
To add the Heading component to your app:

1 import { Heading } from '@forge/react';


A heading is a typography component used to display text in different sizes and formats.


as"h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6"YesAllows the component to be rendered as the specified DOM element.
childrenstringNoThe text of the heading.
color"color.text" | "color.text.inverse" | "color.text.warning.inverse"NoText color of the heading. Defaults to "color.text". Use "color.text.inverse" for a light text color over a dark background. Use "color.text.warning.inverse" for a dark text color over a warning background.
idstringNoUnique identifier for the heading DOM element.



The selected as will affect the final HTML element rendered in the DOM.

Example image of headings and their levels

import { Stack, Heading } from "@forge/react";

const HeadingBasicExample = () => {
  return (
    <Stack space="space.100">
      <Heading as="h1">h1</Heading>
      <Heading as="h2">h2</Heading>
      <Heading as="h3">h3</Heading>
      <Heading as="h4">h4</Heading>
      <Heading as="h5">h5</Heading>
      <Heading as="h6">h6</Heading>


Set color to change the text color in the heading. Use color="color.text.inverse" for headings placed on a dark background or color="color.text.warning.inverse" for headings placed on a warning background for better color contrast.

Example image of heading with inverse color

import { Box, Heading, Stack } from "@forge/react";

const HeadingInverseExample = () => {
  return (
    <Stack space="space.200">
      <Box backgroundColor="color.background.brand.boldest">
        <Heading color="color.text.inverse" as="h1">
          Heading color can be manually inverted.
      <Box backgroundColor="color.background.warning.bold">
        <Heading color="color.text.warning.inverse" as="h1">
          Heading color can be manually inverted.

Accessibility considerations

When using the Heading component, we recommend keeping the following accessibility considerations in mind:

  • Consistent and clear hierarchy helps people navigate the page. Use headings and titles to outline the page so people can understand the page structure.

  • The most important heading has the rank 1 (<h1>), the least important heading has the rank 6 (<h6>). Headings with an equal or higher rank start a new section, headings with a lower rank start new subsections that are part of the higher ranked section. There should only be one rank 1 (<h1>) heading per page which explains the main purpose of the page.

  • Never skip lower heading levels. For example, a <h2> should not be followed by an <h4>. It should be followed by an <h3> (for a lower section in the hierarchy), or another <h2> (for a section of the same level of importance). It is ok to skip ranks when closing subsections, for instance, a <h2> beginning a new section, can follow a <h4> as it closes the previous section.

  • Text should be a minimum of 3:1 color contrast when it is 24px or larger, and 4.5:1 color contrast when it is under 24px. Use color="color.text.inverse" for headings placed on a dark surface for better color contrast.

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