Each of the Data Center products has a Look and Feel plugin which stores style customisation preferences and applies them to the product pages to better suit the customer. Confluence is a little more advanced with "Themes" and "Color schemes".
See the customer documentation to lean more:
It varied between products, generally on a page request, the superbatch would load the Look and Feel stylesheets after AUI’s in order to be able to override the styles. Their stylesheets were compiled on the fly using the LESS transformer plugin to inject the color hexcode and/or image URL.
All Data Center products are shipping major versions in 2025 (ira Software 11, Jira Service Management 11, Confluence 10, Bitbucket 10, Bamboo 11, and Crowd 7) with the system replaced with the deprecation and removal of Less.
With this change we expect Look and Feel to be more consistent across product and plugin pages while also being easier to understand or debug.
At a high-level there is a new web-resource which must be depended on to provide Look and Feel CSS variables.
If you're interested in how it works (but don't rely on these details) and familiar with Data Center product internals, this is the simplified execution flow.
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