Last updated Jul 22, 2024

Learn the development platform by example

This tutorial teaches you about the Atlassian plugin development platform. This tutorial introduces you to tools and APIs you can use to develop plugins for any Atlassian application. You'll create a plugin of your own that works in any Atlassian application. Your plugin will use AUI (Atlassian User Interface) templates for its look and GUI, and be able to store and retrieve data.

You might notice that Atlassian often uses the terms 'add-on' and 'plugin' in tools and documentation. A plugin is a type of add-on you can develop for use in Atlassian host applications. A plugin is distinctive in that it runs in the same VM as the Atlassian host application.

This tutorial contains the following topics:

How to work through the tutorial

This tutorial builds on the concepts introduced in Set Up the Atlassian SDK and Build a Project. This tutorial delves deeper into the SDK environment and so to complete this tutorial successfully, you should have already installed the SDK and created a plugin project. 

You should work through this tutorial sequentially since each page builds on the last. At the end of each page is a **Next Steps **heading that tells you where to go next.

About these instructions

Level of experienceBEGINNER
Time estimate2:00

Plugin Source

We encourage you to work through the tutorial. If you'd like to skip ahead or check your work when you're done, you can find the plugin source on Atlassian Bitbucket. Bitbucket serves as a public Git repository containing the tutorial's source code. To clone the repository for this plugin, issue the following command: 

git clone

Alternatively, you can download the source code for this plugin project.

Start the tutorial >> 

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