To configuring a Bitbucket cluster in AMPS, you must do the following:
Whereas non-Data Center products can run with an embedded H2 or HSQL database, Data Center products require an external database to which all nodes connect. As an AMPS or SDK user, it is up to you to provision that database. See Setting up an external database for more details.
To explain how to configure the home directory for clustered mode, we first need to review how the home directory works in non-clustered mode.
In non-clustered mode, each product by default uses a pre-prepared home directory in which the configuration files
specify an embedded H2 or HSQL database. These home directories are shipped as Maven artifacts, with the same version as
the product release to which they relate. For example, when running Confluence 7.12.3, AMPS uses version 7.12.3 of
the Maven artifact com.atlassian.confluence.plugins:confluence-plugin-test-resources:zip
. If we unzip this artifact,
we see that it’s a Confluence home directory:
1 2. └── confluence-home ├── attachments ├── confluence.cfg.xml ├── database ├── index └──
If we then open the main configuration file confluence.cfg.xml
, we see that Confluence is configured to use an H2
1 2<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <confluence-configuration> <setupStep>complete</setupStep> <setupType>install</setupType> <buildNumber>8703</buildNumber> <properties> <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">org.h2.Driver</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.isolation">2</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.password"></property> <property name="hibernate.connection.username">sa</property> <property name="hibernate.dialect">com.atlassian.confluence.impl.hibernate.dialect.H2V4200Dialect</property> ... </properties> </confluence-configuration>
Because this H2 database runs in the same JVM as Confluence, it’s unsuitable for clustered mode.
In clustered mode, the product requires an external database. You achieve this by providing your own home
ZIP (instead of the default one described above), in which the database configuration file (in this example,
) contains the details of that external database:
1 2<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <confluence-configuration> <setupStep>complete</setupStep> <setupType>cluster</setupType> <buildNumber>8703</buildNumber> <properties> <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">org.postgresql.Driver</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.password">theProductPassword</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/confdb</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.username">theProductUser</property> <property name="hibernate.dialect">com.atlassian.confluence.impl.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</property> <property name="hibernate.setup">true</property> ... </properties> </confluence-configuration>
The easiest and most reliable way to generate such a home ZIP (for any product) is as follows:
, mvn amps:run
, or mvn jira:run
. For Bitbucket, run
mvn amps:run
to prevent skipping the setup.clean
command, ormvn <product>:create-home-zip
or mvn amps:create-home-zip
, depending on which AMPS
plugin is configured in your POM.Once you have your home ZIP:
Move the home ZIP to the version-controlled part of your plugin project; a separate directory in the root called
is a good place, as it avoids the home ZIP being bundled into either your production plugin or your test
plugin, if you have one.
Rename the home ZIP from
to something more descriptive, such as
Configure AMPS to load your custom home ZIP instead of the default one, by setting <productDataPath>
, either
globally, as below, or within the relevant <product>
1 2<configuration> <productDataPath>${basedir}/home-zips/</productDataPath> ...
your plugin as follows, to get either of the linked methods to work:1 2<product> <id>bitbucket</id> <instanceId>bitbucket</instanceId> <version>${bitbucket.version}</version> <dataVersion>${}</dataVersion> <libArtifacts> <libArtifact> <!-- We put this at the product level, not just in the <dataSource>, so that AMPS will add it to the product's lib directory. The BBS distro used by AMPS doesn't ship with any JDBC drivers, unlike the one downloaded by customers. --> <groupId>org.postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>42.2.18</version> </libArtifact> </libArtifacts> </product>
To configure your POM, you must do the following:
You configure the nodes by adding them to your AMPS configuration. See Configuring the nodes for more details.
To run in a cluster, Atlassian products require a Data Center license. If the default license provided by AMPS is not a Data Center license, or does not suit your purposes for some other reason, AMPS 8.2 and later allows you to replace the default license with one you provide, such as one obtained from My Atlassian or
To do this, add the desired license to your AMPS configuration, either at the global level, the <product>
level, or both:
Global level
1 2<plugin> <groupId>com.atlassian.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>amps-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>8.3.0</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <productLicense> loremipsumdolorsitametconsecteturadipiscingelitseddoeius modtemporincididuntutlaboreetdoloremagnaaliquautenimadmi nimveniamquisnostrudexercitationullamcolaborisnisiutaliq uipexeacommodoconsequatduisauteiruredolorinreprehenderit </productLicense> ... </configuration>
Product level
1 2<plugin> <groupId>com.atlassian.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>amps-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>8.3.0</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <products> <product> <license> loremipsumdolorsitametconsecteturadipiscingelitseddoeius modtemporincididuntutlaboreetdoloremagnaaliquautenimadmi nimveniamquisnostrudexercitationullamcolaborisnisiutaliq uipexeacommodoconsequatduisauteiruredolorinreprehenderit </license> ... </product> </products> ... </configuration>
Whitespace characters are allowed in the license; the product ignores such characters at runtime.
If you intend to commit a license to version control, it’s best to use a non-perpetual “timebombed” license. That is, one that expires a certain number of hours or days after the product starts up.
, as for single-node
, where n
is 1, etc.<product>
contains a <sharedHome>
, AMPS uses that, otherwisetarget/bitbucket/home/shared
as the shared home directory.AMPS sets hazelcast.port
to a random free port on each node. To use a specific port, set that system property within
the relevant <node>
1 2<nodes> <node> <systemProperties> <!-- 8091 is just an example --> <hazelcast.port>8091</hazelcast.port> ...
AMPS sets plugin.ssh.port
to a random free port on each node. To use a specific port, set that system property within
the relevant <node>
1 2<nodes> <node> <systemProperties> <!-- 8092 is just an example --> <plugin.ssh.port>8092</plugin.ssh.port> ...
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