Last updated Apr 4, 2024

Product fails to start within timeout period


Running a plugin project (via atlas-runatlas-debug or atlas-run-standalone) results in the startup process taking a long time and eventually the following error:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 13:07 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-01-26T13:42:48-08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 38M/436M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.atlassian.maven.plugins:maven-amps-dispatcher-plugin:6.2.11:run (default-cli) on project myConfluenceMacro: Unable to execute mojo: Execution null of goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.4.7:start failed: Deployable [http://localhost:1990/cargocpc/index.html]
 failed to finish deploying within the timeout period [600000]. The 
Deployable state is thus unknown. -> [Help 1]
 Failed to execute goal 
com.atlassian.maven.plugins:maven-amps-dispatcher-plugin:6.2.11:run (default-cli) on project myConfluenceMacro: Unable to execute mojo

The example above is a Confluence plugin but this can happen for any product supported by the SDK. Cargo maven plugin has timeouts (600,000ms or 10 minutes in the above example) and if the product fails to launch within this time the maven build will fail.


This problem can have different causes, the most frequently encountered being anti-virus scans slowing the build down. Play with the settings of your anti-virus software (whitelist directory, disable scanning of WARs and JARs) to get the build to finish within the timeout period.

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