
To add the Spinner component to your app:

1 import { Spinner } from '@forge/react';


A spinner is an animated spinning icon that lets users know that content is being loaded.


appearance"inherit" | "invert"NoYou can use this to invert the current theme. This is useful when you are displaying a spinner on a background that is not the same background color scheme as the main content.
delaynumberNoDelay the intro animation of the spinner. This is not to be used to avoid quick flickering of the spinner. The spinner will automatically fade in and takes ~200ms to become partially visible. This prop can be helpful for long delays such as 500-1000ms for when you want to not show a spinner until some longer period of time has elapsed.
labelstringNoDescribes what the spinner is doing for assistive technologies. For example, "loading", "submitting", or "processing".
size'xsmall' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge' | numberNoSize of the spinner. The available sizes are xsmall, small, medium, large, and xlarge. For most use cases, we recommend medium.



The default form of the spinner.

Example image of a spinner

const SpinnerExample = () => <Spinner label="loading" />


Use the invert appearance when using the spinner on a dark background.

Example image of a inverted spinner

const SpinnerInvertExample = () => <Spinner label="loading" appearance="invert" />


The spinner can be set to different sizes. medium is the default size and is recommended for most use cases.

Example image of spinner sizes

const SpinnerSizeExample = () => {
  return (
      <Spinner size="xsmall" />
      <Spinner size="small" />
      <Spinner size="medium" />
      <Spinner size="large" />
      <Spinner size="xlarge" />
      <Spinner size={80} />

Accessibility considerations

When using the Spinner component, we recommend keeping the following accessibility considerations in mind:

  • Always use a label to add context for assistive technologies. Make sure the label accurately describes the type of process that's occurring. For example, "loading", "submitting", or "processing".

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