Dynamic table

To add the DynamicTable component to your app:

1 import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";


A dynamic table displays rows of data with built-in pagination, sorting, and re-ordering functionality.


captionstringNoCaption for the table styled as a heading.
defaultPagenumberNoDefault page dynamic table should show when initially rendering.
defaultSortKeystringNoDefault column sort key that the rows should be sorted by. Corresponds to the key's defined in the head prop.
defaultSortOrder"ASC" | "DESC"NoDefault column sort order used when initially rendering. Defaults to ASC.
emptyViewForgeElement | stringNoShown when the table has no rows.
headHeadCellType+NoCells to be placed in the head of the table. Each element in the head creates a new column.
highlightedRowIndexnumber | number[]NoHighlight row(s) of the table. Note that row indexes start from 0.
isFixedSizebooleanNoDisplays columns as their initial width regardless of the content that loads in.
isLoadingbooleanNoDisplays a loading spinner overlaid on top of the current page.
isRankablebooleanNoEnables drag & drop sorting of table rows when the table is unsorted.
LabelstringNoUsed to provide a better description of the table for users with assistive technologies. Rather than a screen reader speaking "Table", passing in a label allows a custom message like "Sample Numerical Data table".
loadingSpinnerSize"small" | "large"NoConfiguration of the loading spinner shown when isLoading is true. Defaults to large when a page has more than two rows, else small.
onRankEnd (rankEnd: RankEnd) => void , where RankEnd is defined as:
{ sourceIndex: number; sourceKey: string; destination?: { index: number; afterKey?: string; beforeKey?: string; }; }
NoCallback fired when a drop of a row has completed.
onRankStart(rankStart: { index: number; key: string; }) => voidNoCallback fired when a drag of a row has started.
onSetPage(page: number) => voidNoCallback fired when the table page has changed. Useful when wanting to control dynamic table.
pagenumberNoPage the table should show. Useful when wanting to control dynamic table.
paginationi18nI18nShape+Labels for the previous and next buttons used in pagination. Defaults to previous and next.
rowsRowType[]+NoRows to be placed in the table. Each row contains cells which should map to the ones defined in the head. Ensure each cell has a unique key per column - this is used for both reconciliation of lists and column sorting.
rowsPerPagenumberNoControls how many rows should be displayed per page. If set, also turns on pagination if there is more than one page to show.
sortKeystringNoColumn key that the rows should be sorted by. Corresponds to the keys defined in the head prop. Useful when wanting to control dynamic table.
sortOrder"ASC" | "DESC"NoColumn sort order. Useful when wanting to control dynamic table.

Some of the above props require inputs of specifically-typed objects defined for inputs to this component. See below section for their properties.


Below are some helper types defined for the DynamicTable component. They should be inputted into DynamicTable as objects with the properties specified below each corresponding type.


The type of each row within a table.

cellsRowCellType[]YesCells to be placed in this row.
keystringNoThe key of this row. Note that this property is required for ranking to function.
isHighlightedbooleanNoHighlights the row. Should be used to draw attention to a row, not to indicate selection.


The type of each cell within a row.

keystring | numberNoKey to resolve sorting this cell in its column. Ensure each cell has a unique key per column as this is used for both reconciliation of lists and column sorting.
colSpannumberNoThe number of columns a cell should span. Defaults to 1, and maxes out at the total column width of the table.
contentForgeElement | stringNoThe content of the cell.

This prop currently only accepts primitive components or strings. It does not accept function components. This is a known limitation.


The type of each cell within a header.

It contains all of RowCellType's properties, as well as the following:

isSortablebooleanNoWhether the column the cell sits above is sortable.
widthnumberNoThe width of the cell as a percentage.
shouldTruncatebooleanNoWhether the text in the cell will truncate or not if constrained.


Labels for the buttons used in pagination.

prevstringYesAccessible label applied to the previous page button in the pagination component.
nextstringYesAccessible label applied to the next page button in the pagination component.
labelstringYesAccessible label applied to the current page button in the pagination component.
pageLabelstringNoAccessible label for the individual page numbers. The page number is automatically appended to the pageLabel. For Example, pageLabel="página" will render aria-label="página 1" as the label for page 1.


Unless specified otherwise, examples below use the following data model in their tables for easier readability.

const createKey = (input) => {
  return input ? input.replace(/^(the|a|an)/, "").replace(/\s/g, "") : input;

// applied as rows in the form
export const rows = presidents.map((president, index) => ({
  key: `row-${index}-${president.name}`,
  cells: [
      key: createKey(president.name),
      content: <Link href="">{president.name}</Link>,
      key: createKey(president.party),
      content: president.party,
      key: president.id,
      content: president.term,

export const head = {
  cells: [
      key: "name",
      content: "Name",
      isSortable: true,
      key: "party",
      content: "Party",
      shouldTruncate: true,
      isSortable: true,
      key: "term",
      content: "Term",
      shouldTruncate: true,
      isSortable: true,

