Last updated Jul 22, 2024

AO 1.1.0 upgrade guide


There is no impact on users of either the ActiveObjects library or the Atlassian plugin - it is compatible with the previous release.

New Features

Limited HAVING support for

NuoDB support.

Notable Bugfixes

Postgres table aliases no longer quoted during GROUP BY and ORDER BY.

Plugin no longer includes java source files for the library.


KeySummaryTCreatedUpdatedAssigneeReporterPStatusResolutionFix Version/S
AO-677Add H2 to TestActiveObjectsImprovementAug 31, 2015Sep 25, 2015UnassignedFelix HaehnelTrivialRESOLVEDFixed1.0.1, 1.1.0
AO-675ao-plugin 1.1.x hanging webdriver tests with ao 1.1.0BugAug 27, 2015Sep 08, 2015Alex CourtisAlex CourtisMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.1.0
AO-672"multiple active objects configurations" Errors On Restarting Dependent PluginsBugAug 19, 2015Oct 28, 2015Alex CourtisAlex CourtisMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.0.1, 1.1.0
AO-655Move activeobjects-bamboo-spi into Bamboo codebaseNew FeatureJun 15, 2015Oct 09, 2015Krystian BrazulewiczKrystian BrazulewiczMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.1.0
AO-635Table alias in order by clause in Postgres should not be quotedBugMar 18, 2015Jan 11, 2016UnassignedGeorg SchmidlMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.1.0
AO-634Support for having clausesNew FeatureMar 17, 2015Aug 31, 2015Alex CourtisGeorg SchmidlMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.1.0
AO-633Active Objects quotes table alias in group by clause in PostgresBugMar 17, 2015Jan 11, 2016Alex CourtisGeorg SchmidlMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.1.0
AO-538Add NuoDB SupportImprovementJul 16, 2014Aug 26, 2015Alex CourtisAlex CourtisMinorRESOLVEDFixed1.1.0
AO-213The activeobjects-plugin-0.17.2.x.jar ships with source for the net/ao package embedded.BugNov 06, 2011Oct 11, 2015James WintersBrenden BainMajorRESOLVEDFixed1.0.1, 1.1.0, 0.28.14, 0.29.4

9 issues

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