Last updated Dec 8, 2017

Plugin Development Platform 2.13 release notes

18 October 2011 With pleasure, Atlassian presents the Atlassian Plugin Development Platform 2.13.

Release Components:

What's in these release notes?

These notes combine the releases of the plugin framework as well as other key plugins, libraries, and APIs that plugin developers depend on.

What issues were resolved?
For a list of what issues were resolved in each platform component, click the version in the component table.

Comments, requests and feedback
We would love your feedback. Please log your requests, bug reports and comments in our issue tracker.

Highlights of this release

  1. Introducing Activity Streams

    Activity stream presents a unified view of what's happening across linked Atlassian applications such as JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, FishEye and Crucible. Imagine how convenient it would be to see a recent commit message from inside your JIRA dashboard!

  2. Some UI improvements in OAuth

    UI enhancements in OAuth plugin token administration page and authorisation form, plus a number of bug fixes. See Atlassian OAuth Plugin Release Notes for details.

  3. Shared Application Layer now supports retrieval of Server ID and SEN

    The latest SAL 2.7 includes an API to retrieve server ID and Support Entitlement Number (SEN).

  4. Introducing new API and user interface in Application Links

    Application Links has new API and user interfaces that conform to the new OAuth specs. Using the new API, you can present a user interface that is more consistent across different products when requesting OAuth authorisation.

  5. Extra packages in Java 7 are available

    If you're running our products on Java 7, the new packages are now made available through your plugins. Simply state the required packages in OSGi import.

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