Single value (EAP)

UI Kit data visualization components are now available as part of Forge’s Early Access Program (EAP). To start using this EAP, sign up using the Forge EAP form.

Forge’s EAP offers experimental features to selected users for testing and feedback purposes. These features are unsupported and not recommended for use in production environments. They are also subject to change without notice.

For more details , see Forge EAP, Preview, and GA.

A visualization representation of information with a single value as its metrics. The metric can be displayed with a increase/decrease indicator to display trends or changes over time.

You must be on @forge/react major version 10.3.0 or higher to use the latest version of UI Kit components. To install:

npm install --save @forge/react@latest

To add the SingleValueChart component to your app:

import { SingleValueChart } from '@forge/react';


datanumber | number[]YesData can be one of two formats:
  1. A number - The value that is displayed, abbreviated at the thousand, millions, trillions and billions.
  2. An array of numbers: The first number in the array is used as the display value, the second number in the array is used to calculate the increase/decrease percentage relative to the first number.
heightnumberNoThe static height of the chart in pixels. Defaults to 120.
widthnumberNoThe static width of the chart in pixels. If this is not specified, the width is responsive.
titlestringNoA string value that represents the title of the chart.
subtitlestringNoA string value that represents the subtitle of the chart. This appears below the metric value.
showBorderbooleanNoBoolean to display the chart border. Defaults to false.

Example app

Supported Modules

For the EAP release, support for the SingleValueChart component has been enabled in the following modules:

Confluence All modules
Jira All modules
Bitbucket Not supported
Compass Not supported
Jira Service Management Not supported

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