To add the Textfield
component to your app:
import { Textfield } from "@forge/react";
A text field is an input that allows a user to write or edit text.
Name | Type | Required | Available in macro config | Description |
appearance | "subtle" | "standard" | "none" | No | No | Affects the visual style of the text field. |
aria-invalid | boolean | "false" | "true" | "grammar" | "spelling" | No | No | Indicates the entered value does not conform to the format expected by the application. |
aria-labelledby | string | No | No | Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element. |
defaultValue | string | number | No | Yes | The default value of the text field. |
elemAfterInput | ForgeElement | No | No | Element after input in text field. |
elemBeforeInput | ForgeElement | No | No | Element before input in text field. |
id | string | No | No | Used to specify a unique ID for the current element. |
isCompact | boolean | No | No | Applies compact styling, making the field smaller. |
isDisabled | boolean | No | No | Sets the field as to appear disabled. Users will not be able to interact with the text field. |
isInvalid | boolean | No | No | Changes the text field to have a border indicating that its value is invalid. |
isMonospaced | boolean | No | No | Sets content text value to appear monospaced. |
isReadOnly | boolean | No | No | If true , prevents the value of the input from being edited. |
isRequired | boolean | No | Yes | Set required for form that the field is part of. |
max | string | number | No | No | Specifies the maximum value for the text field. |
maxLength | number | No | No | Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the input area. |
min | string | number | No | No | Specifies the minimum value for the text field. |
minLength | number | No | No | Specifies the minimum number of characters required in the input area. |
name | string | Required for macro configuration, not required for other extension points | Yes | Name of the input element. |
onBlur | (e: FocusEvent) => void | No | No | Handler called when the text field looses focus. |
onChange | (e: FormEvent) => void | No | No | Handler called when the input value changes. |
onFocus | (e: FocusEvent) => void | No | No | Handler called when the text field gets focused. |
placeholder | string | No | Yes | Placeholder text to display in the text field whenever it is empty. |
type | string | No | No | Specifies the type of input element to display. |
value | string | number | No | No | The value of the text field. |
width | string | number | No | No | Sets maximum width of input. |
A basic text field. Use the Label
component to describe what the user should enter in the text field.
1 2import { Label, Textfield } from "@forge/react"; export default function TextfieldBasicExample() { return ( <> <Label labelFor="textfield">Field label</Label> <Textfield name="basic" id="textfield" /> </> ); }
Always use a label component for each field and associate the label to the field properly. Use the HelperMessage
component for any optional field-related message.
For required fields, always add RequiredAsterisk
component next to the label.
Use ErrorMessage
or ValidMessage
components to display validation-related messages.
1 2import React, { useState } from "react"; import { ErrorMessage, Label, RequiredAsterisk, Textfield } from "@forge/react"; export default function TextfieldValidation() { const [error, setError] = useState(undefined); const validate = (event) => { const value =; if (value.length === 0) { setError('This field is required'); } else { setError(undefined); } }; return ( <> <Label labelFor="textfield"> Field label <RequiredAsterisk /> </Label> <Textfield appearance="standard" placeholder="Placeholder" onChange={validate} /> {error && <ErrorMessage>{error}</ErrorMessage>} </> ); }
The default text field appearance.
1 2export default function TextfieldAppearanceStandard() { return ( <Textfield appearance="standard" placeholder="Enter project name" /> ); }
A text field that's transparent until focused.
1 2export default function TextfieldAppearanceSubtle() { return ( <Textfield appearance="subtle" placeholder="Enter project name" /> ); }
A text field with compact spacing.
1 2import { Label, Textfield } from "@forge/react"; export default function TextfieldCompact() { return ( <> <Label labelFor="textfield">Field label</Label> <Textfield id="textfield" spacing="compact" defaultValue="Compact text field" /> </> ); }
The different states a text field can be in.
1 2import { Label, Textfield } from "@forge/react"; export default function TextfieldStates() { return ( <Stack space="space.300"> <Box> <Label labelFor="textfield">Field label</Label> <Textfield id="textfield" defaultValue="Disabled" isDisabled /> </Box> <Box> <Label labelFor="textfield">Field label</Label> <Textfield id="textfield" defaultValue="Invalid" isInvalid /> </Box> <Box> <Label labelFor="textfield">Field label</Label> <Textfield id="textfield" defaultValue="Read-only" isReadOnly /> </Box> <Box> <Label labelFor="textfield" isRequired>Field label</Label> <Textfield id="textfield" defaultValue="Invalid" isRequired /> </Box> </Stack> ); }
Elements can be added before and after the input.
1 2import { Textfield, Icon } from "@forge/react"; export default function TextfieldElements() { return ( <Stack space="space.300"> <Textfield elemBeforeInput={ <Box xcss={{ marginTop: "space.050", marginLeft: "space.100" }}> <Icon glyph="user-avatar-circle" label="User" /> </Box> } placeholder="Before input" /> <Textfield elemAfterInput={ <Box xcss={{ marginTop: "space.050", marginRight: "space.100" }}> <Icon glyph="error" label="error" /> </Box> } placeholder="After input" /> </Stack> ); }
Validation can be applied to a text field when used in a Form
component along with the useForm
1 2import { Form, Field, Label, Textfield, Button, ErrorMessage, useForm } from "@forge/react"; export default function TextfieldFormExample() { const { handleSubmit, register, getFieldId, formState } = useForm(); return ( <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit((data) => console.log(data))}> <Button onClick={() => console.log(formState)}>Log form state</Button> <FormHeader title="Form header" /> <FormSection> <Label labelFor={getFieldId("textfield")}>Field label</Label> <Textfield {...register("textfield", { minLength: 10 })} /> {formState.errors.textfield && ( <ErrorMessage>Minimum 10 characters required</ErrorMessage> )} </FormSection> <FormFooter align="start"> <Button appearance="primary" type="submit"> Submit </Button> </FormFooter> </Form> ); }
When using the Textfield
component, we recommend keeping the following accessibility considerations in mind:
component, make sure the label is associated properly to the field for accessibility.Rate this page:
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