScaled string | List of different scalings of the sticker image |
1 2curl
1 2{ "id": "602a9a7a533aa85b97624292", "top": 0, "left": 56.62370816929134, "zIndex": 1, "rotate": -6, "image": "check", "imageUrl": "", "imageScaled": [] }
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