Last updated Jul 26, 2024

Change product plan

Compass currently offers the Free and Standard plans:

  • The Free plan allows unlimited basic users per site and up to three full users for free.

  • The Standard plan allows unlimited basic users and up to 35,000 full users, plus it gives you access to more features, support, and data retention limits.

Learn more about Compass plans and pricing

If you're using Compass already, you can change your plan to suit your organization's needs.

Change your current plan

Note the following points when changing your current plan for Compass:

  • Only billing admins, organization admins, or site admins can change product plans.

  • When you upgrade from a Free plan to a paid plan, make sure you add your payment details before your trial ends. If there's no payment on file, your subscription will be deactivated if you have more than three full users or reverted to the Free plan in case the full user count is three or fewer.

  • When changing from a paid plan to a Free plan, if you have exceeded the maximum limit of three full users for Free plan, reduce the number of full users and then continue with the plan change.

To learn how to change your plan, see Manage your subscription for Standard and Premium plans.

For all other information to manage subscriptions and billing for Atlassian cloud products, see Subscriptions and billing.

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