We've released AMPS 5.0.0 with a major version bump chiefly to indicate the major change in Maven support, rather than any significant functional changes.
Maven Support Changes
Maven 3.1 & 3.2 Support The AMPS SDK now comes bundled with Maven 3.2.1, but will also work with Maven 3.1.x
Dropping Maven 2.x Support Now that Maven 2 is end-of-life, we are also dropping support for this version of Maven in the AMPS SDK
Skipping Maven 3.0.x Support There are some serious bugs in the reactor in Maven 3.0, which have subsequently been fixed in version 3.1. We are thus skipping support for Maven 3.0.x
Other Minor Changes
Atlas CLI upgraded to use Maven CLI Plugin 1.0.11 No longer shows 'maven2' at the command, allows reverse history search