Last updated Sep 10, 2024

Installing Speakeasy


In order to start building and testing Speakeasy Extensions, you'll first need to install Speakeasy on a JIRA or Confluence instance. You can do this via the plugin manager built into JIRA and Confluence. Search for "Speakeasy Plugin" and click "Install".

Manual Installation

Run through the following steps to get the Speakeasy framework installed into an Atlassian application:

  1. Download and install the most recent Plugin SDK (v3.3).

  2. Start JIRA or Confluence using atlas-run-standalone:

    atlas-run-standalone --product jira


    atlas-run-standalone --product confluence

    and login with username "admin", password "admin".

  3. Navigate to Administration > Plugins > Available, find Speakeasy, and click "Install".


The default Speakeasy configuration restricts who can develop and enable Extensions. You'll need to change these to suit your instance.

  1. Navigate to Administration Dropdown (top right) > Extensions and click "Edit". If you do not see Extensions, refresh the page.
  2. Because you're developing on an instance with no sensitive data, untick the box titled 'Restrict to non-Administrators' and click "Save."

Extension Security For Production Servers

Speakeasy Extensions are still experimental, but if you wish to enable Speakeasy on a JIRA or Confluence server that contains non-public information, here are some notes on security implications:

Enabling an extension allows the Extension author to execute JavaScript as you. Because of this, by default, Administrators cannot run Extensions. You can enable Administrator access to Extensions, but we recommend only doing so if you really trust all your users.

A more sensible configuration might be to allow developers to to develop Extensions and internal users to view and enable them. If your instance allows public signup, it's a bit soon to turn on Speakeasy.

Next Steps...

It's time to start building a Speakeasy extension!

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