Data used are as below:

export const presidents = [
    id: 1,
    name: "George Washington",
    party: "None, Federalist",
    term: "1789-1797",
    id: 2,
    name: "John Adams",
    party: "Federalist",
    term: "1697-1701",
    id: 3,
    name: "Thomas Jefferson",
    party: "Democratic-Republican",
    term: "1801-1809",
    id: 4,
    name: "James Madison",
    party: "Democratic-Republican",
    term: "1809-1817",
    id: 5,
    name: "James Monroe",
    party: "Democratic-Republican",
    term: "1817-1825",
    id: 6,
    name: "John Quincy Adams",
    party: "Democratic-Republican",
    term: "1825-1829",
    id: 7,
    name: "Andrew Jackson",
    party: "Democrat",
    term: "1829-1837",
    id: 8,
    name: "Martin van Buren",
    party: "Democrat",
    term: "1837-1841",
    id: 9,
    name: "William H. Harrison",
    party: "Whig",
    term: "1841",
    id: 10,
    name: "John Tyler",
    party: "Whig",
    term: "1841-1845",
    id: 11,
    name: "James K. Polk",
    party: "Democrat",
    term: "1845-1849",


Dynamic table manages sorting, pagination, loading, and drag and drop state management by default.

Example image of a rendered dynamic table

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
import { head, rows } from "./data";

export default function Table() {
  return (
      caption="List of US Presidents"


Sorting a dynamic table is done based on the key set on each cell. You can sort the table via directly interacting with the table headers, or through the sortKey, sortOrder, defaultSortKey and defaultSortOrder properties.

The content of a cell does not affect its sorted order. The below example is sorted by parties after clicking on the "Party" header.

Example image of a rendered sorted dynamic table

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
import { head, rows } from "./data";

export default function TableSorted() {
  return (

Loading states

Dynamic table uses a spinner to denote loading state. This is toggled by the isLoading prop.

Table content is set to 20% opacity in this loading state.

Example image of a rendered loading dynamic table with a toggle button

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
import { head, rows } from "./data";

export default function TableLoading() {
  return (

Empty view

Use the emptyView prop to show an empty view in the dynamic table. Empty views communicate that the table has no content to show. If there is an action that a user must take to create or show table content, add this to the empty view.

Example image of a rendered empty dynamic table with an empty view

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
import { head } from "./data";

export default function TableEmpty() {
  return (
      emptyView="No data to display"


Dynamic table can render without a table header if no head is supplied.

Example image of a rendered dynamic table with no header

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
import { rows } from "./data";

export default function TableHeadless() {
  return (


Pagination is enabled or disabled by setting or unsetting the rowsPerPage prop. If the rowsPerPage prop is set and there is more than one page of content, the pagination component is added below the table.

Example image of a rendered paginated dynamic table

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
import { head, rows } from "./data";

export default function TableSorted() {
  return (

Drag and drop

Drag and drop functionality is built into dynamic table and is enabled using the isRankable prop. This allows you to drag rows and rank them in different orders.

Example image of a rendered dynamic table with a row dragged out

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
import { rows } from "./data";

export default function TableDragAndDrop() {
  return (


Larger tables or tables that cannot be constrained easily can use horizontal scroll. This isn't supported directly by dynamic table, but the component can be easily extended to support this.

Be mindful that horizontally scrolling tables can cause accessibility issues if there isn't enough visual affordance to indicate that the table has a scroll. For this reason, we recommend finding ways to simplify the table before opting for a horizontal scroll solution.

Example image of a rendered dynamic table with overflow

import { DynamicTable, xcss } from "@forge/react";
import { rows } from "./data";

const overflowStyles = xcss({
	overflowX: 'auto',

const wrapperStyles = xcss({
	width: '1000px',

export default function TableOverflow() {
  return (
    <Box xcss={overflowStyles}>
      <Box xcss={wrapperStyles}>

Custom column span

Individual cells can utilise colSpan to allow them to spill into other columns.

Example image of a rendered dynamic table with custom colSpans

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
const days = ["Time", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"];

const head = {
  cells: days.map((day) => ({
    key: day,
    content: day,

const rows = [
    key: `morning-row`,
    cells: ["9:00", "Math", "History", "Science", "Computing", "Math"].map(
      (content, index) => ({
        key: index,
    key: "midday-row",
    cells: [
        key: 0,
        content: "12:00",
        key: 1,
        content: "LUNCH",
        colSpan: 5,
    key: "afternoon-row",
    cells: [
    ].map((content, index) => ({
      key: index,

const CustomColSpanExample = () => (
    caption="Class timetable"

Highlighted row

Rows can be highlighted to provide additional visual prominence to a row. For example, use highlighted rows when rows are added. This should not be used to reflect selection.

Example image of a rendered dynamic table with highlighted rows

import { DynamicTable } from "@forge/react";
import { head, rows } from "./data";

export default function TableHighlighted() {
  return (
      highlightedRowIndex={[0, 1]}

Accessibility considerations

When using the DynamicTable component, we recommend keeping the following accessibility considerations in mind:

  • Use tables to make content easier to read.
  • Use only relevant text or data so that it’s easy to understand.
  • Clearly label columns with simple language. This makes it easier to understand and eases screen reader navigation.
  • Provide a description for complex tables. This helps the user gain context about the data. It also helps people with screen readers have an overview of the table.

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