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Empty State (Preview)

This section describes a Forge preview feature. Preview features are deemed stable; however, they remain under active development and may be subject to shorter deprecation windows. Preview features are suitable for early adopters in production environments.

We release preview features so partners and developers can study, test, and integrate them prior to General Availability (GA). For more information, see Forge release phases: EAP, Preview, and GA.

To add the EmptyState component to your app:

import { EmptyState } from '@forge/react';


An empty state appears when there is no data to display and describes what the user can do next.


buttonGroupLabelstringNoAccessible name for the action buttons group.
descriptionstringNoThe main block of text that holds additional supporting information.
headingstringYesTitle that briefly describes the page to the user.
headingLevelnumberNoThe value used to set the heading level of the header element. Must be in the range of 1 to 6. Defaults to 4.
isLoadingbooleanNoUsed to indicate a loading state. Will show a spinner next to the action buttons when true.
primaryActionForgeElementNoPrimary action button for the page.
secondaryActionForgeElementNoSecondary action button for the page.
tertiaryActionForgeElementNoTertiary action button for the page.
width"narrow" | "wide"NoControls how much horizontal space the component fills. Defaults to wide.



The only required property of an empty state is the header.

Example image of empty state

export const EmptyStateExample = () => {
  return <EmptyState header="You don't have access to this issue" />;

Custom heading level

The heading level rendered by default is heading level 4. To make sure that the empty state is accessible, headings must follow a logical order. If the empty state does not follow a h3 or h4 in the reading order, then you will need to modify the heading order to the next logical heading level.

Example image of empty state with custom heading level

export const CustomHeadingLevelEmptyStateExample = () => {
  return <EmptyState header="You don't have access to this issue" headingLevel={1} />;


Descriptions should add useful and relevant additional information.

Example image of empty state with description

export const EmptyStateWithDescriptionExample = () => {
  return <EmptyState
    header="You don't have access to this issue"
    description="Make sure the issue exists in this project. If it does, ask a project admin for permission to see the project's issues."



Use a primary action button to recommend the best next step that people can take.

Example image of empty state one action

export const EmptyStateWithOneActionExample = () => {
  return <EmptyState
    header="You don't have access to this issue"
    primaryAction={<Button appearance="primary">Request access</Button>}


Use a secondary action button to recommend an alternate step that people could take. This will render on the left side of the primary action button.

Example image of empty state with two actions

export const EmptyStateWithTwoActionsExample = () => {
  return <EmptyState
    header="You don't have access to this issue"
    primaryAction={<Button appearance="primary">Request access</Button>}
    secondaryAction={<Button>View permissions</Button>}


Use tertiary action buttons to link to external resources or documentation to further explain how to resolve the empty state. This will render below the primary and secondary action buttons.

Example image of empty state with all actions

export const EmptyStateWithAllActionsExample = () => {
  return <EmptyState
    header="You don't have access to this issue"
    primaryAction={<Button appearance="primary">Request access</Button>}
    secondaryAction={<Button>View permissions</Button>}
      <LinkButton appearance="link" href="/">
        About permissions

Loading State

Use the isLoading prop to indicate a loading state. This will show a spinner next to the action buttons when true.

Example image of loading state empty state

export const LoadingStateEmptyStateExample = () => {
  return <EmptyState
    header="You don't have access to this issue"
    primaryAction={<Button appearance="primary">Request access</Button>}



The horizontal space that an empty state takes up can be controlled with the width prop. It can be set to either narrow or wide, where the default is wide.

Example image of narrow empty state

export const NarrowEmptyStateExample = () => {
  return <EmptyState
    header="You don't have access to this issue"
    description="Make sure the issue exists in this project. If it does, ask a project admin for permission to see the project's issues."
    primaryAction={<Button appearance="primary">Request access</Button>}

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